In the Name of Love: MLK Day Matters More Than Ever at Home and Abroad

[Note from BenIndy: This post was first published on Stephen Golub’s blog, A Promised Land: America as a Developing Country. There, Steve blogs about domestic and international politics and policy, including lessons that the United States can learn from other nations. If interested, you may sign up for future posts by subscribing to the blog.]

Nonviolence over brutishness, inspiration over resignation, love over hate.

By Stephen Golub, January 15, 2024

Benicia resident and author Stephen Golub, A Promised Land

Monday marks Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Preaching nonviolence over brutishness, inspiration over resignation, love over hate, his message rings truer than ever as we tread into 2024. I’m marking it here by sharing videos featuring a remarkable rock song and an even more powerful speech.

One lesser known aspect of MLK’s work was its international dimension. Traveling to India in 1959, he wrote that “India’s [Mahatma] Gandhi was the guiding light of our technique of nonviolent social change.” He further linked “the Christian doctrine of love” to the Hindu leader’s words and actions.

King conversely inspired and supported human rights struggles across the globe. He helped mobilize international opposition to the South African government’s 1957 prosecution of Nelson Mandela and 155 other anti-apartheid activists for alleged treason. Mandela in turn echoed King’s resounding “Free at last!” cry on several occasions, including when proclaiming his party’s 1994 election triumph that capped the end of apartheid.

But others celebrate MLK far better than I can. Check out the clip that introduces this post. It couples the brilliant U2 song dedicated to King, “In the Name of Love,” with images portraying his life and legacy.

And prize the highlights from one of history’s greatest speeches, King’s “I Have a Dream” address, delivered (and, incredibly, partly ad-libbed) at the Lincoln Memorial as part of the August 28, 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom:

Shot dead at only 39, MLK did not live to see most of the massive progress he spurred, nor the backsliding that’s also occurred – including in America, India and South Africa. We can view that mixed aftermath as a source of resignation, I suppose. But especially in view of the challenges we face, far better to draw inspiration from all that King achieved and sacrificed in the name of love.

Once more, Steve blogs about domestic and international politics and policy, including lessons that the United States can learn from other nations, at A Promised Land: America as a Developing Country. We recommend you sign up for future posts by subscribing to the blog.


Observing Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Legacy Here in Benicia, and Beyond

Teaching the truth behind Dr. King’s legacy reminds us that the struggle for racial equality, is ongoing.

By learning about his life and ideals, we empower ourselves and subsequent generations to continue the fight for racial justice and a more equitable future.

There are several ways to observe and engage with Dr. King’s legacy in Benicia and Solano County this weekend. If you have kids, consider attending at least one. In particular, the “We Are All Related” series at the Benicia Public Library was created with youth education in mind, and is an excellent way to engage in thoughtful, inclusive activities that will keep children entertained as well as educated.

Sunday, January 12:

Tree-Planting Ceremony (Vallejo)

Come Plant a Tree at the city of Vallejo’s Legacy Grove Ceremony in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr.

The ceremony will be from 9am to 12pm, Sunday, January 14, behind City Hall (555 Santa Clara Street) and near the back parking lot.

Snacks will be provided. Please wear closed-toe shoes and bring your own water bottle. Join the City of Vallejo, along with CALFIRE, Solano County Volunteers, Student Conservation Association, and other partners to plant a tree and leave your legacy.


We Walk With Martin: Profiles In Unity Program and March (Benicia)

The We Walk with Martin: Profiles in Unity event will start at 2pm, Sunday, January 14, inside the Benicia Public Library, 150 East L Street.

The “We Are ALL Related”series  is a new program at the Benicia Public Library that uses age-appropriate and family-friendly readings, presentations, and activities to help youth engage meaningfully with important discussions around racial justice and equity.  

“We Walk with Martin: Profiles in Unity” is an exploration of how King’s work and message stay current and relevant in the words and labors of others who strive to keep his dream alive. Participants will learn about the ongoing influence of Martin Luther King Jr. as his message continues to reverberate today and will have opportunity to share this message with others in a peaceful march through downtown Benicia.

Monday, January 15:

MLK March & Program with Vallejo NAACP (Vallejo)

The NAACP Vallejo Branch and the city of Vallejo have invited all community members to celebrate the remarkable legacy and contributions of Martin Luther King Jr. with a march at 9am on Monday, January 15. Following the march, there will be a program at 11am inside the Vallejo Room, on the first floor of the John F. Kennedy Public Library, 505 Santa Clara Street.

When refineries break the rules, they pay fines – but these fines rarely reach impacted communities. Time to speak up!

[Note from BenIndy: Take the $1.2 million penalty Valero must pay for major flaring incidents at the Benicia Refinery in 2017 and 2019, for example. These incidents directly impacted the health and safety of Benicia residents, and yet it’s possible that Benicia may never see a dime of that penalty. Why? What can be done to ensure that communities directly, immediately, and tangibly impacted by negative health and safety situations created by refineries are directly, immediately, and tangibly compensated? Frequent BenIndy Contributor Kathy Kerridge got in touch with the following.]

Photo Illustration by Kelly Caminero / The Daily Beast / Getty.

ATTENTION to everyone who would like to see refinery penalties go to the community

We’ve all been waiting for the time when we can have input about how penalty fines from refineries can get back to the local community.

On Thursday, January 18, at 6:00 pm, the Community Advisory Council of the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (Air District) will hear from the Air District staff about possibilities.

This is your chance to weigh in on what should happen to the fines the refineries pay when they pollute our air, and how much of the fines will be returned to the local community.

Here is the link to information about the meeting:

Advisory Council Meeting Re.: Penalty Funds

 There will be community input.

