Category Archives: Coronavirus

Getting grandma out of the care facility… build her a backyard cottage?

Bay Area backyard cottages boom as elderly parents and college students flee coronavirus

San Francisco Chronicle, by J.K. Dineen, July 4, 2020
Omar Abi-Chachine (right), son of the homeowner, stands next to the foundation for the Abodu accessory dwelling unit before it was installed in Millbrae.
Omar Abi-Chachine (right), son of the homeowner, stands next to the foundation for the Abodu accessory dwelling unit before it was installed in Millbrae. Photo: Lea Suzuki / The Chronicle

Bay Area companies that specialize in backyard cottages are seeing a surge in interest from homeowners who suddenly need to create additional living space for elderly parents or adult children displaced because of the coronavirus.

Some families are scrambling to move their parents out of assisted-living facilities, where the risks of contracting the coronavirus are high. Other erstwhile empty-nesters find themselves crowded as their young adult kids return from shuttered college campuses or look to escape small apartments in expensive cities like San Francisco or New York.

After California lawmakers embraced a series of statewide bills in 2017 to streamline building backyard cottages — also called accessory dwelling units or ADUs — the number of new units approved exploded to more than 7,000 in 2018, 50% higher than 2017. For many suburban residents, the backyard homes were seen as a more palatable answer to the housing crisis than large apartment buildings. But in a state that should build millions of homes to keep up with demand, critics said the cottages are a distraction from the need to build multiunit buildings at scale.

Abodu, a San Jose firm that makes ADUs, estimates that 10,000 will be permitted in California in 2020, based on a survey of city permits.

Adobu has seen orders for modular cottages more than double since the pandemic began, according to CEO John Geary. The units start at about $199,000, and with finishes, most come in at about $220,000.

Omar Abi-Chachine (center), son of the homeowner, stands next to the foundation for the Abodu accessory dwelling unit before it was installed in Millbrae.
Omar Abi-Chachine (center), son of the homeowner, stands next to the foundation for the Abodu accessory dwelling unit before it was installed in Millbrae. Photo: Lea Suzuki / The Chronicle

Another manufacturer, Sonderpods of Novato, had 3,000 visits to its website in the 90 days before the shelter-in-place order in March, but has seen that number jump to 25,000 over the last 90 days. Within a few weeks of the health order, the company had signed seven contracts to deliver backyard cottages and was negotiating an additional 92 deals. Sonderpods average about $139,000.

“We are sprinting to keep up with things,” said Edward Stevenson, CEO of Sonderpods.

Hank Hernandez, who owns Alameda Tiny Homes, said he has been flooded with inquiries.

“I get calls all day, every day,” he said. “The basic request is, ‘I want to put my parents in my backyard as quickly as possible.’”

Before coronavirus, Redwood City resident Jen Parsons was exploring options for her widowed mom, who was looking to downsize from her longtime home. She was exploring nearby retirement communities and possibly buying a bigger house that could accommodate three generations when the pandemic hit. Suddenly there was a pressing need. With two young kids, Parsons didn’t feel safe moving to an unfamiliar neighborhood in the middle of a pandemic and was not keen on moving her mom to a senior housing complex.

“You hear all these stories about retirement communities being on lockdown — you can’t even take your elderly parent to lunch or dinner, only to doctors appointments,” she said.

Instead, they decided to purchase an Abodu AD unit, which will arrive in August or September.

“Having an ADU unit back there for my mom will feel like a safe and peaceful environment at a time when there is a lot of stress because of COVID-19,” she said. “We can meet her in the patio and have snacks.”

Eric McInerney (left), Abodu co-founder, talks with Omar Abi-Chachine, the son of the homeowner, inside the accessory dwelling unit after it was installed in Millbrae.
Eric McInerney (left), Abodu co-founder, talks with Omar Abi-Chachine, the son of the homeowner, inside the accessory dwelling unit after it was installed in Millbrae. Photo: Lea Suzuki / The Chronicle

Faysal Abi, a retired police officer and yoga teacher in Redwood City, also ordered an Abodu. He said that the unit will provide housing for a friend who needs a place to live.

