Closing of California’s 4th largest oil refinery will cost thousands of jobs

Shutdown of Marathon’s Martinez Refinery Prompts Calls for ‘Just Transition’ for Oil Workers KQED News, by Ted Goldberg, Aug 3, 2020 Elected officials, union leaders, industry representatives and environmentalists are expressing concern about the hundreds of workers set to lose their jobs at California’s fourth-largest refinery in the coming months. That’s after Marathon Petroleum announced … Continue reading Closing of California’s 4th largest oil refinery will cost thousands of jobs

Solano County reports 110 new infections over the weekend, 86 of them under age 50

UPDATE: See today’s latest information [NOTES: For June-July comparison, see City Data below (purple text).  Note that Solano County publishes a DAILY update, and displays past weeks and months in epidemic curve charts.  However, the curve charts do not display an accurate number of cases for the most recent days, as there is a lag time … Continue reading Solano County reports 110 new infections over the weekend, 86 of them under age 50

Elizabeth Patterson says 3 terms as Benicia mayor enough; will focus on climate change

Patterson says 3 terms as Benicia mayor enough; will focus on climate change Fairfield Daily Republic, by Todd R. Hansen, July 31, 2020 FAIRFIELD — Elizabeth Patterson will not be running for a fourth term as mayor of Benicia. Instead, she said she will focus her energies on what she called the “climate catastrophe.” Patterson … Continue reading Elizabeth Patterson says 3 terms as Benicia mayor enough; will focus on climate change

Dr. Matyas to Solano Supes: the surge is real, and 95% of recent new cases directly linked to social gatherings

Vallejo surpasses Fairfield with most Solano Covid-19 cases Fairfield Daily Republic, by Todd R. Hansen, July 29, 2020 FAIRFIELD — Vallejo has, once again, become the leader in Covid-19 cases in the county. The city added 49 new confirmed cases to raise its count to 1,142, surpassing Fairfield with 1,124 cases, the Solano County Public … Continue reading Dr. Matyas to Solano Supes: the surge is real, and 95% of recent new cases directly linked to social gatherings