Category Archives: Solano County CA

Solano Supervisors to allow some businesses to open Thurs, deviating from State coronavirus guidelines

[Editor: View video of the Board’s discussion and vote: Solano County Board of Supervisors hears verbal COVID update and votes to open some businesses.  – R.S.]

Solano may open some businesses as early as Thursday, more next week

Fairfield Daily Republic, By Todd R. Hansen, May 5, 2020
The Solano Town Center parking remains almost empty Tuesday, May 5, 2020. The Solano Board of Supervisors approved a draft guide Tuesday for re-opening certain businesses as early as Thursday, May 7, 2020. (Robinson Kuntz/Daily Republic)

FAIRFIELD — Business offices, some retail outlets and manufacturing sites could open as early as Thursday, and even more businesses – including restaurants, salons and dentists – may be opened next week.

The phasing largely depends on the risk those businesses’ operations create for further spread of the novel coronavirus – whether because of the proximity of customers to each other, or because the nature of the business requires direct contact with clients.

The Solano County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday approved a draft guide for reopening the business community, and in some cases, it deviates from the state guidelines.

Dr. Bela Matyas

That deviation is one of the reasons Dr. Bela Matyas, the county public health officer, sought the board’s consensus. He said he did not object to taking those steps, but wanted the board’s backing.

“Our goal should not be to lock people up in their homes, but to stop the transmission (of the virus) person to person,” Matyas said.

The county will still require businesses to adhere to social distancing and other regulations, including the use of barriers in some instances. The businesses will also have to post what they are doing to meet the county directives.

Just how well this transition works will depend greatly on the businesses, but also the common sense of customers and clients.

“I can issue the guidelines, but I cannot make people follow them,” Matyas said.

He advised anyone who feels uncomfortable about going to the businesses when they reopen to just not go.

Supervisor Jim Spering

Supervisor Jim Spering also said the directives should include a warning for those high-risk populations, most notably seniors with underlying health issues – to stay home until a final all-clear is issued.

The county will spend the next day or two rewriting the stay-at-home heath order to reflect the policy decision, just as it did for Friday’s action to open up most outdoor activities. Community pools and beaches, however, remain closed.

Those activities, such as playgrounds and large gatherings, will have to wait.

“The higher risk (activity) is going to have to wait until I believe there is no longer a significant transmission (rate) in our community,” Matyas said.

The Public Health Division will come back to the board Tuesday with a recommendation on what are viewed as medium-risk businesses and activities.

Supervisor Monica Brown. (Robinson
Kuntz/Daily Republic)

Supervisor Monica Brown said she would hope a mandate for face masks will be part of that, but other supervisors indicated they were not willing to support that for a variety of reasons, one of which is not everyone has a mask.

However, everyone agreed that even if masks are not mandated, anyone who wants to wear one, should.

“I’m not going to feel safer when (businesses) reopen,” Brown said. “I see us having a second and third wave (of a disease outbreak) . . . so I’m going to be wearing a mask.”

Another issue that was raised was child supervision.

As more people return to work – because schools are closed and most day care centers have also been shuttered – what is to be done with children who would be left without supervision?

Although some programs have been operating day care in a limited capacity, the board was told that even at its full capacity, Solano County did not have enough day care providers anyway.

The board was told that steps are being taken to help with day care issues, and some funding is being made available to help providers.

Getting people back to work is viewed as a critical part of determining what kind of fallout there will be from the Covid-19 crisis.

“Jobs are going to be the biggest thing,” Robert Eyler, president of Economic Forensics and Analytics out of Petaluma, said in his presentation on the annual Index of Economic and Community Progress. “Job losses can beget business losses.”

What was going to be a glowing report on Solano County’s economy from 2019 and projecting forward, is now a series of unknowns about how the economy is going to respond to what amounts to a virus-caused recession.

Just how deep of a hole that Solano County, the state and the nation will have to climb out of depends on a variety of factors. Eyler said the county could be looking at the loss of five years of economic progress.

However, it was also noted that unlike most recessions when the reaction period is defined in months or even years, in this situation, the policy reaction was really a matter of weeks.

