Benicia City Attorney investigating outsider election smear campaign

Repost from the Vallejo Times-Herald [Editor: Vice Mayor Steve Young and many others who received the call have been perfectly clear about the smear tactics of the “push poll” callers who have spread misinformation and lies about candidate Kari Birdseye.  Kari’s opponents have publicly raised questions about whether there even was a bias (see below).  For … Continue reading Benicia City Attorney investigating outsider election smear campaign

Benicia Herald: Council denies mayor’s request for ISO rehearing

Repost from the Benicia Herald [Editor: For a perspective from the ISO Working Group, see here.  For more background on the ISO proposal, see here.  – RS] Council denies mayor’s request for ISO rehearing JULY 18, 2018 BY NICK SESTANOVICH In yet another marathon meeting that lasted almost until midnight, the Benicia City Council voted 3-2 to … Continue reading Benicia Herald: Council denies mayor’s request for ISO rehearing

CALL TO ACTION: Attend Benicia City Council on Tuesday, July 17!

An email from Kathy Kerridge, Benicia [Editor: For meeting agenda and materials, see Benicia City Council to vote whether to reconsider vote on ISO.  For much more, see our Benicia ISO page.  If you can’t attend, note below for info on where to write. – RS] Support a Benicia Industrial Safety Ordinance on 7/17 Come support … Continue reading CALL TO ACTION: Attend Benicia City Council on Tuesday, July 17!

Larnie Fox: We would simply like to know what is in the air

Submitted by the author… Simple By Larnie Fox, June 25, 2018 As a citizen of Benicia who lives close to a refinery I, like many other Benicians, would simply like to know what is in the air that we breathe. At the Benicia City Council meeting last Tuesday, 6/19/18, the Council missed an excellent opportunity … Continue reading Larnie Fox: We would simply like to know what is in the air