Tag Archives: Benicia CA

Fiestas Primavera 2025 – Benicia City Park, Saturday, April 5

Fiestas Primavera

The Benicia Fiestas Primavera  cultural festival will take place on Saturday, April 5th, 2025, 10am-6pm, featuring live music, dance, fine art, food, and activities for children, all free and family friendly. LOCATION: Benicia City Park (Gazebo Park), 150 Military West. (MAP)

ABOUT Fiestas Primavera (from Solano Aids Coalition)

Benicia, California –The festival represents an opportunity for all communities to unite in an energetic celebration of change and renewal, to learn about our history and the history of human migration, and to honor cultures which have roots throughout California. During our Celebration, we feature a diverse presentation of music, dance performances, art, cuisine and other cultural aspects that explore the rich heritage and history and the ancestral roots of California.  This year, we are primarily focusing on Mexican, Haitian, Cuban and Native American cultures, but we specifically honor the blend of all cultures that make up our community and the United States.

Solano AIDS Coalition in conjunction with UNIDOS, Benicia Black Lives Matter, and the Benicia Performing Arts Foundation, with support from a number of local organizations and businesses, and with backing from the City of Benicia and the Benicia Unified School District, is hosting this event.  The basis of Fiestas Primavera is not only to welcome spring, but to shed light on racism, bullying, and biases, including an activity that had been traditionally practiced by Benicia teens called “La Migra Game.” The annual “game” historically occurred during spring break and entailed upperclassmen emulating the brutal actions of ICE agents by grabbing lower classmen and taking them to undisclosed locations. The game promoted bullying, racism, and even violence, sometimes engaged and traumatized unsuspecting teens, while being a public safety hazard.  Fiestas Primavera provides an alternative view of immigration, welcoming our community to see the benefits of our uniquely diverse culture.

ABOUT – from the Fiesta Primavera Event Page on Facebook (English/Spanish)

Fiestas Primavera Festival in Benicia City is a highly anticipated annual event that brings together communities from all walks of life to celebrate the beauty of change and renewal. Taking place on Saturday, April 5, 2025, at the picturesque Gazebo Park, this festival is a vibrant symbol of unity and cultural diversity.

The festival offers attendees a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in environmental and cultural experiences that showcase the rich history of human migration and the contributions of various cultures to the development of Benicia. From music and dance performances to art exhibitions and culinary delights, the Spring Festival promises a day filled with excitement and discovery.

One of the key highlights of the festival is the exploration of the cultural heritage of Mexico, Latin America, Cuba, Haitian and Native American communities. Through a series of engaging presentations, attendees will have the chance to learn about the traditions, customs, and values that have shaped these diverse cultures and continue to influence the fabric of society in Benicia.

Furthermore, Fiestas Primavera serves as a platform for honoring the ancestral roots of California and recognizing the significant impact of different cultural groups on the development of the region. By showcasing the unique contributions of each community, the Fiestas Primavera Festival fosters a sense of appreciation and respect for the cultural diversity that makes Benicia a vibrant and inclusive place to live.

Fiestas Primavera festival is not just a celebration of cultural heritage; it is also a testament to the power of unity and collaboration. By bringing together people from various backgrounds, the festival promotes a sense of togetherness and mutual understanding, creating a stronger sense of community and solidarity among residents of Benicia.

El Festival Fiestas Primavera en la ciudad de Benicia es un evento anual muy esperado que reúne a comunidades de todas las esferas de la vida para celebrar la belleza del cambio y la renovación. Teniendo lugar el sábado 5 de abril de 2025, en el pintoresco Parque Gazebo en Benicia este festival es un vibrante símbolo de unidad y diversidad cultural.
El festival ofrece a los asistentes una oportunidad única para sumergirse en un ambiente de experiencias culturales que muestran la rica historia de la migración humana y las contribuciones de diversas culturas al desarrollo de Benicia. Desde presentaciones de música y danza hasta exposiciones de arte y delicias culinarias, el Festival de Primavera promete un día lleno de emoción y descubrimiento.
Uno de los principales puntos destacados del festival es la exploración del patrimonio cultural de México, América Latina, Cuba, Haití y las comunidades nativas americanas. A través de una serie de presentaciones atractivas, los asistentes tendrán la oportunidad de aprender sobre las tradiciones, costumbres y valores que han dado forma a estas diversas culturas y continúan influyendo en el tejido social de Benicia.
Además, Fiestas Primavera sirve como plataforma para honrar las raíces ancestrales de California y reconocer el impacto significativo de diferentes grupos culturales en el desarrollo de la región. Al mostrar las contribuciones únicas de cada comunidad, el Festival Fiestas Primavera fomenta un sentido de aprecio y respeto por la diversidad cultural que hace de Benicia un lugar vibrante e inclusivo para vivir.
El festival Fiestas Primavera no es solo una celebración del patrimonio cultural; también es un testimonio del poder de la unidad y la colaboración. Al reunir a personas de diversos orígenes, el festival promueve un sentido de unión y comprensión mutua, creando un mayor sentido de comunidad y solidaridad entre los residentes de Benicia.

