Tag Archives: Racism

‘La Migra’ – It’s Everyone’s Issue!

Sheri Leigh speaks with Benicia City Council Member Kari Birdseye for a City – and Parent – Perspective

Sheri Leigh
Sheri Leigh, Benicia resident and educator.

This is the perspective of Benicia City Council Member Kari Birdseye, a 23-year Benicia resident and parent of two Benicia public school alumni.  As an elected official and a full-time communications manager for a non-profit environmental organization, Kari is a busy woman.  I ran into her at a recent Benicia Arts Council event and was grateful that she was willing to give me her perspective on the La Migra Games.  We had a very informative phone conversation between her work-related engagements.  

Benicia City Council Member, 23-year Benicia resident, and parent of two speaks to Sheri Leigh about ‘La Migra.’ | Photo from Kari Birdseye’s 2022 Campaign.

Benicia City Council Member Kari Birdseye and the other members of the Benicia City Council stand together with the Benicia police and the Benicia Unified School District (BUSD) on the matter of the student-orchestrated, traditional annual chase game they call La Migra.  Recognizing the racist overtone that is self-evident in the title of the game, the potential physical and emotional harm to individuals, and the ongoing threat to public safety, they want the games stopped – permanently.  This year, City Council and staff publicly acknowledged that this is a community issue that affects everyone in Benicia and teamed up with other municipal stakeholders.  

Ms. Birdseye is proud of the efforts that took place between City Hall, the police, and the school district this last year.  All three agencies worked together to notify the public about the upcoming game, sending out emails and issuing warning notices on their websites, in local news publications, and on social media pages.  The school district actively reached out to BUSD parents to educate them about the dangers of the game, urging them not to allow their children to participate.  Student leaders also urged their classmates to stay away from the games and out of trouble. The police department put extra patrols on duty on the night that was selected for the game.  

Click to enlarge. On March 29, 2023, BUSD issued a warning to parents and families of students that the game was imminent, describing its rules and warning of the potential physical and emotional harm.

According to Council Member Birdseye, the coordinated agency efforts made some impact: student participation was down from the previous year.  Over the course of the evening, police ‘apprehended’ dozens of students, keeping them at the station until they were safely remanded to parent or guardian custody.  When parents and guardians arrived at the station, they were provided with information about the game and warned to be more cautious about and aware of their children’s activities.  

The La Migra “games” has been going on for decades. They were happening when Ms. Birdseye’s children were in high school, and they vividly recall the experience.  Her daughter, who graduated in 2017, was (and still is) a social-justice warrior.  She was offended by La Migra games as a high school freshman, immediately seeing the racial harm.  Ms. Birdseye’s daughter actively advocated to her friends and classmates NOT to participate, continuing her efforts throughout her high school years.  She is now pursuing her Master’s degree in Education at San Francisco State.  

Some Benicia High School students have taken action against the game, posting warnings to discourage peers from participating. | This image is a still from a 2023 NBC Bay Area report.

Ms. Birdseye believes that the underclassmen are highly influenced by their desire to fit in.  They might not yet understand the harm or the danger of the game.  It’s the seniors, she feels, who should know better.  They are deliberately choosing to be in the role of pursuer, emulating and perpetuating a painful history, in effect weaponizing that history against our community’s Latino citizens and immigrants, and against those who are most vulnerable in our society.   

The work that the municipal agencies have begun towards dismantling this damaging tradition is just the beginning.  Ms. Birdseye assured me that each of the agencies, City government, police and the school district, are committed to maintaining their efforts to curtail the La Migra games.

But this is not just an agency problem.  We are all affected by this issue. 

Benicia Superintendent collaborated with students, community to warn against ‘La Migra.’ The game started before he could even finish.

[Note from BenIndy Contributor Nathalie Christian: Sheri’s words and work on the La Migra series need no introduction, so you don’t see me here often. However, this time, I would like to draw extra attention the painful reality that the 2023 La Migra game occurred on Cesar Chavez Day, as Sheri notes below. Benicia High School previously had a tradition of student-led ‘slave auctions’ that continues in other school districts; now imagine if one had occurred on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Whether the timing was coincidence or cruelty, I can’t say, but both represent a serious need for real conversations, and real change. Sheri is clearly invested in both, as is BUSD Superintendent Dr. Wright. (The above represents my opinion and my opinion alone.)]

Sheri Leigh speaks with Benicia Superintendent Dr. Damon Wright for the School District’s perspective 

Sheri Leigh
Sheri Leigh, Benicia resident and educator.

