[Editor: Benicians are expressing themselves in letters to the editor of our local print newspaper, the Benicia Herald. But the Herald doesn’t publish letters in its online editions – and many Benician’s don’t subscribe. We are posting certain letters here for wider distribution. – RS]
PAC involvement in Benicia elections
By Nikki Basch Davis
October 28, 2016
Nikki Basch Davis
Working on Elizabeth Patterson’s election, I was sternly instructed on how much (or little) money we are allowed to sell the art for. I had to send back donated art which was priced at a too high value. Every dollar we made in the auction was painfully scrutinized.
I was surprised to read that Mark Hughes campaigns in 2005 and 2009 accepted $12,350 from 13 different PACs.
I also have learned that the Benicia Police Officers’ Association has raised $20,000, of which, part, is already put to use for lawn signs (bigger than life), indicating their support for Mark Hughes.
Benicia’s Human Resources Department made3 it clear that the majority of these police officers don’t even live in Benicia and cannot vote in our election. Still, they are trying to influence and manipulate our town’s politics.
I wonder why political action committees are involved in this election? How many of our voters are aware of it?
[Editor: Benicians are expressing themselves in letters to the editor of our local print newspaper, the Benicia Herald. But the Herald doesn’t publish letters in its online editions – and many Benician’s don’t subscribe. We are posting certain letters here for wider distribution. – RS]
Mark Hughes’ voting record – an important factor for voters
By Roger Straw
October 27, 2016
Roger Straw, Editor, The Benicia Independent
There has been something of a hue (or should I say Hughes) and cry about my letter comparing the virtues of mayoral candidates Mark Hughes and Elizabeth Patterson.
I certainly meant no disrespect in pointing out that Hughes is a Republican who has not led forthrightly in 2008-2009 battles over the Seeno project and on issues of climate change and air quality here in Benicia. He surely hasn’t (as far as I know) come right out and stated that he doesn’t accept the science of climate change. If I remember right, his comment was something to the effect that there is more to global warming than human causes. Well, of course! But that seems like a politician’s deft avoidance of the issue, sending signals to the climate change deniers, and clearly NOT a position of strong advocacy for measures to limit air pollution and move toward clean and renewable sources of energy.
Hughes has frequently – predictably – sided with those who oppose measures for sustainability in Benicia. In more recent times, he voted against voluntary green building standards. He voted to return $887 thousand of the City’s grant money to Valero for a project that Valero could easily have funded itself. That decision hobbled our Community Sustainability Commission’s ability to continue funding projects such as Benicia Makerspace, community gardens, solar and water conservation grants, etc. And Hughes voted against renewing the contract for our excellent Climate Action Plan Coordinator, Alex Portshawver.
I appreciate that Mark puts out a welcome mat for development on Seeno land in hopes of securing new tax revenues for the City. And it’s great to learn that he’s against 900 homes up there. But without firmly stating opposition to all housing above the Industrial Park we can only conclude that the developer will come back with a “compromise” that could compromise the future of Benicia. And how will Mark vote on that?
Elections too often cause enemies, and that’s really hard in a small town. I like Mark, and I find it difficult to bring forward his record as one good reason to vote for Elizabeth Patterson for Mayor. But these are necessary considerations in making a good decision for the future of Benicia. Unlike the Republican candidate for President, I hope we ALL will support whomever wins the election as our Mayor, no matter the outcome. Meanwhile, I’ll vote for Elizabeth and invite you to do so, too.
[Editor: Benicians are expressing themselves in letters to the editor of our local print newspaper, the Benicia Herald. But the Herald doesn’t publish letters in its online editions – and many Benician’s don’t subscribe. We are posting certain letters here for wider distribution. – RS]
Keep Elizabeth for Mayor
By Genevieve Giblin
October 27, 2016
Let’s keep Elizabeth Patterson as our mayor.
Because of Elizabeth’s hard work, she has provided us with a vision and leadership for how we see Benicia’s future.
Elizabeth has lived in Benicia for over 30 years and has been hard working on the Planning Commission, the City Council and as mayor.
She has provided leadership with the General Plan and insists that the plan be followed. (It’s the law.)
She has a good balance with both the business community and her love for the environment. She knows the businesses and understands the needs of the community.
She has provided leadership with assuring a safe and reliable water supply, protecting open space and her efforts to inform Benicians of the Crude-By-Rail project, which would have added not only more pollution but would have affected every town and river the tracks crossed on the way to the refinery. She was attacked by her opponent for bringing it to the attention of the public.
Elizabeth has shown a balance and loving concern for our Benicia, our businesses and our environment.
We can make a difference by supporting her as mayor, so she can continue along with us, to make a difference.
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