Stephen Golub: Australians and others are worried about America

Down But Not Under: In “No Worries” Australia, Worries About America

They’re feeling jumpy.

Also in Zimbabwe, Ireland, Lithuania, Russia (yes, even Russia)…

 Stephen Golub, A Promised Land – America as a Developing Country

By Stephen Golub, Benicia resident and author, “Benicia and Beyond” column in the Benicia Herald, Mar 23, 2025

My wife and I recently returned from a vacation in Australia, a land of beautiful beaches, other natural splendors, kangaroos galore and remarkably friendly people concerned about what America’s current course means for their country.

From Worries to Outrage to Sorrow

Chats with friends and other folks we met Down Under, along with glimpses of Australia’s national news, illuminated a lengthy list of worries in a land where “No worries” is a favorite catchphrase.

The lead TV news story one night was how Trump’s tariffs would hurt Australia’s crucial steel and aluminum exports. Arguments over how to handle him loom large in its national elections this spring.

His televised Oval Office confrontation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy triggered considerable press coverage and doubts about America’s reliability: Australian “officials, politicians and diplomats woke up and watched, slack-jawed, as the spectacular theatre of the Trump-Zelenskyy confrontation played out in the Oval Office and on their screens.”

Many folks we met highlighted his erratic economic policies and statements as threats to the global economy, and more specifically to the Australian stock market and their retirement savings.

One couple understandably fretted over their daughter’s plan to visit the United States in August, even wondering whether there would be a civil war here by then.

Several individuals voiced fear about how an unstable individual with his finger on the nuclear button would manage tensions with China.

In view of Trump’s actions undermining Ukraine and his desire to make Canada the 51st state, others doubted his commitment to our equally loyal ally Australia, particularly in view of mounting Chinese economic and military pressure. (That pressure includes an unannounced, unprecedented live fire drill by Chinese warships in waters not far from Sydney and Melbourne last month, forcing dozens of commercial flight diversions.)

On our way out his door for our flight home, an outraged Aussie friend, by no means a political type, showed us a clip of Fox News host Jesse Watters somehow finding it “personally offensive” that Canadians don’t want “to be taken over by the United States of America” since “that’s what everyone else in the world wants.”

A few Aussies went as far as to share their sentiments on the state of the United States: “We feel sorry for you.”

The sorrow was certainly understandable. In fact, it was the way I sometimes felt during my international development career, when visiting societies repressed and ripped off by corrupt, autocratic regimes. Except the people in those societies typically did not vote such regimes into office.

Not Just Aussies

It wasn’t just Australians who were upset by what America is doing to itself and the world. We met others similarly alarmed. A white Zimbabwean mining executive, apparently no flaming liberal, was aghast at what Trump was doing to democracy and world order.

And then there was the diverse array of fellow travelers (so to speak) with whom we spent several days touring parts of Australia’s beautiful southeastern island of Tasmania. The thirteen participants hailed from America, Australia, Ireland, Japan, Lithuania, Russia and the United Kingdom. Except for the polite-to-the-point-of-reticence Japanese, they were troubled by Trump’s ascendance.

My wife and I hadn’t intended to indulge in so much discussion of American politics on a trip through a place about as far from America as you can get. But it kept popping up. And we couldn’t resist soliciting their thoughts.

The (anti-Putin) Russian warned that she saw the United States going down a path similar to what Russia experienced at the start of Putin’s reign. In a different chat, and despite my own confusion, I tried to explain to our new Irish friend why so much had gone so awry in our country.

The Lithuanian expressed trepidation over the fact that if Putin could get away with attacking Ukraine, her tiny nation was at great risk. She shared that right after Trump’s election Lithuanians held out hope that, just maybe, he might stand up to such potential aggression against their homeland (a NATO ally). But before long, they concluded that “He’s just an [expletive].”

If there was one comment that cut across the Aussies’ and the foreigners’ reactions to Trump’s election, it was, “How did this happen?”

Down, But Not Knuckling Under

My wife and I returned to America glad to be back home even as we knew home to be in crisis. But we also arrived to a blizzard of emails from friends and neighbors here, about matters local and national.

The local focus was the increasingly promising fight for Benicia (the small Bay Area city where we live) to enact an Industrial Safety Ordinance that would force Texas-based oil giant Valero to be more transparent and accountable regarding its Benicia refinery’s accidents and emissions. Things can change, but our City Council is barely a week away from the vote that will likely seal that deal.

The emails’ national focus comprised discussions of meetings, rallies, strategies and steps to save our freedom and survive Trump’s political onslaught. These initial signs of activism, admittedly in need of much refinement but repeated across the country, constitute seeds of hope in a bleak landscape.

