Tag Archives: Benicia elections

Here’s a fix for the one thing that could screw up your early mail-in ballot

Don’t let your outdated signature doom your vote!

It has become increasingly clear that everyone needs to VOTE EARLY as soon as mail-in ballots arrive in late September.

The one thing that has been worrying me is that the Solano County Registrar of Voters office plans to VERIFY MY SIGNATURE before counting my ballot.

What?  My signature has devolved into an indecipherable scrawl!  And it ain’t what it used to be!

Today I discovered that the Registrar has posted a form that allows us to UPDATE OUR SIGNATURE.  This could be important – and timely!

So check this out today.  Here’s the Registrar’s invitation and a link to the form you can fill out.  The form contains good instructions.

All vote by mail ballots are to be signed by the voter.  This signature must match your signature used when you registered to vote.  If you would like to update your signature, please fill out this form and return it to our office.  We will update your signature based on the information provided.
Drop the form off at Solano county Registrar of Voters Office, 675 Texas St., Suite 2600 (Map)OR… the form contains instructions for scanning and returning it by email attachment.  Or I suppose if you are really EARLY, you could mail it!
Let’s elect Joe and Kamala BY A LANDSLIDE! 

Benicia and Solano: How to work around Trump’s Sabotage of the US Postal Service

By Roger Straw, August 16, 2020

VOTING EARLY is increasingly important information given Trump’s felonious assault on the Postal Service.  And it will be important to confirm that the County is processing your ballot properly.

SO… Here’s information from our Solano County Registrar of Voters on how you can TRACK your ballot.

You will want to take advantage of the ballot notification tools.  You will get either a text or e-mail reminder saying that the ballots are in the mail on the way to them.  And when you send it back (even if you use a drop off location) – you’ll get an e-mail or text telling you the ballot got to the Registrar of Voters office, and notifying you if there are any problems (like they couldn’t count it, or signature didn’t match, etc.).  Super helpful.   You can SIGN UP TODAY for that information here: solanocounty.com/depts/rov/text_alerts.asp


Solano County Election begins in late September! Here’s your checklist for Election MONTH

I know there must be a few of you out there like me. I never voted by mail before!

Roger Straw, The Benicia Independent

This year, most everyone will be voting by mail.  With all the talk about Trump trying to hobble the Post Office, I got to thinking we should be ready to vote by mail, AND… ready do it early!

So here’s our election calendar.


  • >> Return your ballot by mail anytime, but my advice this year is, do it early! (Technically, ballots must be postmarked no later than November 3.)
  • Or, drop your ballot off at the Benicia City Clerk’s office beginning Oct. 5. (Map: City Hall, 250 East L Street)  To be super safe, you can drop it off after Oct. 5 at the Solano County Registrar of Voters office, Map: 675 Texas St., Suite 2600.)
  • Or, if you haven’t already returned your ballot (hint, hint…), take advantage of curbside dropoff Oct. 29-Nov. 3 (click for details, at bottom of page)A curbside dropoff location has been added in Benicia at Gateway Church 1315 Military West.  This was added due to concerns that have been coming up with USPS.  All Locations are open 8:00a.m. to 5:00p.m., including Saturday, plus
    7:00a.m. to 8:00p.m. on Election Day.
  • Or, Election Day dropoff at one of 6 Benicia polling places or the City Clerk office (click for details, Benicia on p. 6).  Or again, drop off at any of the places listed above, including the Solano County Building in Fairfield, (Map: 675 Texas St.).

Below is all you need to know, directly from the Solano County Registrar of Voters page, including an excellent 3-minute video and lots of detailed information to follow.

Voting Options and Information for November 3, 2020

In an effort to reduce the impact of the Coronavirus spread, the Solano County Registrar of Voters is preparing several voting options that voters should be aware of.  Please check this site often as information will be updated closer to the election.  Last updated August 1, 2020.

VIDEO: Check out the options you have for voting safely this Election Day

No Contact Voting:
As an option to in-person voting, all voters can vote without contact with our staff or office.

All voters will be mailed a vote-by-mail ballot for the November 3, 2020 election.  Ballots will be automatically mailed at the end of September, and voters have the following options to return ballots:

  Ballot Drop-Off:
Starting October 5 (29 days) – 14 Drop-Off locations are available – click for location and hours (drop box is inside an office building).
 Curbside Drop Off Curbside Drop-Off:
Starting October 29 (5 days) – 8 Curbside drop-off locations are available [including BENICIA]click for locations and hours. (stay in your car, hand ballot to pollworkers)
 Vote at Polls Election Day Drop-Off:
Election Day November 3 (1 day) – 100 poll place drop-off locations are available – click for locations – all locations are 7am to 8pm.

