City decides NOT to post Final Word forum video- last rebroadcast Monday night 7pm

By Roger Straw, November 5, 2018 [Editor: At around 6pm tonight, City Manager Lorie Tinfow responded to urgent citizen requests to air the video.  She wrote, “We are treating the video of the Candidates Forum on Saturday in the same way we have treated previous videos of this forum when held. We are showing it … Continue reading City decides NOT to post Final Word forum video- last rebroadcast Monday night 7pm

KQED: State chooses not to investigate Valero’s push poll

Repost from KQED California Report [Editor:  The anonymous Valero spokesperson’s comments quoted here amount to yet another last-minute hit-piece.  The letter from which the quotes are taken is malignant with lies, and appears in the online edition of the Vallejo Times-Herald.  Read this article to the end for comments by Mayor Patterson and Vice Mayor … Continue reading KQED: State chooses not to investigate Valero’s push poll

Benicia candidates’ final campaign finance reports

By Roger Straw, October 31, 2018 Final reports on income sources and campaign expenses as posted on City of Benicia website Highlights Details Cash raised Oct 21-28 Birdseye $705 (Total $21,159) Largaespada $830 (Total $21,814) Strawbridge $0 (Total $23,797) Expenses Oct 21-28 Birdseye $761 (Total $17,836) Largaespada $425 (Total $14,783) Strawbridge $0 (Total $24,354) Cash … Continue reading Benicia candidates’ final campaign finance reports

KQED: Valero-Backed Group Spends Heavily to Sway Benicia City Council Election

Repost from KQED, The California Report Valero-Backed Group Spends Heavily to Sway Benicia City Council Election By Ted Goldberg, October 30, 2018 The Valero Energy Corp. and several allies have spent more than $165,000 to influence the Benicia City Council election, an amount that’s close to three times as much as all of the candidates have raised … Continue reading KQED: Valero-Backed Group Spends Heavily to Sway Benicia City Council Election