Analysis and illustration of structural racism in Benicia

From an email by Elizabeth Patterson, former Mayor, City of Benicia EL PAT’S FORUM by ELIZABETH PATTERSON Benicia, California STRUCTURAL RACISM IN BENICIA I have no doubt that the Benicia City Council members earnestly want to address structural racism. No one wants to be a racist and most people seek to avoid racists acts. So, … Continue reading Analysis and illustration of structural racism in Benicia

Benicia Mayor Steve Young – Inaugural Address on December 1, 2020

Thanks, election analysis, the pandemic and looking to the future First of all I want to thank the more than 8600 people who voted for me and gave me a decisive victory. But even more impressive was Benicia’s voter turnout – 87%!!! I was fortunate to have a great team to support my campaign efforts: … Continue reading Benicia Mayor Steve Young – Inaugural Address on December 1, 2020

John Ryan – Some background on political ambitions of Christina and Scott Strawbridge

[Editorial disclaimer: the following letter appeared on several social media sites and was printed in the Benicia Herald on October 11. It is questionable whether it is fair to characterize a candidate by reference to their spouse, but in this case, the complex political connections are relatively clear, and should be aired if not swallowed … Continue reading John Ryan – Some background on political ambitions of Christina and Scott Strawbridge

Candidates for Benicia Mayor and Council – written answers to questions on key issues

[BenIndy editor: Many thanks to Benicia Herald editor Galen Kusic for gathering together in one place the following Benicia candidates’ written responses to questions on key issues.  I am hopeful that in future I can re-format this Q&A so that all candidate responses to each question appear side-by-side for an easier voter comparison.  Stay tuned … Continue reading Candidates for Benicia Mayor and Council – written answers to questions on key issues