Tag Archives: Benicia Black Lives Matter

This Saturday, Join Benicia Black Lives Matter’s Juneteenth Celebration at the Benicia Public Library

Click to enlarge and feel free to repost, print, and share!

From Benicia Black Lives Matter:

Please join Benicia Black Lives Matter this Saturday, June 15th from 12PM-5PM for our fourth annual Juneteenth Celebration!
Located at:
Benicia Public Library
150 East L Street, Benicia CA
*This venue has plenty of free parking!
The event opens at 12PM, the program of speakers begins at 2PM, and the film screening begins at 3PM. 
  • Kids activities
  • Live music by Bow Hammer Skins
  • Gaga’s Rollin Diner food truck
  • Kids presentation of Garrison Hayes book “A Kids Book About Juneteenth”
  • Speakers including recently elected Solano County Supervisor Cassandra James
  • Community organizations like TabiMOMS & the Solano AIDS Coalition
  • A screening of “Frederick Douglass: In Five Speeches”
See you there,
Benicia Black Lives Matter

The flyer / poster follows – feel free to print/post/share/distribute. (Click the image to enlarge.)

[ BBLM’s Juneteenth celebration was originally going to take place at the Veteran’s Hall but was moved to the Benicia Public Library.]

New Location! Save Saturday, June 15 for a Juneteenth Celebration in Benicia

Benicia Black Lives Matter to host fourth annual Juneteenth celebration at Benicia Public Library

BBLM’s 2023 Juneteenth celebration at the Benicia Veteran’s Hall. This year, the event will take place at the Benicia Public Library. | Photo by Amira Barger.

Benicia Black Lives Matter is hosting a Juneteenth Celebration at the Benicia Public Library on Saturday, June 15th, from 12 to 5 pm.

Juneteenth – which falls on June 19 but will be celebrated on the 15th here in Benicia – was finally recognized as a national holiday in 2021.

The flyer / poster follows – feel free to print/post/share/distribute. (Click for full size jpg image.)

Click for full size jpg image.

[ BBLM’s Juneteenth celebration was originally going to take place at the Veteran’s Hall but was moved to the Benicia Public Library. A save-the-date post from May 17 was updated to reflect the change in the event venue.]

Save Saturday, June 15 for a Juneteenth Celebration in Benicia!

Benicia Black Lives Matter to host fourth annual Juneteenth celebration at Benicia Public Library

Benicia Black Lives Matter is hosting a Juneteenth Celebration at the Benicia Veterans Memorial Hall on Saturday, June 15th, from 12 to 5 pm. There will be live music, food & drinks, vendors and activities for kids.

Juneteenth – which falls on June 19 but will be celebrated on the 15th here in Benicia – was finally recognized as a national holiday in 2021.

More information will be posted here when it’s available.

[ This post has been updated: BBLM’s Juneteenth celebration was originally going to take place at the Veteran’s Hall but was moved to the Benicia Public Library.]

URGENT – Benicia Black Lives Matter on City Council meetings this week!

[The following message was received from Benicia Black Lives Matter by email today. – BenIndy contributor Roger Straw]

Important Upcoming City Council Meetings-Supporters Needed!

There are two important City Council meetings coming up, tomorrow (12/18/23 at 9AM) and Tuesday (12/19/23 at 6PM). Despite the late notice, if anyone is able to call in, write in, or attend to give public comment, this would be a great time to participate.

We need to fight to keep the CURE Commission, the DEI Manager, and our membership in GARE (Government Alliance on Race & Equity.) Even a brief comment of a sentence or two to express support for these items will be helpful.

Below you can find meeting agendas, Staff reports, and details on how to submit comment:

Save DEI in Benicia: Agenda Item #20.A

The UPCOMING City Council meetings are:
MONDAY, December 18th at 9:00AM
TUESDAY, December 19th at 6:00PM

12/18/23: Item 11.A – RESILIENCY PLAN WORKSHOP – FINANCIAL SCENARIO REVIEW (Deputy City Manager) As part of the path forward for addressing the City’s structural deficit, the City is updating its Strategic Plan and developing a Resiliency Plan. Recommendation: Provide feedback and direction on the draft elements of the Resiliency Plan.


  • PUBLIC COMMENTS FOR AGENDA ITEMS WILL START AFTER THE ITEM IS INTRODUCED. Detailed information about how to submit comments via phone call or Zoom is below. While emails/letters submitted to City Council after the deadline of last week members may be read, they will not be entered into the public record nor will they appear in the agenda packets.
    Members of the public may provide public comments to the City Clerk by email at lwolfe@ci.benicia.ca.us but the window of time to have those comments entered into the public record and added to the City Council agenda packet has closed. Any emails sent may or may not be read by City Council and Staff. Make your choices accordingly.

1) Attend in person at Council Chambers
2) Cable T.V. Broadcast – Check with your cable provider for your local government broadcast channel.
3) Livestream online at www.ci.benicia.ca.us/agendas.
4) Zoom Meeting (link below)


The public may view and provide public comment via Zoom (via computer or phone) link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88508047557?pwd=cHRsZlBrYlphU3pkODcycytmcFR2UT09

If prompted for a password, enter 449303.

    • Use participant option to “raise hand” during the public comment period for the item you wish to speak on. Please note, your electronic device must have microphone capability. Once unmuted, you will have up to 5 minutes to speak.

Dial in with phone:
Before the start of the item you wish to comment on, call any of the numbers below. If one is busy, try the next one.

    • 1 669 900 9128 
    • 1 346 248 7799 
    • 1 253 215 8782 
    • 1 646 558 8656 
    • 1 301 715 8592 
    • 1 312 626 6799
  • Enter the meeting ID number: 885 0804 7557 *please note this is an updated ID number*. Once unmuted, you will have up to 5 minutes to speak.

Any member of the public who needs accommodations should email City Clerk Lisa Wolfe at lwolfe@ci.benicia.ca.us, who will use her best efforts to provide as much accessibility as possible while also maintaining public safety.


*YOUR OWN WORDS WILL BE THE MOST IMPACTFUL, BUT THESE ARE SOME EXAMPLES OF WHAT YOU CAN SAY. Adjust the language to suit your voice as these were all mostly written by the same person and really sound like it. 

*The basic idea is to express support for continuing the DEI work the city has undertaken, by continuing the CURE Commission, the DEI Manager position, and membership in GARE (Government Alliance on Race & Equity). Even a one or two sentence comment expressing your support for these items is useful and crucial. 

Equity issues continue in all areas including government, education, business culture, housing, and continued work is essential. 

Importance of continuing the work that has been started, for the importance of the work, but also not to waste the investment that has already been made.

City Council—all white, all but one white men

What CURE has actually accomplished (see report)

What CURE was intended to be and how it was sabotaged

Value of being model city

More than lip service DEI considerations attracts and retains talent, young people

Ideas to get started