By Roger Straw, April 18, 2016 ANOTHER FLURRY OF LETTERS OPPOSING VALERO CBR Today the City of Benicia released Public Comments received April 15-18, 2016. The PDF document is 34 pages, 2.4 MB.  It includes a letter from Berkeley Mayor Tom Bates; a response from City staff to a letter from Benicians for a Safe and Healthy Community protesting … Continue reading ANOTHER FLURRY OF LETTERS OPPOSING VALERO CBR

BERKELEY MAYOR TOM BATES: Letter opposing Valero Crude By Rail

By Roger Straw, April 18, 2016 BERKELEY MAYOR TOM BATES: Letter opposing Valero Crude By Rail The Benicia Independent is in receipt of a letter sent today to the City of Benicia by Berkeley, CA Mayor Tom Bates.  Mayor Bates writes in opposition to certification and permitting of Valero’s proposal. Here is the complete text of … Continue reading BERKELEY MAYOR TOM BATES: Letter opposing Valero Crude By Rail

BENICIA CITY COUNCIL AGENDA for Apr 18 includes pro-Valero Staff Report and 11 attachments

By Roger Straw, April 17, 2016 Council Agenda for Apr 18 – staff documents in support of Valero Don’t fail to notice the significance of the Agenda for the Benicia City Council hearing on Monday, April 18. The Agenda was published on April 13 without any mention that there was a strongly worded staff report supporting Valero. … Continue reading BENICIA CITY COUNCIL AGENDA for Apr 18 includes pro-Valero Staff Report and 11 attachments

Realtors Advisory: Disclosure of Valero Crude by Rail prior to a sale

From an email to Benicia City Planners by Andrés Soto, for Benicians for a Safe and Healthy Community [Editor:  There has been much talk of the likelihood of falling property values if Valero begins shipping volatile and toxic crude oil on trains.  This would seem to strengthen the argument.  – RS] Solano County Realtors Advisory: Disclosure of Valero … Continue reading Realtors Advisory: Disclosure of Valero Crude by Rail prior to a sale