Benicia Mayor responds: Staying the course on public health, safety, welfare

Repost from The Benicia Herald [Editor:  Benicia’s Mayor Elizabeth Patterson responds that she will stand firm “with zeal, diligence and fidelity to the public interest.”  It would take a book-length treatise to document the near countless ways in which Mayor Patterson has helped move Benicia to embrace a sustainable identity and future.  It would take … Continue reading Benicia Mayor responds: Staying the course on public health, safety, welfare

What does a Central Coast oil refinery have to do with Davis?

Repost from The Davis Enterprise What does a Central Coast oil refinery have to do with Davis? By Dave Ryan, November 23, 2014 In communities up and down the West Coast, groups of environmentalists, neighbors and local governments are doing whatever they can to mitigate or outright stop railroad terminals being built at coastal refineries at … Continue reading What does a Central Coast oil refinery have to do with Davis?

Sacramento Bee: Benicia mayor’s public skepticism puts vote on oil trains in jeopardy

Repost from The Sacramento Bee [Editor: Don’t let the headline put you off – this is the most thorough analysis yet on the controversy in Benicia.  Tony Bizjak does a good job presenting Mayor Patterson’s defense as well as the perspective of those who would silence her.  – RS] Benicia mayor’s public skepticism puts vote … Continue reading Sacramento Bee: Benicia mayor’s public skepticism puts vote on oil trains in jeopardy

Weekly News Roundup – October 21, 2014

[Editor:  Crude-by-rail news was a tiny dot on the national media map when I started covering it last January.  The dot has ballooned, and I can no longer keep up.  This Weekly News Roundup will allow me to post a larger number of links (see below) without taking time to upload full postings and commentary.  … Continue reading Weekly News Roundup – October 21, 2014