Three arrested blockading train tracks in Pacific Northwest, protesting oil-by-rail expansion

Repost from (Global Justice Ecology Project) Three arrested blockading train tracks in Pacific Northwest, protesting oil-by-rail expansion by Sara Sullivan | July 29, 2014 On Monday, July 28th, three locals locked themselves onto train tracks in Anacortes, Washington to protest oil-by-rail shipments. The protesters blocked the tracks at an oil refinery owned by Tesoro, which is … Continue reading Three arrested blockading train tracks in Pacific Northwest, protesting oil-by-rail expansion

Yolo County Board of Supervisors critical of Valero Draft EIR

[Editor: The Yolo County Board of Supervisors submitted an incredibly important letter to the City of Benicia critical of the Draft EIR for Valero Crude by Rail.  In their letter, the Board lays out the importance under California law of taking into account indirect impacts beyond those of the immediate project, including “upstream” communities along the rails … Continue reading Yolo County Board of Supervisors critical of Valero Draft EIR

Seattle oil train derailment further fuels concerns, opposition

Repost from Seattle oil train derailment further fuels concerns, opposition By Josh Kerns  on July 24, 2014 While no oil spilled when a train carrying crude oil through Seattle derailed Thursday morning, local officials say it’s a dangerous wake up call that can’t be ignored. The train, with 100 tanker cars of Bakken crude … Continue reading Seattle oil train derailment further fuels concerns, opposition

Stopping deadly oil train fires: New rules planned

Repost from The Sacramento Bee (Wire Business News, AP) Stopping deadly oil train fires: New rules planned The Associated Press, Jul. 23, 2014 WASHINGTON — Responding to a series of fiery train crashes, the government proposed rules Wednesday that would phase out tens of thousands of older tank cars that carry increasing quantities of crude … Continue reading Stopping deadly oil train fires: New rules planned