Having just returned from abroad, I wish more than ever that Trump supporters in the United States could hear from folks in other nations, as a counterbalance to Jesse Watters’ jingoism. I wish they could appreciate why, halfway across the world and in many places in-between, so many foreigners fear that what’s happening in America harms not just us but them. I wish they could grasp why those foreigners so strongly back the fight against authoritarianism here.

While it’s ultimately up to Americans whether our democracy sinks or swims, we should take heart from such overseas sentiments. We’re down, but we’re not knuckling under. Our battle to save democracy is just starting.

Benicia resident and author Stephen Golub, A Promised Land


…and here’s more Golub on the Benicia Independent

Longtime Benicia activist calls for weekly protests


Beginning April 3 . . .


Every Thursday, 5-6:30 p.m.
On the sidewalk by the Gazebo

[map / directions]
Come whenever you can, stay as long or as briefly as you can. Bring your signs, bells, kazoos, noisemakers. Invite ten people to join us.
Stay on the sidewalk. Don’t block anyone attempting to walk through. Ignore any harassment.x


As Timothy Snyder has said, “When strange things happen and nobody reacts, that’s ‘normalizing.’”
Folks gathering and  making noise “arrests people’s attention, makes them stop and think.”
Make noise. What’s happening isn’t normal. Isn’t democracy.

Valero fails with last-minute orchestration of opposition to Benicia ISO



Elizabeth Patterson, Benicia Mayor 2007 - present
Elizabeth Patterson, Benicia Mayor 2007 – 2020

By Elizabeth Patterson, Benicia Mayor 2007-2020, March 9, 2025

The Benicia Unified School District which represents the stewards of science education and protectors of young people is so worried that Texas based Valero may cut them off from the refinery donations that they testified at the City Council last Tuesday.  The BUSD administrators detailed the “generosity of Valero” implying that the proposed Industrial Safety Ordinance was a threat to the noted Valero donations.

So, did Valero tell BUSD that that is what would happen if the ISO was adopted by the City – cut donations and grants to BUSD – or why else would they testify?  A public member in the council chambers asked for a point of order (and was told that was not in order!) because the subject for public comment was the Industrial Safety Ordinance.  Yet, speaker after speaker including the Benicia Chamber of Commerce testified about donations, grants and the business benefits of Valero.  There was no acknowledgment of air pollution, safety concerns and public health protection.

And what does the ordinance do that is such a threat to Valero’s existence that the recipients of Valero’s generosity spoke for nearly two hours?

The introduced ISO ordinance establishes that the City of Benicia is entitled to any and all reports filed to federal, state and county regulatory entities.  In other words, a seat at the table.  No audit. No requests for more information.  Just provide the city the same information as the regulators.

The ordinance provides for a process of installing air monitors throughout the city in anticipation of the Bay Area Air District dedicating about $60 million of the $82 million from the largest fine assessed for air quality violations in California.  Against Valero.  Here in Benicia.

Other Industrial Safety Ordinance’s elements include a citizen’s oversight commission to provide opportunities for the public to learn about public health, air quality, meaning of actions taken by the regulators and direct access to city staff.  This is everything a community deserves – information, facts, transparency of what the regulators are doing or not doing and sharing among qualified commission members.

The commission is an opportunity to have ex officio members (An ex officio commission member typically holds expertise in a particular area that can be helpful to the commission in carrying out its duties).  The ISO explicitly provides for non-voting ex officio members.  This is modeled after the Benicia Community Sustainability Commission which has designated seats for Valero, Good Neighbor Steering Committee and BUSD.

Industrial Safety Ordinance supporters highlighted “incidents” over two decades to stress the need for involvement in understanding causes and corrective actions. They detailed air monitoring that is currently inadequately detecting toxic air pollution affecting Benicia businesses and residents.

Clearly the most egregious failure of Valero operations is the hydrogen vent at the refinery leaking 2.7 tons of toxics into the air for 15 years and never reported until the Bay Air District discovered the leaks.  That is the reason for the largest fine assessed for air pollution and refinery standards.

During the City Council meeting for the introduction of the final version of the ISO, a spokesperson effectively represented the ISO supporters, thereby saving the City Council from additional hours of testimony.  Because the supporters participated actively at the subcommittee stakeholder table throughout the sixteen months, they had made their interests and concern known throughout that period.

The opponents were given every opportunity to refine and improve the ISO.  The last-minute effort apparently orchestrated by Valero to torpedo the introduced ISO failed.  The City’s process shows that stakeholders should participate and discuss the necessity of ISO based on facts, not fear.

Time will tell if Valero punishes BUSD, youth sports, charitable organizations, the arts and the host of beneficiaries of donations and grants because the City Council unanimously agreed the city has a need for and deserves a seat at the table.  Bravo to the City Council: public health and safety firstBenicia strong.

Elizabeth Patterson, Mayor 2007-2020