EDITORIAL: Valero wins one; attorneys wrangle; opponents get testy

By Roger Straw, April 29, 2016 Valero wins one; attorneys wrangle; opponents get testy Catching up on recent events Sorry, I had to take a little break.  When the Benicia City Council voted 3-2 to put off a decision on Valero’s crude by rail proposal (CBR), it was just a bit too much. I was deeply discouraged … Continue reading EDITORIAL: Valero wins one; attorneys wrangle; opponents get testy

ARGUS: Benicia seeks federal guidance on Valero rail

Repost (lead-in only) from Argus Media Benicia seeks federal guidance on Valero rail 21 Apr 2016, 5.46 pm GMT Houston, 21 April (Argus) — Officials in Benicia, California, have delayed a decision on an embattled Valero rail project proposal for up to five months to seek clarification from federal regulators. The Benicia city council on … Continue reading ARGUS: Benicia seeks federal guidance on Valero rail

VALLEJO TIMES-HERALD: Valero crude oil by rail decision delayed to September

Repost from the Vallejo Times-Herald Benicia: Valero crude oil by rail decision delayed to September By Irma Widjojo, 04/21/16, 12:01 AM PDT BENICIA — The public will have to wait until at least late summer for a possible resolution on Valero Benicia Refinery’s controversial crude-by-rail project, after the City Council voted 3-2 to postpone a … Continue reading VALLEJO TIMES-HERALD: Valero crude oil by rail decision delayed to September

BREAKING: Benicia City Council approves Valero’s request to delay

By Roger Straw, April 19, 2016, 10:20 pm Benicia City Council approves Valero’s request to delay Valero will seek a declaratory order from the federal Surface Transportation Board After posing questions and hearing additional testimony from a Union Pacific railroad executive, Valero executives, and the City’s contract attorney, Bradley Hogin, Benicia’s City Council members offered … Continue reading BREAKING: Benicia City Council approves Valero’s request to delay