Need for better coverage of BSHC in local press

[Editor: I sent the following letter to the Editor of the Benicia Herald.  It was published in the July 6 print edition.    A similar letter was sent to the Vallejo Times-Herald, but has yet to appear there.  – RS] Why no coverage of BSHC event? July 2, 2014, Benicia Herald Forum, p. A4 In response to … Continue reading Need for better coverage of BSHC in local press

US Rep. Thompson & colleagues urge action on oil train safety

Repost from Representative Mike Thompson’s website [Editor: see also the full text of the Reps’ letter below this press release.  – RS] Reps. Thompson, Matsui, Miller & Garamendi Send Letter To Secretary Of Transportation Foxx Requesting Immediate Action To Improve Safety Of Crude Oil Shipped By Rail Jul 1, 2014  |  Press Release Letter calls on … Continue reading US Rep. Thompson & colleagues urge action on oil train safety

“The infrastructure isn’t there”: Why shipping Bakken crude oil by rail is a disaster in the making

Repost from Salon (This originally appeared on Earth Island Journal) [Editor: This rather lengthy article is a MUST READ.  Well-written and thorough, it could serve as a primer on crude by rail in North America.  Significant quote: “‘The most essential risk reduction factor of all is distance,’ railway safety consultant Fred Millar says. ‘You don’t put … Continue reading “The infrastructure isn’t there”: Why shipping Bakken crude oil by rail is a disaster in the making

Region north of Sacramento sees 200-300 tank cars carrying crude oil on a given day

Repost from The Appeal-Democrat (Sutter & Yuba counties in California) Tracking trouble: Recent accidents highlight the dangers of transporting flammables on trains – including crude oil through Marysville June 29, 2014, by David Bitton It might be scarier to know how much of anything is being hauled through the Yuba-Sutter region via railroad. But it … Continue reading Region north of Sacramento sees 200-300 tank cars carrying crude oil on a given day