Category Archives: Solano County Board of Supervisors

State restrictions likely to keep Solano from opening higher-risk businesses this week

The Solano County Board of Supervisors meeting commences, Tuesday, May 12, 2020. (Courtesy photo)
Fairfield Daily Republic, By Todd R. Hansen, May 13, 2020

FAIRFIELD — Solano County will continue to open businesses that present a low risk for transmitting the novel coronavirus, while assertively lobbying the state to allow more local control on deciding what kind of businesses can be opened and when.

However, what was anticipated as a possible easing of restrictions on medium-risk businesses in the county this week, including restaurants, is not likely to happen because of conflicts with the state’s “roadmap” for reopening the economy.

Terry Schmidtbauer, assistant director of the Department of Resource Management, told the Board of Supervisors on Tuesday that there is a disconnect between the county’s approach – based on transmission risk – and the state’s approach, which is largely based on business sectors.

The state additionally has varying levels within each stage, while the county basically has three risk categories: low, medium and high.

Dr. Bela Matyas

“It’s like saying you can’t cook the food at home unless you show all the food has been grown in the state,” Dr. Bela Matyas, the county public health officer, told the board. “So we find ourselves in a state of confusion.”

Matyas noted that the county is ready to open some activities – such as churches and fitness centers – because Public Health officials believe there are relatively simple ways to enforce social distancing. The state, however, places them in an even higher-risk category.

Churches, for example, could space out where people sit, and even offer additional sermons so smaller crowds could attend each. Collection plates would not be passed from person to person, and instead, stationary donation receptacles would be provided.

To go against the state guidelines, however, could mean the loss of relief funds to reimburse the county for its Covid-19 costs. The state typically picks up the 25 percent that is not covered by the federal reimbursement.

Supervisor Jim Spering noted that the costs related to closing down businesses far exceeds the estimated $2 million the county anticipates it will have spent by the time the worst of this crisis is done.

Supervisor Jim Spering

“There is a sensitivity to those individuals, to those businesses that are being destroyed,” Spering said.

But the costs are also being seen in more suicides, an increase in domestic violence and other similar results.

Vacaville High School freshman Amanda Moe, 15, said prior to the meeting that she had a friend who overdosed, although he did survive. She said her friend was in a dysfunctional family environment, and with the schools shuttered, he did not have that “safe place” to go.

She later told the supervisors that students, particularly seniors, have missed out on so much with the schools closed.

The Public Health Division reported another death in the county related to Covid-19, bringing the total to 11. It was the fourth death since the Friday afternoon update, and like the last seven deaths reported in the county, the individual was under hospice care at the Windsor Vallejo Nursing and Rehabilitation Center.

The number of cases increased from 379 to 388, according to the county’s Tuesday afternoon update. The number of active cases increased by one, to 47, while the number of residents who are hospitalized remained at 13.

There have been 5,669 residents tested, up from 5,576 Monday as the county’s testing capacity continues to increase.

Vallejo accounted for eight of the nine newly reported confirmed cases, bringing the city’s total to 230. The other new case was reported in Vacaville, now at 37 cases. Fairfield remained at 67 cases, while Suisun City, at 20, and Benicia, at 18, also stayed the same as Monday’s report. Dixon, Rio Vista and the unincorporated areas of the county each report fewer than 10 cases.

A group of nearly two dozen protesters, including Moe and her mother, gathered in the lobby as they entered the government center Tuesday. Members of the public were allowed to attend the meeting for the first time in five meetings.

Cheri Moe said she believes the Covid-19 numbers are being skewed purposely.

“I think if it was as severe as they want us to believe, we would all know more people who (have Covid-19),” she said.

Individuals carried signs urging that all businesses be open, and at least one man warned that the county, state and the nation are facing a “deep recession” or “depression” if something is not done soon.

Ted Hunter, 80, called the response to the Covid-19 an “arrogance for power” at all levels of government, though he said the county was only a small part of the problem.

In fact, much of the criticism, including from supervisors, was leveled at Gov. Gavin Newsom and what was described by Spering in more general terms as the state’s “heavy hand” in dealing with the business community.

Those comments were largely focused on state threats to take alcohol licenses away from some bars that have opened in other counties in direct defiance of the state’s guidelines. The threat of not releasing disaster funding also was noted.

However, the county also carries a stick when enforcing its guidelines, ranging from civil fines to criminal misdemeanor charges. To date, the county is only aware of one business that has been cited, and that was a barbershop that Vacaville issued a cease-and-desist order to based on not complying with the county health order.

Most people who have the novel coronavirus experience only mild or moderate symptoms, such as fever and cough. Some people, especially older adults and those with underlying health problems, experience more severe illness such as pneumonia and at times, death.

The vast majority of people recover. The World Health Organization reports people with mild illness recover in about two weeks, while those with more severe illness may take three to six weeks to recover.

Solano Supervisors to allow some businesses to open Thurs, deviating from State coronavirus guidelines

[Editor: View video of the Board’s discussion and vote: Solano County Board of Supervisors hears verbal COVID update and votes to open some businesses.  – R.S.]