The meeting will be both in person in SF and on Zoom.  I hope that people who are concerned about this can go into the meeting in person. If not, please plan to attend by Zoom.

This is particularly important for all refinery communities.  These fines have been substantial, and we want to make sure that the communities that have been harmed at least benefit from some these penalties.

Please spread the word.  Contact if you have questions or if you would like to try to carpool or go together on BART.

Kathy Kerridge
BCAMP Board Member
Good Neighbor Steering Committee
Progressive Democrats of Benicia Chair


La Migra: Another Parent’s Perspective

Sheri Leigh
Sheri Leigh, Benicia resident and educator.

By Sheri Leigh, January 11, 2024

A while ago, I spoke to a close friend who recently moved to the East Coast from the Benicia area.  As we were catching up, I mentioned my efforts to educate our community about the La Migra Games.  At first, she didn’t know what I was referring to, and as we discussed it further, she got it.  Not only was she aware of the game, three of her children, who are now adults, had participated as “undocumenteds” while in high school.  Despite our closeness, my friend and I sometimes have completely different perspectives. This was one of those times…

My good friend, whom I will refer to as Alice, was a long time Benicia/Vallejo resident but has since moved away.  Alice has several children, and like their mother, her children are smart and adventurous. They enjoy outdoor activities and extreme sports when the opportunity arises.  The younger ones attended Benicia public schools, including the high school, spanning from about 2010-2019.

As underclassmen at BHS, they were each challenged to participate in the “La Migra Games” by the seniors who were hosting, and three of them took it on. They loved the idea of a long distance (three-mile) chase game at night where they needed to use their skills and wits to get to the other end of town without being caught by students posing as ICE officers. However, since the chase was what appealed to them rather than the pursuit, they only participated as underclassmen running from their older peers.

Benicia High School staff, administrators, and students have taken steps to prevent students from participating in the game. | Uncredited image.

The eldest of the three, and the one who was at Benicia High School first, was probably the biggest thrill seeker of the family.  He apparently had an amazing experience playing the game and encouraged the younger ones to take advantage of this opportunity when it was their turn.  One younger brother and even younger sister followed suit a few years later.  All of them individually made it to the “safe” zone without being captured, and felt the same exhilaration as did their older brother by their accomplishment.  They each shared their experience with Alice, who appreciated that her children voluntarily participated in something that required ingenuity, bravery and physical endurance.

When I brought up my concerns about “La Migra,” it was clear that Alice did not connect the name of the game with the actual event. She really didn’t know what it was called until my clarification, although I’m sure the kids did.  This family is of white European heritage and their ancestors have been in the United States for several generations now. The kids don’t have the perspective of a modern immigrant family, so the name, “La Migra” didn’t trigger them the way it does some others. Once we discussed the impact of the name, Alice could definitely see how the title and the assertion could be offensive.  She suggested that changing the name and the premise  to something less racially charged and continuing the tradition would be the appropriate thing to do.

I need to mention here that this family has deep roots in the military.  Two of Alice’s three children who played the game continued on to serve our country, while the youngest is still contemplating service.  Being in the military includes participation in potentially dangerous games, in preparation for real life military missions.  Neither the kids nor Alice were concerned with the individual and public safety.  She dismissed my points that there is no roster, that no one is formally accounted for, that the parents don’t necessarily know where their children are during the game, and that the game is played on public streets and encroaches on private property.  She ascertained that if there were formal rules, it would require adult supervision – something that would definitely minimize or even eliminate the independent and thrilling nature of the game.

Some Benicia High School students have taken action against the game, posting warnings to discourage peers from participating. | This image is a still from a 2023 NBC Bay Area report.

As we discussed it more, Alice suggested that the City could let the community know that this game is happening and that we should all exercise more caution that evening rather than try to shut down the game.  She sees the game as a unique and important opportunity for teens to participate in an activity which requires them to use their emerging survival skills – something that could be valuable later in life.

One of the few things that did capture Alice’s attention from my extensive list of concerns was that some young people who aren’t voluntarily playing the game are being targeted, with severe trauma often being the result.  We agreed that some identifying and visible article of clothing or accessory could be worn so that everyone can unequivocally know who is playing and who is not.  She felt that, as in life,  there should be a code of ethics among the students. Only those who self-identify as a participant should be chased.

And finally, much to my personal relief, Alice was absolutely concerned about the alleged increasing violence, including the use of gel pellet guns, as part of the game.  For this, she put responsibility directly on the shoulders of the parents or guardians of the young people who opt to use verbal or physical assault as part of their chase tactics.  She feels that parents need to establish a strict moral code and that children should never be allowed to use weapons, whether real or “toys,” irresponsibly.

Use of gel pellet guns by teens is on the rise, with sometimes violent or even deadly consequences. Youth caught firing pellets at people or animals may be charged with assault and battery or animal cruelty. | NBC Boston.

I care very much about my friend and her family, and I want to hear her perspective and consider this into the equation.  From their point of view, there are good reasons for young people to have the opportunity to participate in a game that promotes excitement, fear, exhilaration, and wits, as long as it’s done voluntarily and with honor.  The question remains – how do we provide something like this for our young people without inciting racism, bullying, violence and, as I will continue to emphasize, unsafe conditions for those involved and for the public?

Share your story
If you would like Sheri to hear and share your perspective on the ‘La Migra Game,’ please contact her through the Benicia Independent. Remember that it is your story that is critical for others to hear, not your name, unless you would like to be identified.
Reach out to Sheri:
Leave a voicemail for the BenIndy: ‪(707) 385-9972‬

(This is not a live line. You will be sent straight to voicemail.)

For safe and healthy communities…