City records show Valero, others have pooled $104,200 (LATER: $154,200) to oppose Kari Birdseye with negative ads & phone calls

Shocking documentation of outside money plans to influence Benicia election By Roger Straw, October 13, 2018 [See Oct. 18 update – total now at $154,200!  – R.S.]  Get ready! If you think the Benicia City Council race has been nasty so far, with negative campaigning through secretive push polls and negative phone calls, just wait… … Continue reading City records show Valero, others have pooled $104,200 (LATER: $154,200) to oppose Kari Birdseye with negative ads & phone calls

Valero to pay huge fines – again – for air quality violations

Repost from the Vallejo Times-Herald [Editor: These fines are routinely written off by giant Valero as a cost of doing business.  Examples from recent years: Valero Benicia Refinery fined $122,500 in 2016.  And fined $183,000 in 2014.  IMPORTANT: Benicia Mayor Patterson and residents have repeatedly petitioned the Bay Area Air District to channel at least SOME of … Continue reading Valero to pay huge fines – again – for air quality violations

Valero paid for smear campaign, survey attorney claims it was not a “push poll”

Repost from the Vallejo Times-Herald [Editor:  Download City Attorney’s Oct. 5 letter here.  – R.S.] Valero refinery sponsored survey calls, Benicia City Attorney says By John Glidden, October 5, 2018 at 5:32 pm BENICIA — The mystery of who sponsored a poll to survey Benicia residents about the upcoming City Council election has been solved. Officials with … Continue reading Valero paid for smear campaign, survey attorney claims it was not a “push poll”

Bombshell news: Valero admits it paid for the push poll

Benicia City Attorney Heather McLaughlin’s letter of October 5, 2018 to attorney for EMC Research and Research America (download in PDF format)… [Editor: See next-to-final paragraph for Valero involvement.  – R.S.] Via US Mail and Email October 5, 2018 Gary S. Winuk KAUFMAN LEGAL GROUP 777 S. Figueroa Street, Suite 4050 Los Angeles, CA 90017 … Continue reading Bombshell news: Valero admits it paid for the push poll