NY Times: A Runaway Train Explosion Killed 47, but Deadly Cargo Still Rides the Rails

By Ian Austen, July 16, 2019 When things go wrong, those in power often promise to make it right. But do they? In this series, The Times is going back to the scene of major news events to see if those promises were kept. The runaway train hurtled into the center of town shortly after midnight, … Continue reading NY Times: A Runaway Train Explosion Killed 47, but Deadly Cargo Still Rides the Rails

Benicia Lights for Liberty – reflections, references and follow-ups

By Roger Straw, July 14, 2019 Wow, what an amazing show of support – 400 plus in attendance! On Friday evening here in Benicia, we showed up in huge numbers to call for an end to our government’s cruelty and mismanagement at the US southern border. Caring individuals from Benicia, Vallejo, Martinez and beyond sang, … Continue reading Benicia Lights for Liberty – reflections, references and follow-ups

California’s top oil regulator sacked after doubling fracking permits

California Gov. Gavin Newsom orders dismissal of state’s top oil regulator By Janet Wilson, Palm Springs Desert Sun, July 11, 2019, 11:09 p.m. ET PALM SPRINGS, Calif. – California Gov. Gavin Newsom on Thursday directed his secretary of natural resources to fire Ken Harris, the state’s top oil regulator, after learning from The Desert Sun/USA … Continue reading California’s top oil regulator sacked after doubling fracking permits

Philadelphia refinery closes after massive explosion and fire

[Editor: After extensive cleanup, the site could reopen as a renewable energy facility!  See story in the Inquirer, also in cleantechnica.com.  – RS] From bankruptcy to fire to closure, a rocky end for Philadelphia Energy Solutions By Patricia Madej, The Philadelphia Inquirer, June 26, 2019 Philadelphia Energy Solutions, the East Coast’s largest refinery, will close … Continue reading Philadelphia refinery closes after massive explosion and fire