Your ballot packet will provide all the options for returning your vote by mail ballot.  All postage is paid by the Registrar of Voters Office for voters mailing ballots back to our office.  Voters do not have to vote this ballot, and can still choose to vote in-person using one of the options listed below.  Other alternatives include:

Alternatively voters can Download a Ballot (Available Late-September)- print your ballot at home, and mail it, fax it, or drop it off at a drop-off location. This service is available to any voter without a special request and can be used up to and including on election day provided the ballot is returned to us post-marked by election day.
If you change your mind, you can still vote at your assigned polling place on Election Day.

Limited Contact Voting:

 Curbside Voting  At your assigned poll place, all voters can request to vote “Curb-Side” from the comfort of your vehicle. Look for the blue cone outside of your polling place, and call the number listed on the cone. Pollworkers will come out to your car with your ballot and will securely deposit it for you.
This same curb-side option is available if you want to drop off your vote by mail ballot. It may be preferable for you to remain in your vehicle and we support that option.

In-Person Voting:

 Vote at the polls Traditional poll place voting will be available in November.  Your assigned location will be provided in the mail towards the end of September.  Depending on health issues, the number of locations may need to be reduced in November, which may cause for additional time to vote.

Pollworkers and Staff:
All poll workers will be required to wear masks and shields, additionally the Registrar of Voters will provide gloves, hand sanitizer, and disinfecting wipes.  Pollworkers will be trained on the proper use of this equipment and how to follow the procedures outlined for each workspace.

Voters will be required to wear face coverings per the state law requiring such in public places.  Face coverings will be provided to any voter needing one.  Hand Sanitizer and disposable pens will be provided to all voters as well.   Voters without face coverings will be encouraged to vote from the safety of their vehicles, or when the pollworkers can clear the area for the safety of other voters.
We encourage all citizens to follow the mandated health requirements to help protect our staff and community partners. Without our staff and volunteers we cannot successfully execute an election!   Please help us minimize the risk to those helping to administer your voting rights!

Update Your Signature

  All vote by mail ballots are to be signed by the voter.  This signature must match your signature used when you registered to vote.  If you would like to update your signature,
Please fill out this form, and return it to our office.  We will update your signature based on the information provided.

All Election and voter services are available by phone or online:

707-784-6675; or elections@solanocounty.com
To visit us in-person, please: Request an appointment

Solano County Election begins in September! Here’s your checklist for Election MONTH…

I know there must be a few of you out there like me. I never voted by mail before!

Roger Straw, The Benicia Independent

This year, most everyone will be voting by mail.  With all the talk about Trump trying to hobble the Post Office, I got to thinking we should be ready to vote by mail, AND… ready do it early!

So here’s our election calendar.

Your ballot will arrive by mail in late September.

Below is all you need to know, directly from the Solano County Registrar of Voters page, including an excellent 3-minute video and lots of detailed information to follow.

Voting Options and Information for November 3, 2020

In an effort to reduce the impact of the Coronavirus spread, the Solano County Registrar of Voters is preparing several voting options that voters should be aware of.  Please check this site often as information will be updated closer to the election.  Last updated August 1, 2020.

VIDEO: Check out the options you have for voting safely this Election Day

No Contact Voting:
As an option to in-person voting, all voters can vote without contact with our staff or office.

All voters will be mailed a vote-by-mail ballot for the November 3, 2020 election.  Ballots will be automatically mailed at the end of September, and voters have the following options to return ballots:

  Ballot Drop-Off:
Starting October 5 (29 days) – 14 Drop-Off locations are available – click for location and hours (drop box is inside an office building).
 Curbside Drop Off Curbside Drop-Off:
Starting October 29 (5 days) – 8 Curbside drop-off locations are available [NOTE: in nearby cities, but NONE IN BENICIA]click for locations and hours. (stay in your car, hand ballot to pollworkers)
 Vote at Polls Election Day Drop-Off:
Election Day November 3 (1 day) – 100 poll place drop-off locations are available – click for locations – all locations are 7am to 8pm.

Your ballot packet will provide all the options for returning your vote by mail ballot.  All postage is paid by the Registrar of Voters Office for voters mailing ballots back to our office.  Voters do not have to vote this ballot, and can still choose to vote in-person using one of the options listed below.  Other alternatives include:

Alternatively voters can Download a Ballot (Available Late-September)- print your ballot at home, and mail it, fax it, or drop it off at a drop-off location. This service is available to any voter without a special request and can be used up to and including on election day provided the ballot is returned to us post-marked by election day.
If you change your mind, you can still vote at your assigned polling place on Election Day.

Limited Contact Voting:

 Curbside Voting  At your assigned poll place, all voters can request to vote “Curb-Side” from the comfort of your vehicle. Look for the blue cone outside of your polling place, and call the number listed on the cone. Pollworkers will come out to your car with your ballot and will securely deposit it for you.
This same curb-side option is available if you want to drop off your vote by mail ballot. It may be preferable for you to remain in your vehicle and we support that option.

In-Person Voting:

 Vote at the polls Traditional poll place voting will be available in November.  Your assigned location will be provided in the mail towards the end of September.  Depending on health issues, the number of locations may need to be reduced in November, which may cause for additional time to vote.

