Tag Archives: 2020 elections

Your official California Voter Information Guide – available here

By Roger Straw, October 1, 2020

Yesterday, I posted breaking news about the non-delivery of mailed copies of the California Voter Information Guide.  More about that in another post, but first, and MOST IMPORTANTLY…

The 2020 California Voter Info Guide
Click here to view it in your browser.

You will need the Voter Guide to read up on 12 State Propositions and a proposed State Bond, summary below.



  • PROP 14 Authorizes Bonds Continuing Stem Cell Research. Initiative Statute. p. 16  (See also below, pp. 78-109 for an incredibly lengthy section on the State Bond.)
  • PROP 15 Increases Funding Sources for Public Schools, Community Colleges, and Local Government Services by Changing Tax Assessment of Commercial and Industrial Property. Initiative Constitutional Amendment. p 22
  • PROP 16 Allows Diversity as a Factor in Public Employment, Education, and Contracting Decisions. Legislative Constitutional Amendment. p. 26
  • PROP 17 Restores Right to Vote After Completion of Prison Term. Legislative Constitutional Amendment. p. 30
  • PROP 18 Amends California Constitution to Permit 17-Year-Olds to Vote in Primary and Special Elections If They Will Turn 18 by the Next General Election and Be Otherwise Eligible to Vote. Legislative Constitutional Amendment. p. 34
  • PROP 19 Changes Certain Property Tax Rules. Legislative Constitutional Amendment. p. 38
  • PROP 20 Restricts Parole for Certain Offenses Currently Considered to Be Non-Violent. Authorizes Felony Sentences for Certain Offenses Currently Treated Only as Misdemeanors. Initiative Statute. p. 44
  • PROP 21 Expands Local Governments’ Authority to Enact Rent Control on Residential Property. Initiative Statute. p. 52
  • PROP 22 Exempts App-Based Transportation and Delivery Companies From Providing Employee Benefts to Certain Drivers. Initiative Statute. p. 56
  • PROP 23 Establishes State Requirements for Kidney Dialysis Clinics. Requires On-Site Medical Professional. Initiative Statute. p. 60
  • PROP 24 Amends Consumer Privacy Laws. Initiative Statute. p. 66
  • PROP 25 Referendum on Law That Replaced Money Bail With System Based on Public Safety and Flight Risk. p. 72


Again, go here to view the Guide on the CA Secretary of State website.  (And in case that doesn’t work, I have also saved a copy you may access here on the BenIndy website – click here.)


Here’s all you need to know about
how and when to cast your Solano County ballot.

BREAKING: Non-delivery of California Voter Information Guide

“…everyone is very jumpy about this election and not to have information in a timely manner is problematic.”  – Constance Beutel

By Roger Straw, September 30, 2020
Click the image to download the online version of the official Voter Guide.

People are voting already, but many are doing so without the aid of the official California Voter Information Guide that details state races and propositions.  The guide is mailed to voters before every election, and reportedly went out in “early September.”

Constance Beutel alerted me this afternoon.  She had been watching for her Voter Guide, checked around, and found others here in Benicia in the same situation.

Beutel phoned the offices of our County Supervisor Monica Brown, State Senator Dodd, and State Assembly Representative Tim Grayson and found out that some if not all staff there had also not received their Voter Guide!  All said they would look into it.

Stay tuned…

With permission, here is Beutel’s letter to Tim Grayson staffer Jana Modena:

Sent: Wednesday, Sept. 30, 2020, 01:56:16 PM PDT
Subject: No Official Voter Information Guide

I’ve just spoken with Tom Bartee letting him know that I have not received the official California Voter Information Guide. I am not the only one in Benicia in this situation. I do have my official ballot.

I called my County Supervisor’s office and learned that the Sec of State sends this guide out so I then called the Sec of State’s office and waited about 20 minutes to speak to the elections division. I was then told that the guides were mailed in early September and a guide would be mailed to me within the next 5 to 10 days. I asked if this would also apply to all of Benicia. The woman who was answering the phone said, “no.”

Mr. Bartee indicated that he had not received his guide either.

As we all know, everyone is very jumpy about this election and not to have information in a timely manner is problematic!

Please let the Assemblyman know of this problem and expedite a solution.

I await your reply.

thank you


Election Day? No! This week (Sept 28-Oct 3) is ELECTION WEEK!

Everything you need to know to vote early – THIS WEEK!

Beginning October 5, you can drop off your ballot at a Solano County ballot drop box like this one at our Benicia City Clerk’s office. Here’s the list of drop boxes in all 7 Solano cities.

You can VOTE in Benicia on Monday, Sept 28! Roger’s recommendations…

By Roger Straw, September 25, 2020
Roger Straw, The Benicia Independent

Voting starts earlier than ever this year – you can already cast your mail-in ballot next week!

It’s all new to me.  I have ALWAYS waited, and cast my ballot at the polling place on election day, but not this year.

Candidates for public office have had to change tactics.  I should know –  I’ve been involved in 7 local campaigns over the last 13 years.  We used to send out mailers and knock on doors in October, and there was always a big Get Out the Vote push on Monday before the election.  It all has to be done much earlier now.  And most of us will have already voted by early-, mid- or late-October this year.

So we are making up our minds now.  It’s not hard at all for most of us to know who would make the better President: Joe Biden, of course.  But who will we elect as the next Benicia Mayor?  Who for City Council?  And what about those pesky ballot measures?

For good guidance on ballot measures, check out ProgressiveDemocratsOfBenicia.org.  See their CANDIDATE ENDORSEMENTS page and their Recommendations on Ballot Measures.

Roger’s recommendations

Steve Young – for BENICIA MAYOR

Benicia Mayor: Steve Young.  I support Steve for his careful analysis of facts and his grounding in city administration.  Benicia will forever owe Steve a debt of gratitude for his intense and persuasive questioning of Valero and City staff during the long fight against Valero’s dirty and dangerous “Crude by Rail” proposal.  The entire Planning Commission and City Council deserve praise, but it was Steve whose star shined most brightly during those pivotal times.  By the way, those who know me are aware of my bias in favor of women candidates.  I’m a longtime male feminist, and usually I will lean left and go with a woman candidate.  But in this year’s race, with Mayor Patterson choosing not to run, I have to go with Steve Young.  More about Steve Young, or Donate and Volunteer.


Benicia City Council: Terry Scott.  I support Terry for his vision and values, and for his leadership as Chair of Benicia’s Arts and Culture Commission.  More about Terry Scott, or Donate and Volunteer.


~ How and where to cast your mail-in ballot EARLY ~