“A friend fell on hard times, and the Bay Area isn’t exactly cheap,” he said. “I feel like community is something we are lacking, especially since coronavirus. There is more isolation. One way to heal the world right now is through more community and knowing your neighbors and staying connected. I feel this will help accomplish that.”

Abi also persuaded his mother, Rabina Abi-Chahine, a 62-year-old social worker, to buy her own backyard cottage for her home in Millbrae. Abi-Chahine said she was motivated both by a desire to create some income as she approaches retirement and having a spot for her own father some day.

Geary said another client, a Palo Alto woman, had two children away at college suddenly return, joining two other teenagers at home, which immediately made the house feel crowded.

Stevenson, the CEO of Sonderpods, said that 70% of customers are older than 55 and 70% are women building units on their kids’ properties.

“A lot of it is Baby Boomers selling the family home and moving in into their kids’ backyards. People are re-evaluating what is important and trying to bring the family closer together,” he said. “We are not seeing a lot of people who are straight-up looking to make income.”

Thanks to a series of state and local bills, ADUs can be built relatively quickly with limited bureaucratic hassle in some cities. San Jose, which has been aggressive in encouraging the tiny homes, has seen permitted ADUs jump to 691 last year from 24 in 2014. So far this year, 321 applications have been filed.

The Abodu was the first ADU manufacturer preapproved by the city of San Jose — which cut multiple inspections and red tape. From the day the permit is pulled, Abodu can have the unit installed within 12 weeks.

Hernandez of Alameda Tiny Homes said that while his business has been steady for the past few years, clients’ motivation has changed. It used to be that most homeowners were looking for extra income. Now it’s to meet family needs.

COVID-19: This is what it’s like – local man tells his experience

Local man likely virus victim with a family

Vallejo Times-Herald, By Richard Freedman, July 4, 2020

Jon White didn’t catch Gov. Gavin Newsom’s updated COVID- 19 restrictions Wednesday, warning about public gatherings.

Besides, it would have been too late for the 28-year-old Vallejoan.

“One of the areas where we’re seeing an increase of transmission… is on family gatherings,” Newsom said. “I think patriotism, at least in a COVID-19 environment, can be celebrated a little differently.”

Yes, a July 4 party with family is so close, White could almost taste it. That’s if he could taste.

Last Thursday, June 25 — seven days after White, his wife, Kaitlyn, and their 8-month-old baby, Shep, drove to visit Katelyn’s family in Queen Creek, Ariz., White started feeling ill.

“The first thing to hit was the overwhelming fatigue,” he said late Wednesday. “I was exhausted out of nowhere. That moved to body aches and so much more.”

Actually, it wasn’t a huge surprise when White was overcome with COVID-19 symptoms. On June 24, his brother-in-law became ill and tested positive.

“And it turns out our cousin’s girlfriend tested positive on Tuesday” this week, White said. “I believe I got it from her.”

Though Kaitlyn remains seemingly healthy, the baby’s developed a 101-degree fever. White said he “never got a fever,” though his brother-in-law hovered around 101.5.

“The wife is the only one in the house without any symptoms,” White said. “The baby, unfortunately, got it or something. It’s been awful for a few days. He hasn’t slept and you can tell he has the same headache because exposure to light makes his eyes water.”

Though “100 percent sure” he has the virus, it’s been a waiting game to confirm: Eight days after testing, he’s still waiting for the results by Urgent Care San Tan Valley — roughly 45 miles from Phoenix.

“I called them upset already and they are still saying it could be 10 days,” White said Friday morning, adding that they “couldn’t give an answer” why the delay.

A woman at Urgent Care San Tan Valley told the Times-Herald it takes six to 10 days for results.

“By the time I get my results, it won’t even matter,” White said. “I’m going to try to get back home and get tested up in Northern California next week. I need a negative test to come back to work. Because they are taking so long, I am burning through my PTO (paid time off). If they would get me my results, it would switch over to medical leave and I wouldn’t be penalized. This is the only place I have heard of that takes this long to find out.”

