By Roger Straw, November 9, 2020, 6:00pm
Trevor Macenski maintains lead for second seat on Benicia City Council – leads Terry Scott by 127 votes
Solano County updated its election results at 5:15pm tonight, with no changes in yesterday’s rankings. Unofficial results today give Trevor Macenski a lead of 127 votes over Terry Scott, strengthening his hopes for gaining the second seat on Council. Note that the counting isn’t over yet in this close race.
Outstanding votes as of Tuesday Nov. 9, 5pm
Solano County’s election result is still unofficial. As of 5pm on Tues. Nov. 10, the County reports an estimate of 500-1,000 additional County-wide vote-by-mail ballots to be processed, and 2,500-3,500 additional provisional ballots to be processed. Benicia’s share of those 3,000-4,500 ballots has not been reported and remains unknown. However, Benicia’s population is 7% of Solano population, and our voter turnout percentage of 86% is higher than countywide 79% – so we might count for 8% of the remaining ballots, or 240-360 votes, enough to alter the vote for second seat on Council. The County will update its results at close of business on Thursday Nov. 12, and I will report here on any significant changes in outcome.
Benicia races for Mayor and City Council – winners and losers…
Details and analysis…
- UPDATE: 17,341 Benicia ballots were received, 85.0% of 20,393 registered voters. Wow!
- MAYOR results as of Fri. Nov 6, 5pm:
Candidate Name |
Total Votes |
Percentage |
8,522 |
50.78% |
5,184 |
30.89% |
3,032 |
18.07% |
- Steve Young continues with an insurmountable lead, winning vote-by-mail by a huge margin of 53% to Christina Strawbridge’s 31% and Jason Diavatis’ 16%.
- Jason Diavatis won election-day voting with 36%, then Young at 34% and Strawbridge at 30%.
- There were relatively few election-day votes, 1,746, compared to a whopping 14,957 vote-by-mail ballots as of tonight’s report. Thus Steve Young’s substantial overall margin of 20 points.
- CITY COUNCIL results as of Fri. Nov. 6, 5pm:
8,576 |
36.54% |
7,511 |
32.00% |
7,384 |
31.46% |
- Tom Campbell won re-election to City Council with the highest vote total among candidates and a margin now in excess of 1,000 votes. By tradition, as top vote-getter, Campbell will be named Benicia’s Vice Mayor, replacing Christina Strawbridge in that role.
- In an extremely tight race, Trevor Macenski leads Terry Scott for second place, which, if held, would gain him the second seat on City Council. Scott led by 135 votes in election-day voting, but trails Macenski by 248 votes in vote-by-mail. Provisional ballots reported so far went 22 for Macenski, 8 for Scott (and 10 for Campbell). Macenski’s narrow overall margin of 127 votes tonight is subject to counting of more mail-in ballots and provisional ballots, but it looks more and more like Macenski will be declared the winner. Stay tuned!
Cannabis results:

8,617 |
51.68% |
NO |
8,058 |
48.32% |
Those voting YES gained a bit, adding 80 votes today, while NO gained only 56 votes. The difference was in newly counted mail-in ballots. Provisional ballots were even, 20 YES, 20 NO. Those voting NO took the election-day voting by a margin of 123 votes. Mail-in voting far outnumbered election-day voting. Voters cast 14,870 mail-in votes and only 1,765 election-day votes. I expect that today’s (unofficial) margin of 559 votes is likely to hold as the County counts additional mail-in ballots and provisional ballots.
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