Second derailment of a crude oil train in two days: this one near Denver

Repost from The Republic, of Columbus, Indiana [Editor – see also yesterday’s posting of a derailment near Estevan, Saskatchewan, Canada.  – RS] Crews work to clean up after 6 cars of a 100-car oil crude train derails northwest of Denver THE ASSOCIATED PRESS  |  May 09, 2014 Crews work to clean up several train cars that … Continue reading Second derailment of a crude oil train in two days: this one near Denver

Refinery to Refinery, Martinez to Benicia – a Healing Walk

Repost from Sunflower Alliance & Idle No More – Download: Media Advisory – All about the Benicia-Martinez Walk on May 17 [Editor – EVERYONE in the Bay Area is invited!  It will be fun, inspiring, colorful and an important contribution to our visionary opposition to Crude By Rail.  Details follow.  Please come!  – RS] FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE … Continue reading Refinery to Refinery, Martinez to Benicia – a Healing Walk

Latest derailment: Estevan, Saskatchewan – no explosion

Repost from The Estevan Mercury [Editor: Estevan, Saskatchewan, Canada is located approximately 10 miles north of the Canada–North Dakota border.  – RS] Train derailment in Estevan May 8, 2014  |  by Chad Saxon Although few details are known at this point, the City of Estevan says there is no danger to the public following a train derailment … Continue reading Latest derailment: Estevan, Saskatchewan – no explosion

Bloomberg: Feds announce weak “emergency order”

Repost from Bloomberg Business Week The Government Takes a Weak Stab at Making Oil Trains Safer By Matthew Philips  |  May 08, 2014 On Wednesday, a week after a train loaded with crude oil from North Dakota exploded in downtown Lynchburg, Va., dumping 30,000 gallons of oil into the James River, the Department of Transportation … Continue reading Bloomberg: Feds announce weak “emergency order”