Tag Archives: Coronavirus COVID 19

Benicia Schools – everyone urged to “unplug and take a true break during April 6 – 10: Spring Break”

COVID-19 Update 3-27-20 – Distance Learning
March 27, 2020

Dear Benicia Families,

We are winding up our eighth day of Distance Learning and want to express our gratitude to all our families, students and staff for your flexibility, adaptability and patience.  Our staff has worked very hard to be forerunners in getting Distance Learning up and going for our students. We will continue to refine our instruction during our extended school closure through May 1, 2020.

As we continue to learn about and work in this new learning dimension, we are trying to use reasonableness as a barometer for what we are asking our students and families and staff to do. Throughout the closure, our goal is to reinforce and practice key State Content Standards and concepts taught to this point in our school year.  We have asked staff that any new content taught should be viewed through the lens of being critical and essential for students in their grade level, or subject area class. We are being mindful of the amount of content and time we are asking kids and families to work as many of you are juggling working from home, parenting, and now supporting your child’s learning.

To support our families and staff as we enter an extended Distance Learning timeframe we are:

  • Dedicating Wednesday, April 1 as a Professional Planning Day for teachers to determine the key concepts/standards and pacing that students must learn through the end of this year. Your children can continue to work on schoolwork, but teachers will not be available that day.
  • Strongly encouraging all families and staff to unplug and take a true break during April 6 – 10: Spring Break.
  • Dedicating Monday, April 13 as a Non-student day to provide an additional day of Professional Planning for teachers.
  • Resuming Distance Learning for students Tuesday, April 14.
  • Dedicating Each Friday after break (April 17, 24 & May 1) as Professional Planning Days for staff  to support planning and collaboration. Your children can continue to work on schoolwork, but teachers will not be available these days.

We greatly appreciate your partnership knowing this is a challenging time for our society.  I sincerely hope all is well in each and everyone of your households.

Dr. Charles Young


Benicia Schools – Food Service Update: new pick-up times and extended service to May 1st

Latest Food Service Update through May 1st

Date: March 27, 2020


Dear Parent(s) or Guardian(s),

This memo has been revised with the NEW PICK-UP TIMES AND EXTENDED SERVICE DATE listed below.  You are receiving this letter to inform you that during the school closures, the Food and Nutrition Services Department will be serving free student meals for all of our students.

Parents or students may drive or walk up to any of the locations listed below to pick-up breakfast and lunch for their students.  Each student will receive a lunch for the day and a breakfast for the next day. They will be put together in a grab-and-go bag for your convenience.

Student Meal Pick-Up Procedures:

New Extended Date: Monday March 30 through Friday May 1 (served Monday through Friday)


  • Robert Semple Elementary School
    • 2015 E 3rd St, Benicia, CA 94510
    • *Entrance of the Staff Parking Lot
    • Time: 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM
  • Benicia High School
    • 1101 Military W, Benicia, CA 94510
    • *Turn into Plaza de Oro and keep right pass the gates until you see us
    • Time: 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM
  • 91 Riverview Terrance Complex
    • *Look for the Benicia USD Van
    • New Time: 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM, (starting March 30)

If you have previously signed up for these student meals, there is no need to reply to this email.

If you have not signed up for these student meals, please reply to this email: tcourtney@beniciaunified.org and let us know if your child(ren) will pick up a free student meal and which Pick-Up Location will be used. Please include the student name(s), so we can anticipate how many student meals to prepare.

Tania P. Courtney
Director of Nutrition & Food Services Department
Benicia Unified School District
1101 Military West, Benicia, CA 94510
Phone: (707) 748-2758
E-mail: tcourtney@beniciaunified.org

Fecha: 27 de marzo de 2020


Estimado padre (s) o tutor (es),

Este memo ha sido revisado con NUEVOS TIEMPOS DE RECOGIDA Y FECHA DE SERVICIO EXTENDIDO que se enumeran a continuación. Recibirá esta carta para informarle que durante el cierre de la escuela, el Departamento de Servicios de Alimentos y Nutrición estará sirviendo comidas gratis para todos nuestros estudiantes.