White said before catching the virus, “we wear a mask out in public. We have only been with people doing the same and our close family and friends,” he said.

So much for a happy family reunion. And that week stay is now a two-week quarantine. “I honestly thought — like most people in the Bay Area — that I already had it,” he said. “But there was no way I had anything like this.”

Compare it to the “normal” flu? Tough call, because “I don’t think I’ve had the flu,” White said. “But the weirdest symptom is the loss of taste and smell. That one is so crazy and impossible to accurately describe.” As a man of faith, White said “Dear God, please tell me it doesn’t last too long,” referring to the loss of taste and smell. “Two people here

(in Arizona) have lost it and its come back after a week. Fingers crossed.”

With the family on quarantine, White said the trip home scheduled for June 26 is now … well, nobody knows exactly.

“We aren’t planning on leaving anytime before July 5,” he said.”We were told to quarantine.”

Almost forgot. The actual COVID test. White got it last Friday and still awaits the results.

“I’m not sure when it will come back. They said it could be as long as 10 days,” White said.

The test itself? As much fun as juggling broken bottles blindfolded.

“The test was the swab of my brain. It was a very painful experience,” White said.

As for “celebrating” Independence Day, White won’t be banging any pots and pans.

“It’ll be very quiet to avoid worsening the headache,” he said, managing an anguished laugh.

City of Benicia: Please exercise your independence by choosing to stay home

Solano County Press Release: Governor orders closure of bars, brewpubs and some indoor operations in Solano County – County health officials update local orders, ask residents to stay at home during Fourth of July holiday weekend

Solano County issued an updated press release today noting that the state’s order rescinds the local public health officials authority for business operations of bars and indoor dining. It also reminds people not to gather this weekend with those you do not live with:

“Our COVID-19 numbers are not favorable, as you’ll see on the County and state websites, although these businesses don’t appear to be the primary source of transmission,” says Beta T. Matyas, M.D., M.P.H., Solano County Public Health Officer. “While it may go against tradition, we are asking Solano County residents to stay at home this Fourth of July weekend. Family and social gatherings remain one of the primary drivers in the spike of cases in Solano County. The more we come together in groups and don’t social distance, the more COVID-19 spreads. If you must go out, wear a face covering and practice 6-foot social distancing, for your own health and for the well being of everyone in our community.”

The City of Benicia commends our residents for doing a good job of keeping the spread of COVID-19 down in our community. Benicia has one of the lowest number of cases in Solano County and in the Bay Area. We are doing a great job by wearing face coverings when in public settings and keeping a distance of six feet from others.

You can keep up the good work this weekend by not participating in or hosting gatherings of people you don’t live with. We’ve all have heard about increased incidents of COVID-19 cases after Mother’s Day, Memorial Day and Father’s Day gatherings. The exposure to you and your family from asymptomatic carriers is not worth the risk to your health.

Please exercise your independence by choosing to stay home. When you can’t, choose to wear a face covering, practice social distancing, cough and sneeze into a tissue, and please wash your hands thoroughly.

We can get through this together, Benicia, and look forward to celebrating when we’ve conquer COVID-19.


Solano, Napa and Marin COVID-19 cases spike in month of June

Chart shows increase in coronavirus cases, deaths by Bay Area counties

KRON4 News by: Tristi Rodriguez, Jul 2, 2020

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. (KRON) — Confirmed coronavirus cases are increasing at a threatening rate in the Bay Area and throughout most parts of the United States.

Four U.S. states — Arizona, California, Florida and Texas — reported a combined 25,000 new confirmed coronavirus cases Thursday as the infection curve rose in 40 of the 50 states.

This spike just ahead of the 4th of July holiday weekend, prompting concerns as county officials encourage their residents to stay home.

In just a little over a month, cases have climbed in the Bay Area. As of July 2, the confirmed number of cases neared 26,000.

The chart below shows the percentage of the increase in cases and deaths by county from May 31 to July 2.

The data was retrieved from each respective county health department.

Napa, Solano and Marin counties saw the largest spike in cases.