Category Archives: Covid 19

‘Stealth Bailout’ Shovels Millions of Dollars to Oil Companies – Valero gets $110 million in pandemic giveaway

Photographer: Vincent Mundy / Bloomberg

Bloomberg News, By Jennifer A Dlouhy, May 15, 2020

  •  Stimulus tax change helps translate losses into instant cash
  •  Oil companies are uniquely poised to benefit, analysts say

As it headed toward bankruptcy, Diamond Offshore Drilling Inc. took advantage of a little-noticed provision in the stimulus bill Congress passed in March to get a $9.7 million tax refund. Then, it asked a bankruptcy judge to authorize the same amount as bonuses to nine executives.

The rig operator is one of dozens of oil companies and contractors now claiming hundreds of millions of dollars in tax rebates. They are employing a provision of the $2.2 trillion stimulus law, called the CARES act, that gives them more latitude to deduct recent losses.

“This is a stealth bailout for the oil and gas industry,” said Jesse Coleman, a senior researcher with Documented, a watchdog group tracking the tax claims. It’s geared to companies “that have been losing money over the last few years — and now they get that money back as a check from the taxpayers. That’s exactly what the oil industry has been doing.”

relates to ‘Stealth Bailout’ Shovels Millions of Dollars to Oil Companies
Electronic drilling with cyber chairs Source: Diamond Offshore Drilling Inc.

The change wasn’t aimed only at the oil industry. However, its structure uniquely benefits energy companies that were raking in record profits in 2018 as crude prices reached $76.41 per barrel, only to see their fortunes flip a year later.

More than $1.9 billion in CARES Act tax benefits are being claimed by at least 37 oil companies, service firms and contractors, according to a Bloomberg News review of recent filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Besides Diamond Offshore, which declined to comment, recipients include oil producer Occidental Petroleum Corp. and refiner Marathon Petroleum Corp.

Read More: Occidental Seeking Federal Lifeline For U.S. Oil Industry

Other oil companies say they didn’t lobby Congress for the change, which is widely available across all industries. “We did not request any benefit, but we are obligated to follow the tax laws as passed by Congress, which apply to all corporate manufacturers nationwide,” said Jamal Kheiry, a spokesman for Marathon, which got a $411 million benefit.

Congress embedded the tax change governing losses in the stimulus measure early on, as lawmakers moved rapidly in March to steer trillions of dollars in aid to coronavirus-ravaged workers and companies. Alongside expanded unemployment payments and payroll loan programs, lawmakers saw an opportunity to harness the tax code to help get cash flowing to companies struggling to pay rent, workers and insurance.

It “was sold as help for the little guy — help for small business,” said Steve Rosenthal, a senior fellow with the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center. “In the name of ‘small business,’ we’re shoveling out billions of dollars to big corporations and rich guys.”

The provision loosened rules governing how businesses deduct net operating losses — incurred when deductible expenses exceed gross income. For years, companies were able to apply those net operating loss deductions to previous tax returns as well as going forward — but Congress ruled out retroactive relief as part of the 2017 tax cut law.

Tax Law Changes May Limit Benefits of New Loss Carryback Perk

That new forward-focused approach works well when the economy is expanding, but the promise of using today’s losses as tomorrow’s deductions isn’t much help to coronavirus-battered companies with no guarantee they will survive long enough to claim them. So in the stimulus package, Congress gave businesses the chance to carry back all their losses — and claim immediate tax refunds — for five years from 2018, 2019 and 2020.

“The thought was temporarily we should bring them back so that firms that are seeing significant losses in the next year or over the past year or two can carry those back and get some short-term liquidity,” said Garrett Watson, a senior policy analyst at the Tax Foundation, a non-profit that supports pro-growth tax policies.

Traditionally, the ability to deduct net operating losses is meant to ensure companies get fair tax treatment even amid volatility, Watson said — a plus for the notoriously boom-and-bust oil industry. “You are going to see the biggest benefits for firms like oil and gas that are seeing volatile profits — and now, of course, extreme losses,” he said.

The combination of big losses now and the congressional tax changes mean it may be years before some oil companies have to pay corporate income taxes at all.

“We’re going to have some large losses this year,” ConocoPhillips Executive Vice President Don Wallette said in an April 30 earnings call. The company is in “a zero-tax-paying position in the U.S. and expect to remain there for quite some time,” Wallette said.

There’s no limit on how the new refunds can be used — and even bankrupt firms can get them.

Oil for Less Than Nothing? Here’s How That Happened: QuickTake

Consider Diamond Offshore. Once one of the world’s largest drilling rig contractors, it filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection on April 26 after crude prices plunged along with demand for its high-tech drillships.

In a first quarter filing, Diamond, which is majority owned by Loews Corp., said it had recognized a tax benefit of $9.7 million as a result of the carryback change. In an emergency motion filed with a federal bankruptcy court May 1, the company asked for the freedom to dole out $16.7 million in cash incentives to 85 of its 2,300 full-time employees, including as much as $9.7 million for nine senior executives.

