Maryland judge orders railroads to release oil train reports

Repost from McClatchyDC Maryland judge orders release of oil train reports HIGHLIGHTS • Case marks first time railroads have lost on the issue in court • Judge not persuaded that release would harm security, business • Companies that filed 2014 lawsuit have until Sept. 4 to appeal By Curtis Tate, August 17, 2015 WASHINGTON – … Continue reading Maryland judge orders railroads to release oil train reports

Railroads face big fines for failure to meet federal safety deadline

Repost from McClatchyDC Railroads face big fines for failure to meet federal safety deadline HIGHLIGHTS Feds plan to enforce Dec. 31 deadline Penalties could add up for railroads Congress hasn’t provided much funding By Curtis Tate, August 7, 2015 The Federal Railroad Administration plans to impose big penalties on railroads that fail to meet a … Continue reading Railroads face big fines for failure to meet federal safety deadline

Feds warn railroads to comply with oil train notification requirement

Repost from McClatchyDC [Editor:  Significant quote: “Illinois, Kentucky, Ohio, New York and Pennsylvania told McClatchy last month that they had received no updated oil train reports from CSX since June 2014.”  See also the Federal Railroad Administration press release AND letter.  – RS] Feds warn railroads to comply with oil train notification requirement By Curtis … Continue reading Feds warn railroads to comply with oil train notification requirement

FBI: Oil Trains At Risk of “Extremist” Attacks

Repost from DeSmogBlog [Editor: DeSmog refers here to an October 2014 article by Curtis Tate of McClatchy News that first broke this story.  I regret that the Benicia Independent failed to take note of this important article back then.  I will add that I have mixed feelings about this report.  Folks my age are aware … Continue reading FBI: Oil Trains At Risk of “Extremist” Attacks