“We (started) this crisis in a very good situation,” Eyler said.

For one thing, it was noted, there has also been a huge influx of government money to offset some of the problems, and even more funding is expected. What impact that funding will have is one of the unknowns, but Eyler said the best scenario is that it will lessen the shock.

“It may not feel like we are back until 2022,” said Eyler, who added that could extend out to 2023.

The deaths of six people have thus far been attributed in Solano County to Covid-19 since the novel coronavirus pandemic made its way to the region.

Most people who have the novel coronavirus and the disease it causes, Covid-19, experience only mild or moderate symptoms, such as fever and cough. Some people, especially older adults and those with underlying health problems, experience more severe illness such as pneumonia and at times, death.

The vast majority of people recover. The World Health Organization reports people with mild illness recover in about two weeks, while those with more severe illness may take three to six weeks to recover.

VIDEO: Solano County Board of Supervisors hears verbal COVID update and votes to open some businesses

By Roger Straw, May 6, 2020

Below you will find the 1 hour 20 minute video segment of yesterday’s Board of Sups meeting covering COVID-19.  In the video you will hear verbal reports from Emergency Services Manager Don Ryan and Public Health Official Beta Matyas, followed by Supervisor Q&A.  At the end you will hear the Supervisors’ unanimous vote on a motion to approve moving forward with opening of “green” (lower risk) businesses this week.  They will consider moving forward with “yellow” (medium risk) businesses next week Tuesday, May 12.

I am unable to locate documentation at this time as to the specifics of “green” or “yellow” business definitions and the pertinent guidelines and regulations that will govern their openings.  I have requested such documentation from Benicia’s Supervisor Monica Brown.

2 dead, 97 others infected with coronavirus at Windsor Vallejo Care Facility

Two hospitalized in ICU, some moved to other nursing facilities, most sheltering in place

KRON4 Bay Area News, by Maureen Kelly, May 5, 2020

VALLEJO, Calif. (KRON) – Close to a hundred people linked to one skilled nursing facility in Vallejo have contracted coronavirus.

Two are now confirmed dead by Solano County Health Officials.

“I want him moved out of there, I want someone to come in there and shut this down,” Annette Bennett Lewis said.

Annette Bennett Lewis is talking about her 31-year-old nephew, a stroke victim who’s been living at the Windsor Vallejo Care Facility for about a year and is one of the 75 patients there that have tested positive for COVID-19.

She’s unable to visit in person but saw him through a window at the skilled nursing facility.

“He is now lethargic, he’s not eating very much, he’s not drinking very much, he says he doesn’t have a fever because there’s so many patients in there, they’re not able to come in there and give them much care. What we need is like Gavin Newsom to come up and jump up this will happen no more and take over this place put Windsor out of business or – President Trump help please,” Lewis said.

Bennett isn’t the only one concerned about a loved one there.

Danny Goza is worried about his mother Maria, an 86-year-old alzheimer’s patient.

Although she tested negative for coronavirus, 24 workers tested positive.

Goza and his niece fear that’s left the care center understaffed and the remaining workers overwhelmed.

“She was sitting in a fecal diaper, she had an accident before breakfast, they didn’t change her until her lunch tray came in and we couldn’t find her for three days,” Goza said.

In a statement, a representative from the Windsor Vallejo Care Center says their mission is to be hyper vigilant and take every recommended safety measure to try and minimize the continued spread of the virus to the residents and staff.

Windsor Vallejo Care Center (“Windsor”) has experienced an increase in the number of staff and residents suffering from COVID-19 despite the facility’s best efforts to prevent further infection.

Please be assured that the facility is adhering to all recommendations of federal and state agencies, including The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”), Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Service (“CMS”), and the California Department of Public Health (“CDPH”). Our mission is to be hypervigilant in taking every recommended safety measure to minimize the continued spread of the virus to our residents and staff.

For some time now we have been screening employees at the start of each shift for symptoms of COVID-19 infection, including daily temperature checks and completion of a CDC compliant screening questionnaire. Employees who show signs of illness are asked to leave immediately and isolate at home.