The company said at the time that deteriorating market conditions and the collapse of Diamond’s stock had made its existing equity-based bonus program “largely worthless.” The tax filing did not specify how the $9.7 million would be used.

Dozens of other oil businesses have reported reaping the benefits, including $55 million for Denver-based Antero Midstream Corp., $41.2 million for supplier Oil States International Inc. and $96 million for Oklahoma-based producer Devon Energy Corp.

Occidental Petroleum, which enlisted its employees to ask Congress to “provide liquidity to the energy industry,” said it now anticipates a cash refund of about $195 million as a result of the carryback provision and a separate change in the stimulus bill that allows the immediate refund of unused alternative minimum tax credits. An Occidental spokesperson declined to comment.

Millions in Refunds
National Oilwell Varco Inc., a manufacturer of oil and gas equipment, expects a $123 million refund by carrying back its 2019 losses and applying them to its 2014 tax filing.

San Antonio-based refiner Valero Energy Corp. recognized an extra $110 million by carrying back losses to 2015 — when the corporate tax rate was 35% instead of the current 21%.

Valero spokeswoman Lillian Riojas said that is tied to tax losses generated in the first quarter, since the company did not generate a net operating loss for federal income tax purposes in 2018 or 2019. And she said the actual refund will be dependent “not only on the company’s performance for the remainder of the year, but also on the impact” of other tax provisions.

The benefits are “turbo-charged,” said Rosenthal, with the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center. That’s because businesses can carry back losses to offset income at a higher corporate tax rate of 35%, before the 2017 tax cut law lowered it 14 points. “Getting those losses at 35% is very, very favorable — especially in 2020 when the losses are going to be devastatingly large.”

The filings themselves reveal only part of the picture. Private companies are able to generate tax refunds too — without disclosing it to the SEC. And while some public companies said they benefited from the tax break, they didn’t reveal by how much.

For instance, refiner Phillips 66 boasted an effective income tax rate of just 2% for the first quarter — well below the federal statutory income tax rate of 21% — partly because of the carryback. But the company did not specify the amount of its expected refund.

House Democrats Unveil $3 Trillion Aid Bill With Cash for States

Dennis Nuss, a spokesman for Phillips 66, declined to comment when reached by phone Thursday. Representatives for Oil States, National Oilwell Varco, Antero and Devon didn’t respond to messages seeking comment.

The importance of the provision hasn’t been lost on President Donald Trump’s administration. Energy Secretary Dan Brouillette recommended oil companies consider taking advantage of the expanded deduction in an April 21 interview with Bloomberg TV, calling it one of several “important liquidity tools that are going to help the industry.”

Congressional tax analysts initially estimated that the expanded loss carryback provision would cost $25 billion over 10 years — just when used by corporations. Now, some are questioning whether the final pricetag could be much higher, and Democrats are seeking to limit the value of the tax break after raising concerns it overwhelmingly helps corporations and the wealthy.

In a new stimulus bill advanced Tuesday, House Democrats proposed scaling back the provision so companies could only apply losses back to 2018. Their plan also would prevent companies with “excessive” executive compensation or stock buybacks from claiming the tax break — a change that would be retroactive back to March.

Rosenthal stressed that it was logical for Congress to help businesses that were profitable before the pandemic. “But the CARES Act goes too far, tilting its benefits overwhelmingly to the wealthiest Americans,” he said in an essay. “I think Congress did not know the extent of what it was doing.”

— With assistance by Ari Natter, Laura Davison, David Wethe, Kevin Crowley, Leslie Pappas, and Rachel Adams-Heard

COVID-19 in Solano: 14 new cases, including a youth 18 or under

Monday, May 18: 14 new positive cases (1 more young person), no new deaths. Total now 424 cases, 16 deaths.

Solano County Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Updates and Resources.  Check out basic information in this screenshot. IMPORTANT: The County’s interactive page has more.  On the County website, you can hover your mouse over the charts at right for detailed information.

Previous report, Friday, May 15


  • Solano County reported 14 new positive cases over the weekend and Monday, total is now 424.
  • No new deaths today, total is 16.
  • We continue to see an upward trend in confirmed cases among young persons 18 and under, adding 1 more today.  The County has confirmed 8 new cases among our youth in the last week and only 6 over the 5 weeks prior.  (See table below).


  • 1 new case was reported today of a young person under 19 years of age, total of 14 cases, up from 3.2% to 3.3% of total confirmed cases.  (See table below.)
  • 11 new cases of persons 19-64 years of age, total of 297 cases, 70% of the total.   No new deaths in this age group, total of 3.  Note that only 36 of the 294 cases in this age group (12.2%) were hospitalized at one time.  (It is unclear whether the 3 deaths were ever hospitalized.)
  • 2 new cases was of persons 65 or older, total of 113 cases, 27% of the total.  No new deaths, total of 13.  Note that 26 of the 113 cases in this age group (23%) were hospitalized at one time, nearly double the percentage in the mid-age group(It is unclear whether the 13 deaths in this age group were ever hospitalized.)
Recent surge in positive cases among youth 18 and under
Date New cases Total
Monday, May 18, 2020 1 14
Friday, May 15, 2020 2 13
Thursday, May 14, 2020 3 11
Wednesday, May 13, 2020 1 8
Tuesday, May 12, 2020 1 7
Monday, May 11, 2020 0 6
Friday, May 8, 2020 0 6
Thursday, May 7, 2020 0 6
Wednesday, May 6, 2020 0 6
Tuesday, May 5, 2020 0 6
Monday, May 4, 2020 0 6
Friday, May 1, 2020 1 6
Thursday, April 30, 2020 0 5
Wednesday, April 29, 2020 0 5
Tuesday, April 28, 2020 0 5

HOSPITALIZATIONS: 64 of Solano’s 424 cases resulted in hospitalizations, 2 more over the weekend.