Once school was out for the summer, I met with Dr. Damon Wright, Benicia Unified School District (BUSD) Superintendent. We met in his office to discuss the impacts of the ‘La Migra’ games. Dr. Wright was welcoming and transparent in his manner, and open to ideas and public input. He and I found that we share a deep commitment to eliminating racism in schools and the community, and creating a safe and equitable environment for all young people.

Dr. Damon Wright became the Benicia Unified School District Superintendent in May of 2022, but he is not new to Benicia. For several years, beginning 2012, Dr. Wright was the Principal of Benicia High School. He then took an administrator position in the Fairfield School District Administration office before returning to us in his current leadership role.

Dr. Wright’s motto is, “education is the great equalizer,” and he is a champion for equity. He promotes holistic support for social-emotional, as well as academic, learning. He does not want our young people to be involved in the student-orchestrated ‘La Migra Games.’

Dr. Damon Wright, Benicia Unified School District Superintendent. | Photo from BUSD Press Release.

Although the premise of the ‘game’ is upperclassmen vs. lowerclassmen, the name, ‘La Migra; is triggering to many. Dr. Wright clearly recognizes the racially charged and highly offensive reference to the disturbing plight of the undocumented immigrants in this community and in this country. The game is not only potentially dangerous for the participants, it mocks the marked racially and socio-economically based imbalance between those who are established and hold the power, and those who are trying to get a foothold into a better life for themselves and their families. That’s the parallel- those that are on top versus those who are on the bottom. That explains the connection to ‘La Migra’ but hardly makes it right.

One of the preliminary action items on Dr. Wright’s agenda when assuming his leadership position at the Benicia School District was to stop the students from participating in the La Migra game. He began his efforts in earnest during the fall of 2022. Working in tandem with the City staff and the police department, Dr. Wright and his team developed a plan of action.

At school, Dr. Wright worked closely with Benicia High School Principal Briana Kleinschmidt, engaging the staff and student leaders to discourage student involvement. Although only a small percentage of the school population actually participate in the game, the school leaders made an all-out effort to educate the community about this tradition.

Dr. Wright and school administrators sent several pieces of correspondence to staff and families, informing them about the La Migra games and encouraging parents to keep their students home. The student based group, Friday Night Live, which promotes healthy and safe student activities, took it upon themselves to create and put up posters, dissuading students from participating in the games. Other student leaders talked with their classmates about the implications of the game and cautioned them against being part of it.

Click to enlarge. On March 29, 2023, BUSD issued a warning to parents and families of students that the game was imminent, describing its rules and warning of the potential physical and emotional harm. Despite this warning, and the coordinated, widespread and targeted efforts of BUSD staff and students along with other community partners, the game continued. Twenty children were apprehended by the police, with one facing charges of assault and battery.

At the community partnership level, Dr. Wright participated in meetings with police and city officials. Together, they learned of the date, time and location of the starting point of the 2023 game, which ironically happened to be on March 31, the national holiday set aside to commemorate the Latino American civil rights and labor movement activist Cesar Chavez. The police also carried maps of the City, tracking possible routes from the starting point to the destination or endpoint of the game, and where underclassmen, posing as undocumented immigrants and refugees, were attempting to reach on foot before being ‘captured and deported’ by the upperclassmen.

Dr. Wright, along with several other school officials and five police vehicles, went to the opening of the game that evening. Dr. Wright spoke to the students who were there. He urged them to consider the emotional impacts of the game on anyone who had any experience with or fears of immigration and the perpetuation of a racist attitude towards the disenfranchised. He indicated the awaiting police officers and gave one final plea for the students to reconsider their intentions before they got hurt or became unwittingly involved with law enforcement. He challenged them to change their evening plans and go home safely without consequence.

Before Dr. Wright was finished speaking, the ‘game’ began. That evening, several students were apprehended by the Benicia police. These students were detained at the station and remanded to their parents. One upperclassman was charged with battery for wielding and firing a pellet gun.

A lawn with kids running away.
‘La Migra’ is slang for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and is the name used for this controversial game based on ICE agents deporting undocumented immigrants. This image is from a 2018 video showing footage of the Game starting.

Because the La Migra games are not school-based, nor do they happen on school property or during school hours, the District cannot enforce any disciplinary action. That restriction is outlined in the California Department of Education and Benicia School Board Codes.

However, if the games continue, Dr. Wright is willing to consider other types of consequences for participants. For example, school-based extracurricular sports and other teams or clubs have their own Codes of Conduct, which can be revised to include consequences for inappropriate social behavior outside of school. The privilege of participating in graduation events can also be considered.

