Derailment fireballs too hot to handle

Repost from The Benicia Herald [Editor: I wrote the following for publication in the Benicia Herald to comment on our local version of a phenomenon taking place at cities across the nation.  I’ve lost track of the number of Google alerts in recent weeks about first-responder-crude-by-rail-training-events sponsored at great expense by the rail and refinery industries.  In … Continue reading Derailment fireballs too hot to handle

Potentially explosive trains rolling past 55 schools along a 60 mile stretch in NY and NJ

Repost from WABC TV7 Eyewitness News, New York, NY [Editor: Trains actually pass right UNDER one school.  A shocking video and excellent investigative reporting.  Someone really should research and list the schools (and other vital structures) along the Union Pacific tracks proposed as the route for Valero Benicia crude-by-rail. UPDATE, Nov. 1, 2014 – Note previous NRDC study … Continue reading Potentially explosive trains rolling past 55 schools along a 60 mile stretch in NY and NJ

SF Chronicle Editorial, The real crazy train: moving Bakken crude by rail

Repost from The San Francisco Chronicle Editorial: The real crazy train: moving Bakken crude by rail Chronicle Editorial Board, October 26, 2014 GOP gubernatorial candidate Neel Kashkari likes to deride Gov. Jerry Brown’s high-speed rail plan as the Crazy Train, but the loonier rail proposal is the one that would carry explosive Bakken crude 1,000 … Continue reading SF Chronicle Editorial, The real crazy train: moving Bakken crude by rail

Jan Cox Golovich letter: Benicia’s big problem

Repost from The Vallejo Times-Herald [Editor: Jan Cox Golovich is a former Benicia City Councilmember.  – RS] Jan Cox Golovich: Benicia’s big problem Vallejo Times-Herald, 10/24/2014 Behind closed doors, the Benicia City Attorney and certain members of the city council have attempted and failed to strip the mayor of her First Amendment right of free … Continue reading Jan Cox Golovich letter: Benicia’s big problem