Chicago Area Mayors Meet with Feds, Call For Improved Safety Measures For Oil Trains

Repost from CBS2 Chicago Mayors Call For Improved Safety Measures For Oil Trains August 20, 2014 CHICAGO (CBS) – Federal railroad officials got an earful Wednesday from the mayors of several Chicago area towns that have been affected by a growing number of increasingly long trains hauling crude oil and other volatile materials. WBBM Newsradio’s John … Continue reading Chicago Area Mayors Meet with Feds, Call For Improved Safety Measures For Oil Trains

Outdated tank cars carry explosive crude in NY; feds seek refit

Repost from, the Journal News [Editor: Check out the map of rail routes in NY State showing schools, hospitals and shopping centers along the oil train tracks.  (Zoom in on the area about 35 miles north of New York City.)  – RS] Outdated tankers carry explosive crude; feds seek refit Khurram Saeed, August 16, 2014 … Continue reading Outdated tank cars carry explosive crude in NY; feds seek refit

Bainbridge Island Review Guest Opinion: Why I blockaded an oil train

Repost from the Bainbridge Island Review GUEST OPINION: Why I blockaded an oil train BY ANNETTE KLAPSTEIN, August 16, 2014 On Monday, July 28, I joined Jan Woodruff of Anacortes and Adam Gaya of Seattle in locking ourselves to barrels full of concrete on the rail spur into the Tesoro refinery in Anacortes in order … Continue reading Bainbridge Island Review Guest Opinion: Why I blockaded an oil train

Merced Sun-Star editorial: Tell us when dangerous oil cars are rolling

Repost from The Merced Sun-Star Our View: Tell us when dangerous oil cars are rolling Editorial, August 15, 2014 Railroad tracks run up and down the valley like a spine, carrying everything from cans to cars, telephone poles to toothpicks. Many communities see 30, 40 or even 50 trains a day.  Some of those cars … Continue reading Merced Sun-Star editorial: Tell us when dangerous oil cars are rolling