ACTIVE CASES:  40 of the 424 cases are active, a big drop from Friday’s 52 active cases.  Not sure why this drop in active cases – the number has hovered around 50 for the last week. Good news surely.   Note that the county does not report WHERE the active cases are.  Below you will see that only 17 are currently hospitalized, which leaves 23 of these 40 active cases out in our communities somewhere, and hopefully quarantined.

The County’s “Hospital Impact” graph shows 17 of the 64 hospitalized cases are CURRENTLY hospitalized, 3 more than Friday.  The County’s count of ICU beds available and ventilator supply remains at “GOOD” at 31-100%. (No information is given on our supply of test kits, PPE and staff.)


  • Vallejo added 8 new cases, total of  253.
  • Fairfield added 3 new cases, total 73.
  • Vacaville remains at 39.
  • Suisun City added 1 new case, total 21.
  • Benicia added 1 new case, total 21.
  • Dixon, Rio Vista and “Unincorporated” are still not assigned numerical data: today all remain at <10 (less than 10).  Today’s math shows that only 13 were added above, implying that 1 new case was added somewhere among these locations.  The total numbers for other cities add up to 407, leaving 17 cases located somewhere among the locations in this “<10” category (1 more than last reported).  Residents and city officials have pressured County officials for city case counts.  Today’s data is welcome, but still incomplete.


The County reports that 7,368 residents have been tested as of today, an increase of 607 residents tested over the last 3 days, about 200/day.  Note that the County reported 753 reported in a single day last Friday.  See Solano testing – by the numbers April 13 – present.
We still have a long way to go:
only 1.5% of Solano County’s 447,643 residents (2019) have been tested.
State run testing sites in Vallejo and Vacaville are open to anyone.

Solano’s steady upward curve – as of May 18

This chart shows the infection’s steady upward trajectory in Solano County.  Our “curve” continues to creep up.  Our nursing homes, long-term care facilities and jails bear watching!

Still incredibly important – everyone stay home, wear masks when you are out, and be safe!

Help for homeless here in Vallejo, Benicia and Solano County

Are you – or someone you know – homeless or at-risk of becoming homeless?

Resource Connect Solano can help.

Call 707.652.7311 or email to learn how RCS can
help you navigate your housing crisis.  Connect with life-changing housing and supportive services through access points across Solano County.

Visit to learn more.

Windsor Vallejo nursing home – 11 dead, 127 infected with COVID-19

Coronavirus outbreak worsens at Vallejo nursing facility

KRON4 News, by Maureen Kelly, May 15, 2020

VALLEJO, Calif. (KRON) — A coronavirus outbreak at an North Bay nursing facility is worsening.

Eleven patients are now dead at the Windsor Vallejo Care Center.

In total, 127 people, mostly residents of the nursing home, have been infected in the last two weeks.

“His suffering is over, his suffering is over.”

That is the aunt of William Bennett III who died Wednesday night at the Sutter Solano hospital. The 31-year-old stroke victim was the 11th resident of the Windsor Vallejo Care Center to die due to COVID-19 so far.

96 residents and 31 staff members there have tested positive for the virus.

Bennett’s aunt says she’s been trying to move the father of two out of the care center even before the virus took hold because of the conditions there.

“Personally I would like Windsor to be shut down,” she said. “That’s my prayer. As you walk up and down the hallways, the patients are sitting outside looking so nasty and so somber like it smelled like I can’t even explain to you.”

It’s a skilled nursing home that was already having problems. An April inspection by the department of health and human services found 23 health citations and gave it a rating of much below average.

“I’m praying she is still negative.”

That’s the granddaughter of Maria Goza, an 86-year-old resident of the nursing home who was tested again for the virus Thursday.

Her family says the Alzheimer’s patient has been neglected and mistreated there — and fear the care center has been understaffed and overwhelmed as COVID-19 has taken hold.

“Windsor needs to dig a little deeper into their pockets and bring in relief for these poor nursing staff,” she said. “I don’t believe that’s happening and I base that on my grandma being left in a soiled diaper for four hours.”

A statement from the Windsor Vallejo Care Center says they can’t address complaints made by residents or their families because of privacy concerns, but they say they are being hyper vigilant in taking every recommended safety measure to minimize the continued spread of the virus.

In addition to the Solano County Public Health having staff on the ground there, the state has also sent an infection control strike team to the care center to help assess for exposures and monitor the outbreak.