Listening in: Valero on recent earnings, then Q&A with investors

Repost from The Motley Fool [Valero’s profits continue at massive levels, although not as high as in 2017 when the Republicans gave corporations unheard-of tax windfalls.  I have the only reference to west coast production.  Of special interest: search this long transcript for the 9 references to “exports” and the 18 references to “rail.”  – … Continue reading Listening in: Valero on recent earnings, then Q&A with investors

Valero increased Canadian tar sands oil trains to and from Gulf Coast in 2018

Repost from S&P Global Platts [Editor: You can be sure that if Benicia hadn’t succeeded in stopping Valero Crude By Rail in 2016, we would be seeing these monstrous oil trains every day now.  Many thanks to all who contributed to our David & Goliath effort!  NOTE: “USGC” in this story refers to the US … Continue reading Valero increased Canadian tar sands oil trains to and from Gulf Coast in 2018

KQED: Big Oil, Small Town: Valero’s Election Influence in Benicia’s Politics

Repost from KQED NEWS Public Radio [Editor: This  is a GREAT audio report.  Only 12 minutes – well worth the time!  – R.S.] Big Oil, Small Town: Valero’s Election Influence in Benicia’s Politics LISTEN 12 min – Ted Goldberg & Devin Katayama, Jan 14, 2019 Valero spent $200,000 in last year’s Benicia city council election to help … Continue reading KQED: Big Oil, Small Town: Valero’s Election Influence in Benicia’s Politics

KQED: State chooses not to investigate Valero’s push poll

Repost from KQED California Report [Editor:  The anonymous Valero spokesperson’s comments quoted here amount to yet another last-minute hit-piece.  The letter from which the quotes are taken is malignant with lies, and appears in the online edition of the Vallejo Times-Herald.  Read this article to the end for comments by Mayor Patterson and Vice Mayor … Continue reading KQED: State chooses not to investigate Valero’s push poll