Last year, the efforts made by Dr. Wright and his team to inform the community and discourage the students from taking part in the Migra Games had a positive impact. There were fewer students participating in the La Migra Games in spring of 2023 than in previous years. More parents were aware and kept their children home. Dr. Wright is proud of the efforts of his team and the students and families who took a proactive and progressive approach towards abolishing the game, and looks forward to a continued concerted effort, eventually resulting in the elimination of any celebration of  La Migra. It is his hope that within a short time, the game will become less and less popular, and Benicia students will finally and irrevocably do away with this hurtful and unsafe tradition.

Share your story

If you would like Sheri to hear and share your perspective on the ‘La Migra’ Game, please contact her through the Benicia Independent. Remember that it is your story that is critical for others to hear, not your name, unless you would like to be identified.
Reach out to Sheri: benindy@beniciaindependent.com
Leave a voicemail for the BenIndy: ‪(707) 385-9972‬

(This is not a live line. You will be sent straight to voicemail.)


Versions of this story may be shared by other print and online sources, including the Benicia Herald. The Herald does not have an online edition. To support our local newspaper, please subscribe by email at beniciacirculation@gmail.com or by phone at 707-745-6838.

Is ‘La Migra’ racist and dangerous, or is it just for fun?

Sheri Leigh speaks with a former Benicia High School student about ‘La Migra’ for one player’s more positive perspective

Sheri Leigh
Sheri Leigh, Benicia resident and educator.

As I continue my quest for information regarding the La Migra Game, one young man, now 20, volunteered to share a more positive experience with me. He had played the game in the part of an ‘escapee’ or ‘undocumented,’ during his freshman and sophomore years, before the pandemic hit, and found it to be fun. I appreciate that this young man, who prefers to remain anonymous, was willing to give me his perspective. He was pleasant, candid and open with me in our extended phone conversation. He also demonstrated a depth of understanding into adolescent behavior, which I found impressive. 

Although there have been many reports of the inherent dangers and racist implications of the ‘La Migra’ games, some who have chosen to participate have described their experience as exciting, challenging, liberating and an excellent opportunity for teens to engage in a creative, student-led activity unrestricted by adult rules. It is a way for students to become involved in a very physical outdoor activity. One such former student, whom I’ll refer to as Max, chose to participate as an ‘escapee’ during his first two years of high school. He was only able to play twice, and may have continued had the pandemic not caused a halt to all social activities. 

A lawn with kids running away.
‘La Migra’ is slang for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and is the name used for this controversial game based on ICE agents deporting undocumented immigrants. | This image is from a 2018 broadcast showing footage of the game starting.

From Max’s account, the game was well publicized. He felt that all students were aware and could freely choose to be part of it or not. He does not recall any explicit rules prohibiting anyone from sharing the selected date, time and starting location with any adult. Max asked his parents if he could participate, and they did not object. 

At the appointed date and time, Max, along with the other game players, gathered at Jack London Park at the corner of Hastings and Rose Drive, where the game started. No one wrote down the names of the participants, but Max knew many of the people there. He recalls those playing as racially representative of the student body at large on both the escapee and the pursuer sides. Max is ethnically of mixed Filipino and white cultures himself, and did not sense any discomfort in regards to his ethnicity, nor did he find the title ‘La Migra’ to be offensive or racially discriminatory. 

In the safest version of the game, younger students playing as ‘undocumenteds’ must travel from Jack London Park to Fitzgerald Field while evading capture by older students posing as ICE agents. In more violent iterations, students have been assaulted both physically and verbally on First Street and Military among other locations. This Google Map shows a few possible routes children can take through Benicia to reach their destination.

The ‘undocumenteds’ were given a ten-minute head start to make it across town to Fitzgerald Baseball Field on East 2nd and East H Streets, traveling on foot while evading capture. The students posing as ICE officers pursued in vehicles, attempting to catch them before they reached safety (the field). Max did not get caught either year he played, but his friend did. The students who picked up the friend dropped him off ‘somewhere else’ in town, where he continued playing with a more extensive route to safety. Eventually his friend made it to the baseball field, too, although it took him longer than most. The whole process was about five hours. 

When asked about what punishments the captured students may have received, the worst Max had heard was that some were egged. He did not hear of any non-participants getting targeted, and felt that anyone could simply call out that they ‘weren’t playing’ if approached, and that would be respected. Max also felt that the students were mindful and watched out for each other’s behavior, making sure that everyone was respectful and safe. According to Max, no one he knows of ‘got out of line.’

