New crude oil report concludes risks of train spills are real

Repost from The Sacramento Bee [Editor: Highly significant development – a must read!  – RS] New crude oil report concludes risks of train spills are real By Tony Bizjak, 10/23/2014 Mile-long oil trains that are expected to crisscross California daily in the coming years pose significant risks to residents of urban areas, including Sacramento, a … Continue reading New crude oil report concludes risks of train spills are real

Reuters Exclusive: California getting more Bakken crude by barge than rail

Repost from Reuters [Editor:  At the 9/11/14 Benicia Planning Commission meeting, John Hill, vice president and general manager of the Valero Benicia Refinery, stated that Bakken crude has been refined at Valero.  Commissioner Steve Young asked Hill to confirm his statement, which he did.  Young then asked the means of transport, and Hill replied “by … Continue reading Reuters Exclusive: California getting more Bakken crude by barge than rail

San Francisco Chronicle: Benicia sees cash in crude oil; neighbors see catastrophe

Repost from The San Francisco Chronicle Benicia sees cash in crude oil; neighbors see catastrophe By Jaxon Van Derbeken, October 23, 2014 A plan to bring tank-car trains filled with crude oil from Canada and North Dakota to a Benicia refinery is pitting the Solano County town against Northern California neighbors who say they will … Continue reading San Francisco Chronicle: Benicia sees cash in crude oil; neighbors see catastrophe

Bloomberg: California AG Rejects Trade-Secret Claims for Crude-by-Rail

Repost from Bloomberg News California AG Rejects Trade-Secret Claims for Crude-by-Rail By Victoria Slind-Flor, Oct 22, 2014 California Attorney General Kamala Harris expressed reservations about the trade-secret provisions in a proposal for a crude-by-rail project in Benicia, California. In a letter to the city’s Community Development Department, she said the draft environmental impact report for … Continue reading Bloomberg: California AG Rejects Trade-Secret Claims for Crude-by-Rail