Furthermore, residents and staff have been tested. Visits to our facility have been restricted in compliance with state and federal guidelines. We have increased sanitation of frequently-touched surfaces. We have ample supplies of personal protective equipment. Staff are constantly being in-serviced on best practices in regard to infection control. We are proud of our staff and their dedication to the residents.

We respectfully request that all further inquiries be directed to the local Department of Public Health.

The health officer of Solano County says they have staff on the ground helping with infection control.

Two infected patients have been hospitalized and are in ICU.

They were able to move a handful of COVID positive residents to another nursing facility able to handle infected patients to ease the strain.

He says the rest need to shelter in place because the risk of moving even those who have tested negative is too great.

“They may appear to be negative today, but that won’t mean they won’t emerge disease within their incubation period. So moving them just transports the risk of COVID to other facilities as well,” Dr. Bela Matyas said.

Daily Solano County COVID-19 UPDATE – only 5 new cases, testing fewer residents

Tuesday, May 5th: 5 new cases, no new deaths, total now 325 cases, 6 deaths

Solano County Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Updates and Resources.  Check out basic information in this screenshot. IMPORTANT: The County’s interactive page has more.  On the County website, you can click on “Number of cases” and then hover over the charts for detailed information.

Previous report, Monday, May 4


Solano County reported 5 new positive cases yesterday, total is now 325no new deaths, total now at 6.


  • No new cases of young persons under 19 years of age, total of 6 cases, less than 2% of the 325 confirmed cases.
  • All 5 of today’s new cases were persons 19-64 years of age, total of 236 cases, 73% of the total.   No new deaths, total of 2.  Note that only 32 of the 236 cases in this age group (13.6%) were hospitalized at one time.  (It is unclear whether the 2 deaths were ever hospitalized.)
  • None of today’s new cases were persons 65 or older, total of 83 cases, 26% of the total.  No new deaths of persons in this age group, total of 4.
    Note that 22 of the 83 cases in this age group (only 26.5%) were hospitalized at one time.  (It is unclear whether the 4 deaths in this age group were ever hospitalized.)

HOSPITALIZATIONS: 55 of Solano’s 325 cases resulted in hospitalizations, an increase of only 1 since yesterday.  Relatively good news – a small increase.

ACTIVE CASES:  60 of the 325 are active cases, 5 fewer than yesterday’s total of 65.  The county does not report WHERE the active cases are.  Below you will see that only 13 are currently hospitalized, which leaves 47 of these 60 active cases out in our communities somewhere, and hopefully quarantined.

The County’s “Hospital Impact” graph shows 13 of the 55 hospitalized cases are CURRENTLY hospitalized, 1 less than yesterday.  The County’s count of ICU beds available and ventilator supply remains at “GOOD” at 31-100%. (No information is given on our supply of test kits, PPE and staff.)


  • Vallejo added all 5 of today’s new cases, total of 180.
  • Fairfield remains at 61.
  • Vacaville remains at 36.
  • Suisun City remains at 16.
  • Benicia remains at 16.
  • Dixon, Rio Vista and “Unincorporated” are still not assigned numerical data: today all remain at <10 (less than 10).  Note that the numbers for other cities add up to 309, leaving 16 cases located somewhere among the locations in this “<10” category (same number as last reported).  Residents and city officials have pressured County officials for city case counts.  Today’s data is welcome, but still incomplete.


The County reports that 5,219 residents have been tested as of today.  This is an increase of only 59 residents since yesterday’s total of 5,160.  Testing numbers need to be much higher!  See Solano testing – by the numbers April 13 – presentSee also Solano County announces testing available to all.  We have a long way to go: only 1% of Solano County’s 447,643 residents (2019) have been tested.

Solano’s upward curve in cumulative cases – as of May 5

The chart above shows the infection’s trajectory in Solano County.  We may be seeing a flattening of the overall curve, but our nursing homes, long-term care facilities and jails bear watching!

Still incredibly important – everyone stay home, wear masks when you are out, and be safe!