Pollworkers and Staff:
All poll workers will be required to wear masks and shields, additionally the Registrar of Voters will provide gloves, hand sanitizer, and disinfecting wipes.  Pollworkers will be trained on the proper use of this equipment and how to follow the procedures outlined for each workspace.

Voters will be required to wear face coverings per the state law requiring such in public places.  Face coverings will be provided to any voter needing one.  Hand Sanitizer and disposable pens will be provided to all voters as well.   Voters without face coverings will be encouraged to vote from the safety of their vehicles, or when the pollworkers can clear the area for the safety of other voters.
We encourage all citizens to follow the mandated health requirements to help protect our staff and community partners. Without our staff and volunteers we cannot successfully execute an election!   Please help us minimize the risk to those helping to administer your voting rights!

Update Your Signature

  All vote by mail ballots are to be signed by the voter.  This signature must match your signature used when you registered to vote.  If you would like to update your signature,
Please fill out this form, and return it to our office.  We will update your signature based on the information provided.

All Election and voter services are available by phone or online:

707-784-6675; or elections@solanocounty.com
To visit us in-person, please: Request an appointment

My thoughts on possible District Voting in Benicia

By Roger Straw, January 17, 2020
Roger Straw, The Benicia Independent

On Tuesday January 21, Benicia’s City Council will consider a proposal to change our electoral process from At-Large voting for Council candidates to four newly-defined small geographical districts.  Benicia citizens need to pay attention to this – it may sound ok, but consider…

I think our ability to join forces against the massive and mean-spirited outside corporate influences we saw in our 2018 election would be immeasurably weakened by adoption of district voting.

In 2018, a PAC funded by Valero Services and organized labor spent over $200,000 to smear and defeat Council candidate Kari Birdseye.  (See below for background.)  A similar campaign was waged against candidate Elizabeth Patterson in 2007.

A Council campaign funded and run in a small Benicia district would not be capable of standing up to limitless corporate PAC money.  And Benicia is way too small to be divided into four districts capable of finding and supporting multiple competitive candidates across the political spectrum.

In many cities, district voting makes sense as a measure to strengthen and empower concentrated minority groups.  Note that I am decidedly in FAVOR of empowering minority voting strength, especially when it comes to racial and ethnic minorities.  Most of us would agree.  But Benicia’s racial and ethnic mix is not concentrated in any linear district – so district voting would do absolutely nothing to advance minority voting strength.

What about other sub-groups in geographically defined parts of Benicia?

Our Southampton hills 1) is already represented by Mr. Largaespada, 2) could have elected Kari Birdseye as a Southampton neighbor if she hadn’t been targeted and smeared, and 3) had Mark Hughes as a resident Council member for years.  I’m guessing Southampton probably had a few more Council members going back before my time.

A case CAN probably be made that Benicia’s East Side has been underrepresented over the years – but district voting would create more problems than it would fix for Eastsiders.  IMPORTANT: How could an underfunded campaign in a smaller population on the East side possibly put up a fight against Valero and organized labor?!

CORRECTION: A kind reader has pointed out that current Council member Tom Campbell lives on Benicia’s East side.  Campbell and former Council member Jan Cox-Golovich live in a section of town north of Military and just EAST of an imaginary First Street dividing line.

MY CONCLUSION: District voting would only give outside big money greater strength to stack our City Council.

Your voice is important!


    • My background article on Jan 6, 2020 with quote from SF Chronicle, stating over $200,000 was spent by the Valero PAC.  My comment: “Kari ran for City Council in 2018 in a field of 4, competing for 2 seats on Council.  Only she didn’t just run against her opponents.  She ran against a $200,000-plus smear campaign orchestrated by Benicia Valero Refinery and its friends in organized labor.  The three major candidates’ campaigns spent less than $30,000 each, while Valero saturated our phone lines, mailboxes, newspapers and social media with misinformation and ugly photos.”
    • My post-election call on Nov 12 2018 for Council action to reform campaign spending – including comparison of the $200,000 with candidate spending of under $30,000 each.
    • My Oct 28 2018 article just before the Nov election which reported a smear campaign total of $155,000 as of that time. My  comment in that article: “News broke in late September that a major worldwide corporate power had bullied its way into our local democratic process.  Valero Services Inc., based in Texas but with 115 subsidiaries in Delaware, Michigan, Canada and several wealthy Caribbean nations, decided it wanted to buy a seat on the Benicia City Council. Their first strategy was to spend an unknown amount of money to employ two national firms, EMC Research and Research America, to conduct a nasty telephone “push poll,” blatantly mischaracterizing and demeaning one candidate for Council and painting rosy pictures of two others.  When our City Attorney challenged the polling firms, Valero Refinery executive Don Wilson admitted that Valero paid for the poll, but neither he nor the polling firms would comply with our demands for more information.”
    • Weekly and daily reporting of details as the smear campaign unfolded: benindy.wpengine.com/?s=birdseye