Wall Street Journal: on the DOT’s nonbinding safety advisory

Repost from The Wall Street Journal [Editor: Stakeholders, senators, and even the tank car builders say the feds haven’t gone far enough.  Significant quotes: “‘Making it voluntary is not going far enough,’ Sen. Maria Cantwell (D., Wash.) told Transportation Secretary” … “The trade association representing railcar builders and car-leasing companies said the advisory doesn’t go far … Continue reading Wall Street Journal: on the DOT’s nonbinding safety advisory

Earthjustice lawsuit against Kinder Morgan & BAAQMD – case overview

Repost from EARTHJUSTICE … because the Earth needs a good lawyer … Challenging Crude-by-Rail Shipments to California’s Bay Area The City of Richmond in California’s Bay Area is already burdened by intense pollution caused by the fossil fuel industry.  Chris Jordan-Bloch / Earthjustice CASE OVERVIEW Earthjustice, on behalf of Communities for a Better Environment, the Asian … Continue reading Earthjustice lawsuit against Kinder Morgan & BAAQMD – case overview

NY Governor Cuomo sends letter to President Obama an hour before Lynchburg explosion

Repost from The Auburn Citizen, Auburn, NY [Editor: See below for copy of Governor Cuomo’s letter and the New York State Transporting Crude Oil Report.  – RS] Cuomo to President Obama: Better federal safety standards needed for rail transport of crude oil April 30, 2014 • Robert Harding Firefighters and rescue workers work along the tracks where … Continue reading NY Governor Cuomo sends letter to President Obama an hour before Lynchburg explosion

NRDC Senior Scientist: Another explosion, and slow progress on tank car regulations

Repost from NRDC Switchboard, Diane Bailey’s Blog This Washington, that Washington on Crude Oil by Rail  Diane Bailey | Posted April 30, 2014 This afternoon brought news of another fiery crude oil train derailment.  Luckily no one was hurt in the Lynchburg, Virginia accident, but flames were shooting up as high as the 19th floor … Continue reading NRDC Senior Scientist: Another explosion, and slow progress on tank car regulations