Category Archives: Benicia City Council

Marilyn Bardet: Tough Development Issues

Kari Birdseye and Terry Scott, both proven community leaders

By Marilyn Bardet, October 23, 2022

Marilyn Bardet, Benicia CA

Over my 35 years as a resident in Benicia, I’ve addressed many city councils on tough development issues, and I know it’s time for real change.

For Benicia, persistent issues of sustainability haunt my thoughts about the future and fate of the quality of life in our historic town. This year, in keeping with community values enshrined in our city’s forward-looking general plan, I will be voting for Kari Birdseye and Terry Scott, both proven community leaders, whose distinct experiences and and fresh ideas will inform and invigorate council debates, inspire public involvement, and lead toward decision-making that fairly and transparently aims for “the good of the whole”, not least, the environment.

Right now, owing to state laws and regional requirements, more and more housing development is being called for.

But will such housing be affordable? Who will really benefit? Who will pay the price? Where is new housing most appropriate to be located? How much more housing is sustainable, all things considered?

So much hangs on getting things right, proactively, anticipating a different future, since there’s no more time to waste preparing our city for predicted basic changes — owing to climate impacts and persistent drought— which conjure the urgent need for workable, feasible solutions with public understanding and buy-in.

I trust Kari and Terry to each be thoughtful leaders who will take reasoned, evidence-based action:

    • to improve air quality by reckoning with sources of pollution;
    • ensure water-saving and eco-friendly conservation;
    • preserve our precious historic resources as our legacy;
    • and seek diverse opportunities for economic development with attention to reducing our carbon footprint.

For all these reasons and more, please join me in voting for Kari Birdseye and Terry Scott!

Marilyn Bardet
Benicia, CA

More letters, news & links about Kari here on the BenIndy

And best of all – Kari’s website!

Ralph Dennis: Support for Benicia Seniors and Clean Air and Water

Birdseye for City Council

By Ralph Dennis, October 23, 2022

Ralph Dennis, Benicia CA

I support Kari Birdseye for City Council and urge all Benicia voters to do so as well. Kari has the knowledge and experience to help lead Benicia and our City Council as our community faces many difficult issues ahead.

One of Kari’s greatest strengths is her willingness to seek input from others. She has demonstrated this important trait while volunteering in the community over many years and especially as a member of Benicia’s Planning Commission which she has chaired the past 7 years. Most importantly, she seeks this input to learn while forming her opinions on issues, not to validate her own thoughts or respond only after the community asks to be heard – a trait lacking in the incumbent candidates running for re-election.

As Planning Commissioner since 2015, Kari has demonstrated careful consideration of the projects and issues that have come before the Commission, which has prepared her well to serve as a Councilmember. Her skills were especially evident during discussions on the proposed Crude by Rail Project and currently in addressing Benicia’s compliance with its state-mandated Housing Element report.

I am especially supportive of two of Kari’s campaign priorities –

    • creating a Benicia Senior Citizens Commission
    • and Clean Air and Clean Water for Benicia.

During a Candidate’s Forum at Rancho Benicia, Kari suggested a Senior Commission to address Seniors’ concerns and “could include representatives from Rancho Benicia, Senior Center, Carquinez Village, Casa de Vilarrasa, and others,” and a Councilmember as advocate from Council.

Kari also pledges to expand air monitoring in Benicia to be more effective and placed strategically to fill loopholes in the existing local air monitor program. Fines that Valero will be paying for 17 years-worth of failure to report emissions would fund the additional monitoring.

I urge all Benicia voters to elect Kari Birdseye for Benicia City Council.

Ralph Dennis
Benicia, CA

More letters, news & links about Kari here on the BenIndy

And best of all – Kari’s website!

Susan Street: A Breath of Fresh Air

New Possibilities…

By Susan Street, October 21, 2022

Susan Street, Benicia CA

A breath of fresh air.

New ideas.

A new approach.

Happily, the voters are in charge with an opportunity to have two positive, up-to-date replacements for Benicia City Council.

Solid environmental concerns, experience in city business, both exceptional supporters of the arts.

