NYT: In Rebuke of Trump, Tillerson Says Lies Are a Threat to Democracy

Repost from the New York Times [Editorial comment by Marilyn Bardet: “How ironic! For years, Exxon promulgated lies, denying or casting doubt on any scientific research that pointed to humans’ contribution…to climate change, despite the fact that Exxon funded its own independent research on climate that confirmed the very thing the company denied!  Go figure.  … Continue reading NYT: In Rebuke of Trump, Tillerson Says Lies Are a Threat to Democracy


Learn more about why an Industrial Safety Ordinance is urgently needed in Benicia. LEARN MORE HERE  ↓ Local videographer Constance Beutel offers… ….⋅ a FULL video version of the ISO Town Hall ….⋅ a HIGHLIGHTS version HIGHLIGHTS (13 minutes) – please be patient during opening frame FULL TOWN HALL (1:20 min.) please be patient during opening frame

How Benicia Valero Crude By Rail was defeated

Reflections by Roger Straw, Benicia CA, November 18, 2016 Three (or 10 or 12, or maybe 40?) factors… What happened in Benicia was amazing. It’s well worth our time as community activists and organizers to reflect a bit on how David went up against Goliath and won. I was there from the beginning in this … Continue reading How Benicia Valero Crude By Rail was defeated