BENICIA HERALD: City Council hears public comments on crude by rail

Repost from the Benicia Herald Online [Editor: For Tuesday’s comments on Valero Crude By Rail by Marilyn Bardet and Planning Commissioner and City Council candidate Steve Young, skip down to the red bullet.  – RS] Council hears about crude by rail, water infrastructure and EMS costs Tuesday By Elizabeth Warnimont, July 7, 2016 At its … Continue reading BENICIA HERALD: City Council hears public comments on crude by rail

VIDEO: Protest and public comments at Benicia City Council following the derailment in Mosier OR

By Roger Straw, June 8, 2016 [Editor: See also the Benicia Herald report on the protest and Council meeting.  – RS] At its June 7, 2016 meeting, Benicia’s City Council heard comments from the public on the derailment and explosion in Mosier Oregon. A group of about 30 had gathered to protest oil trains at Benicia’s … Continue reading VIDEO: Protest and public comments at Benicia City Council following the derailment in Mosier OR


By Roger Straw, April 18, 2016 ANOTHER FLURRY OF LETTERS OPPOSING VALERO CBR Today the City of Benicia released Public Comments received April 15-18, 2016. The PDF document is 34 pages, 2.4 MB.  It includes a letter from Berkeley Mayor Tom Bates; a response from City staff to a letter from Benicians for a Safe and Healthy Community protesting … Continue reading ANOTHER FLURRY OF LETTERS OPPOSING VALERO CBR

New postings of individual comment letters

By Roger Straw, April 14, 2016 INFLUX OF IMPORTANT NEW LETTERS [Editor: I have not been able to keep up with splitting off important individual letters from the City’s postings of composite documents. Nevertheless, here are a few of the important recent contributions opposing Valero’s dirty and dangerous Crude By Rail proposal and/or critical of … Continue reading New postings of individual comment letters