When asked about police involvement, Max said he found them intrusive. It was clear from his perspective that the police were definitely aware of the games and would stop to interrogate and intimidate students whenever the opportunity arose, tamping down the collective enthusiasm.

From Max’s description of his experiences the games seem reasonably benign and, from a teenage perspective, fun. There is the thrill of being chased, of participating in something edgy and loosely structured, and of being victorious when successfully arriving at the safe zone without being apprehended. It keeps kids away from their electronics and the internet for at least one active evening. It provides an engaging activity for Benicia’s youth in a community where they do not always have an outlet for their creative energy.

Some Benicia children participate in the game for an edgy student-led physical challenge in a town that some feel does not offer youth enough opportunities for creative expression, outdoor activity and interpersonal connection. | This image is a still from a 2018 KBCW broadcast and has been blurred to protect child privacy.

And it’s student led. Since the game has been going on for decades, obviously, it fills a need that young people have for an all-engaging, community-building activity. 

When I shared with Max the more recent experiences of a non-participating student who was called hate-based derogatory names and shot with ice pellets, he was appalled and agreed that the behavior of those particular students was cruel and dangerous. He insisted that wouldn’t have happened in the years that he played.

We discussed how isolation from the pandemic and the internet seem to have disrupted the development of important moral values and socialization skills in adolescents. It seems that many teens no longer know how to treat another individual who is not in their social bubble with proper respect and concern. He believes that if this type of behavior continues it is likely to lead to a complete shut-down of the games, which would be a loss to the youth of our community. 

Max had an ideal experience with the games, one that in a perfect world would be how it is meant to be played – with fun, safety and respect first and foremost. Unfortunately, with the loose structure of the game, including minimal rules, no records kept, and no oversight, there is a lot that could go wrong. One or two cruel individuals or one safety mishap could lead to a participant or bystander getting injured, being traumatized, or killed, in a horrible tragedy for all.  

The question remains, can we satisfy the need for a student-conducted game filled with exciting and imaginary dangers that do not turn into real ones? 

Share your story

If you would like Sheri to hear and share your perspective on the ‘La Migra’ Game, please contact her through the Benicia Independent. Remember that it is your story that is critical for others to hear, not your name, unless you would like to be identified.
Reach out to Sheri: benindy@beniciaindependent.com
Leave a voicemail for the BenIndy: ‪(707) 385-9972‬

(This is not a live line. You will be sent straight to voicemail.)


Versions of this story may be shared by other print and online sources, including the Benicia Herald. The Herald does not have an online edition. To support our local newspaper, please subscribe by email at beniciacirculation@gmail.com or by phone at 707-745-6838.

Poor representation for Mexican-Americans created a cultural vacuum in Benicia. ‘La Migra’ filled it.

Sheri Leigh speaks with long-time Benicia resident about ‘La Migra’ for a Mexican-American perspective

Sheri Leigh
Sheri Leigh, Benicia resident and educator.

I first connected with Jennifer (a pseudonym) when she responded to my editorial on the ‘La Migra Games,’ which I posted on Nextdoor as well as local newspapers. When I met with her, I felt very much at ease with this highly educated and soft-spoken 65-year-old Mexican-American woman. She shared her experiences as a woman of Color in this community and the pain elicited by the title and intent of the ‘La Migra’ games. Tears came to my eyes as she talked about never feeling accepted by the people in this community and the trauma of growing up as a child of undocumented parents. We are both new grandmothers, each of a child with Mexican heritage, and we both fervently hope they do not have the same fearful experiences

Photo by ev on Unsplash.

Jennifer and her husband first moved to Benicia when their daughter was very young. They moved here for the quiet, connected community and the quality of the schools. She lived in Benicia for 15 years, while her daughter attended Benicia public schools. When her daughter graduated, Jennifer moved closer to her job in East Bay, returning to Benicia upon her retirement. 

During her first 15 years in Benicia, Jennifer was an involved parent of a Benicia student. She was frequently in the company of other local mothers, usually as the only woman of Color in the group. She often felt isolated at meetings. The other women mostly ignored her when chatting or attempted awkward engagement by making disingenuous comments about her ‘exotic clothing’ and colorful styles. Jennifer felt out of place, but continued to participate for the sake of her daughter. 