Los padres y los estudiantes pueden conducir o caminar hasta cualquiera de los lugares enumerados a continuación para recoger el desayuno y el almuerzo para sus estudiantes. Cada estudiante recibirá un almuerzo para el día y un desayuno para el día siguiente. Se colocarán en una bolsa para llevar para su conveniencia.

Procedimientos de recogida de comidas del estudiante:

Fechas: martes 30 de marzo a viernes 1 de mayo (servido de lunes a viernes)


  • Robert Semple Elementary School
    • 2015 E 3rd St, Benicia, CA 94510
    • Entrada del estacionamiento del personal
    • Hora: 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM
  • Benicia High School
    • 1101 Military W, Benicia, CA 94510
    • Gire a la Plaza de Oro y manténgase a la derecha pasando las puertas hasta que nos vea
    • Hora: 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM
  • 91 Riverview Terrance Complex (a partir del 30 de marzo)
    • Busque la furgoneta Benicia USD
    • Hora: 11:30 AM-12: 30 PM

Si se ha inscrito previamente para estas comidas de estudiantes, no es necesario que responda a este correo electrónico. Si no se ha inscrito para estas comidas estudiantiles, responda a este correo electrónico: tcourtney@beniciaunified.org e infórmenos si su hijo (a) recogerá una comida estudiantil gratuita y qué lugar de recogida se utilizará. Incluya los nombres de los estudiantes para que podamos anticipar cuántas comidas de estudiantes preparar.

Tania P. Courtney
Director del Departamento de Nutrición y Servicios Alimenticios
Distrito escolar unificado de Benicia
1101 Military West, Benicia, CA 94510
Teléfono: (707) 748-2758
Correo electrónico: tcourtney@beniciaunified.org

COVID-19 verse – a rather sad poem

By Roger Straw, Benicia CA, March 27, 2020

Editor – Covering coronavirus these past weeks, I’ve often been startled to think of previously unthinkable implications.  This morning’s news brought firsthand stories of bereaved families who could not be with their loved ones in the ICU as decline set in.  My heart is heavy thinking of so many going through the worst of this pandemic.  – R.S.


A coronavirus death,
Sudden and quick,
Unexpected, viral, wheezingly thorough,
And alone.

A social distance death,
A solo death,
Boxed and caged and tubed
To oblivion.

No distancing the grim reaper.

A family apart,
Set off and away,
A family in tears, light-tears apart,
Love without incarnation,
Loveloss torn asunder.

Are we to hold a Zoom funeral?
A flat-faced, big screen memorial?
Will Facetime be our only solace?

Roger Straw, March 27, 2020

Covid-19 in Solano County – three new cases on Thursday, March 26

UPDATE: See today’s latest information

Solano County update on March 26, 2020

Solano County reported 3 new positive cases today for a total of 34.  Our coronavirus data curve is on a steeper upward trajectory.  Everyone stay home and be safe!

The chart at bottom right, “Cumulative number of confirmed COVID-19 cases…” gives a clear picture of the infection’s trajectory in Solano County.

Also of interest:

  • Differentiation between Total number of cases (34) and Active cases (15).  NOTE THAT active cases yesterday were also 15, thus all 3 of today’s new cases are not active.
  • Total number hospitalized (9 known, 2 more than yesterday)
  • Proportion of hospitalizations due to COVID-19 (coming soon)
  • Total number of deaths (0 as of March 26)
  • Total number of cases by age groups (0-18: 0; 19-64: 22; 65 and older: 12)  1 of today’s 3 new cases is aged 19-24.  2 are 65 and older.
  • Total residents tested today (coming soon)
  • The line chart at top right shows when these cases were tested over the last several weeks, (“Date of specimen collection”).


Solano staff refuses to divulge WHERE in the County the positive cases reside.

For safe and healthy communities…