Let’s elect Terry Scott and Kari Birdseye.

New eyes on Valero, our city budget, new possibilities and solutions.

Susan Street
Benicia, CA

More letters, news & links about Kari here on the BenIndy

And best of all – Kari’s website!

Craig Snider: Think Twice Before Supporting Largaespada and Strawbridge

…we can make a constructive change this November by replacing both with Terry Scott and Kari Birdseye.

By Craig Snider, October 9, 2022

Craig Snider, Benicia CA

With the Benicia City Council election in full swing, I’ve read with interest various opinions about the candidates. But two candidates stand out for their anti-public health and antibusiness development stances: Largaespada and Strawbridge. Consider the influence of Valero corporation, with its $250K war chest under the guise of “Working Families for a Better Benicia”. That’s troubling given its chronic air and water pollution problems. In the past, Valero worked to defeat candidates who support better oversight of their polluting operations. Apparently they expect lax treatment by the candidates they support. Otherwise, why would they get involved in our elections?

Remember the whole “Crude by Rail” debacle that plagued our community for years while we fought Valero’s efforts to bring “Bomb Trains” loaded with filthy shale oil into our community; snarling traffic, compounding air pollution and otherwise putting our citizens at risk? Lionel Largaespada was one the few Benicians to support it. So it’s no surprise Valero looks favorably on his candidacy. Largaespada is a Republican whose party works tirelessly to diminish air and water pollution regulations by using industry lobbyists to alter rules in their favor. These lobbyists also work hard to limit the the EPA and other regulators’ ability to do their job of keeping us safe from toxic pollution.

Christina Strawbridge eventually did better on the Crude by Rail project when she did an about face on the issue after a bomb train derailed and caught fire in Oregon in June 2016. Evidently, 12 prior bomb train derailments including the destruction of Lac-Megantic, Quebec and the death of 47 residents were insufficient up to that point. Valero’s Crude by Rail project had reached the breaking point in Benicia and it was clear that any candidates supporting the project would be rejected by voters. Perhaps that’s why she finally came around, but her lack of support before the political winds changed is telling.

Another issue that Lionel and Christina agree on is their opposition to cannabis retail in Benicia. Many of us attended numerous council meetings to achieve a good compromise cannabis ordinance for the city. We were tired of seeing cannabis tax revenue drift off to Vallejo and elsewhere. The original ordinance passed the council and allowed for two cannabis shops at limited locations. In the run up to the 2018 council race I had the opportunity to ask Strawbridge directly, during a public candidate forum, where she stood on the new cannabis ordinance. In front of a packed room at the library, she stated that she supported the ordinance, and if elected, wound not change it. But once elected, she immediately changed her position and opposed the ordinance, voting in May 2019 to ban retail sales altogether. In her words, “Cannabis dispensaries are not a good fit for Benicia”. Christina and Lionel led the anti-cannabis retail effort by proposing so many “no retail cannabis” buffers that it would be nearly impossible to site a cannabis store anywhere in town.

A month later, on June 18, 2019, The council voted 3-2 in favor of allowing one retail cannabis shop, dropping many of the onerous buffers proposed by Strawbridge and Largaespada. In one year, our single cannabis shop has generated more tax revenue for the city than over half the downtown businesses combined! By now you know who the two “no” votes were.

Frankly, I’m tired of the shenanigans. But we can make a constructive change this November by replacing both with Terry Scott and Kari Birdseye. Scott and Birdseye will both put public health and safety above politics while supporting needed business development in Benicia. Both are long-running chairs of Benicia Commissions, skilled in dealing with tough issues and respecting diverse views in our community. Terry’s considerable business background will add a much-needed element to our City Council while Kari’s background in communications and media will improve city communications and public involvement on important issues. They’ll both bring a creative, problem-solving skillset that is often lacking in city government. Please join me in voting for Terry Scott and Kari Birdseye for City Council. You’ll be glad you did!

Craig Snider
Benicia, CA

More letters, news & links about Kari here on the BenIndy

And best of all – Kari’s website!