Jennifer’s conversations with her daughter revealed that her child felt much the same way. Jennifer’s daughter was a good student and became involved in many activities. Most of her daughter’s ‘friends’ were white, but she admitted to her mother that she felt uncomfortable at social activities. She thought she was invited not because she was considered part of the group, but because she was a novelty, a child of mixed race who didn’t feel like she fit in. The girl didn’t see other children who looked like her or who had a Mexican mother. The daughter was so uncomfortable growing up in Benicia that when she went on to college, she vowed never to live here again. 

Events and programs honoring Latin America’s varied and rich cultural heritage are relatively rare in Benicia, even though Hispanics and Latinos represent almost 14% of our population, making them our second-largest demographic group. | Photo by Fili Santillán on Unsplash.

When Jennifer moved back to Benicia a few years ago, she was hoping for more diversity and progress towards equity. Instead, she became even more aware of the lack of inclusion for people of non-white heritage in this community. She was especially disheartened by the blatant disregard for Mexican culture or history. Even though there is a significant Mexican-American/Latino population living and working in the area, Jennifer could not help noticing that there is little to no discussion or celebration of Mexican Independence Day, Day of the Dead, or Cinco de Mayo in Benicia schools. There has been no representation of Mexican culture at our Diversity Festival in the last two years. 

It is in this cultural vacuum that students began to play a chase ‘game’ they call ‘La Migra.’

When Jennifer saw the alert from the Benicia Police Department on Nextdoor about the ‘La Migra’ games, she was horrified. She saw the title as a tribute to the terror undocumented individuals have experienced over the last 75 years – and continue to experience – when pursued by US Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents (ICE), who are commonly referred to as La Migra. 

Years of cruelty and corruptive collaboration between ICE officers and agriculture operators like growers have added to their fears. It was not uncommon (and still isn’t) for farmers to hire a crew of undocumented workers during harvest season only to call ‘La Migra’ and have their workers rounded up for deportation during the final days of the job, to avoid paying them the agreed upon, below-market rate for the hard work they had done. The lack of humanity in this unethical practice is comparable to antebellum slavery practices. 

ICE raids targeting food processing plants led to the detention of more than 680 workers in one Mississippi county in 2019. Worried children separated from their parents waved them goodbye, unable to return home until their community picked up the pieces. | Rogelio V. Solis, AP.

Jennifer’s father and grandparents were among those industrious, yet undocumented Mexican migrants who escaped from the extreme poverty, disease and unsafe conditions of their homeland to make a better life for themselves and their family in the US. They spoke in hushed tones about their plans should ‘La Migra’ find them. She heard stories about the abuse suffered by captured immigrants at the hands of ‘La Migra,’ and feared for her family’s lives and her own, if something should happen to them. The title of the ‘game’ triggers trauma she and millions of other undocumented Latinos have experienced over generations of pursuit. Sadly, their experience is NOT a game. 

Jennifer had commented on the police Nextdoor article, comparing the game to a hate crime, but was met with backlash. When my article came out, she messaged me privately because she was too traumatized by her previous experience, having faced a torrent of angry and spiteful commentary from many insensitive readers. Withstanding the abuse, she then made calls to the police department, the Mayor’s office and Benicia’s Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Manager about the games – but her attempts to elicit some reassurance and response were met with varying degrees of professional dismissiveness. Jennifer still feels demoralized by the lack of concern from both the Nextdoor readers and the public officials. Rather than being valued, she senses hostility from other members of our community and complacency within the leadership of the government and schools. 

I feel honored that Jennifer shared her story with me. Hers is the experience of a daughter of immigrants who has done everything she can to be a hard-working, law-abiding, caring and productive American – yet she is continually treated as a second-class citizen. 

Aren’t we all human beings with experiences and feelings that deserve to be recognized, honored and respected? Didn’t many of our ancestors and family members who came here willingly, come to this country to escape hardship and work towards a better life? Jennifer cares about this community and the people in it. 

If the ‘La Migra Games’ brings this pain to Jennifer, I will share her burden, as should we all. 

Share your story

If you would like Sheri to hear and share your perspective on the ‘La Migra’ Game, please contact her through the Benicia Independent. Remember that it is your story that is critical for others to hear, not your name, unless you would like to be identified.
Reach out to Sheri: benindy@beniciaindependent.com
Leave a voicemail for the BenIndy: ‪(707) 385-9972‬

(This is not a live line. You will be sent straight to voicemail.)


Versions of this story may be shared by other print and online sources, including the Benicia Herald. The Herald does not have an online edition. To support our local newspaper, please subscribe by email at beniciacirculation@gmail.com or by phone at 707-745-6838.