Solano may open some businesses as early as Thursday, more next week

Fairfield Daily Republic, By Todd R. Hansen, May 5, 2020
The Solano Town Center parking remains almost empty Tuesday, May 5, 2020. The Solano Board of Supervisors approved a draft guide Tuesday for re-opening certain businesses as early as Thursday, May 7, 2020. (Robinson Kuntz/Daily Republic)

FAIRFIELD — Business offices, some retail outlets and manufacturing sites could open as early as Thursday, and even more businesses – including restaurants, salons and dentists – may be opened next week.

The phasing largely depends on the risk those businesses’ operations create for further spread of the novel coronavirus – whether because of the proximity of customers to each other, or because the nature of the business requires direct contact with clients.

The Solano County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday approved a draft guide for reopening the business community, and in some cases, it deviates from the state guidelines.

Dr. Bela Matyas

That deviation is one of the reasons Dr. Bela Matyas, the county public health officer, sought the board’s consensus. He said he did not object to taking those steps, but wanted the board’s backing.

“Our goal should not be to lock people up in their homes, but to stop the transmission (of the virus) person to person,” Matyas said.

The county will still require businesses to adhere to social distancing and other regulations, including the use of barriers in some instances. The businesses will also have to post what they are doing to meet the county directives.

Just how well this transition works will depend greatly on the businesses, but also the common sense of customers and clients.

“I can issue the guidelines, but I cannot make people follow them,” Matyas said.

He advised anyone who feels uncomfortable about going to the businesses when they reopen to just not go.

Supervisor Jim Spering

Supervisor Jim Spering also said the directives should include a warning for those high-risk populations, most notably seniors with underlying health issues – to stay home until a final all-clear is issued.

The county will spend the next day or two rewriting the stay-at-home heath order to reflect the policy decision, just as it did for Friday’s action to open up most outdoor activities. Community pools and beaches, however, remain closed.

Those activities, such as playgrounds and large gatherings, will have to wait.

“The higher risk (activity) is going to have to wait until I believe there is no longer a significant transmission (rate) in our community,” Matyas said.

The Public Health Division will come back to the board Tuesday with a recommendation on what are viewed as medium-risk businesses and activities.

Supervisor Monica Brown. (Robinson
Kuntz/Daily Republic)

Supervisor Monica Brown said she would hope a mandate for face masks will be part of that, but other supervisors indicated they were not willing to support that for a variety of reasons, one of which is not everyone has a mask.

However, everyone agreed that even if masks are not mandated, anyone who wants to wear one, should.

“I’m not going to feel safer when (businesses) reopen,” Brown said. “I see us having a second and third wave (of a disease outbreak) . . . so I’m going to be wearing a mask.”

Another issue that was raised was child supervision.

As more people return to work – because schools are closed and most day care centers have also been shuttered – what is to be done with children who would be left without supervision?

Although some programs have been operating day care in a limited capacity, the board was told that even at its full capacity, Solano County did not have enough day care providers anyway.

The board was told that steps are being taken to help with day care issues, and some funding is being made available to help providers.

Getting people back to work is viewed as a critical part of determining what kind of fallout there will be from the Covid-19 crisis.

“Jobs are going to be the biggest thing,” Robert Eyler, president of Economic Forensics and Analytics out of Petaluma, said in his presentation on the annual Index of Economic and Community Progress. “Job losses can beget business losses.”

What was going to be a glowing report on Solano County’s economy from 2019 and projecting forward, is now a series of unknowns about how the economy is going to respond to what amounts to a virus-caused recession.

Just how deep of a hole that Solano County, the state and the nation will have to climb out of depends on a variety of factors. Eyler said the county could be looking at the loss of five years of economic progress.

However, it was also noted that unlike most recessions when the reaction period is defined in months or even years, in this situation, the policy reaction was really a matter of weeks.

“We (started) this crisis in a very good situation,” Eyler said.

For one thing, it was noted, there has also been a huge influx of government money to offset some of the problems, and even more funding is expected. What impact that funding will have is one of the unknowns, but Eyler said the best scenario is that it will lessen the shock.

“It may not feel like we are back until 2022,” said Eyler, who added that could extend out to 2023.

The deaths of six people have thus far been attributed in Solano County to Covid-19 since the novel coronavirus pandemic made its way to the region.

Most people who have the novel coronavirus and the disease it causes, Covid-19, experience only mild or moderate symptoms, such as fever and cough. Some people, especially older adults and those with underlying health problems, experience more severe illness such as pneumonia and at times, death.

The vast majority of people recover. The World Health Organization reports people with mild illness recover in about two weeks, while those with more severe illness may take three to six weeks to recover.

VIDEO: Solano County Board of Supervisors hears verbal COVID update and votes to open some businesses

By Roger Straw, May 6, 2020

Below you will find the 1 hour 20 minute video segment of yesterday’s Board of Sups meeting covering COVID-19.  In the video you will hear verbal reports from Emergency Services Manager Don Ryan and Public Health Official Beta Matyas, followed by Supervisor Q&A.  At the end you will hear the Supervisors’ unanimous vote on a motion to approve moving forward with opening of “green” (lower risk) businesses this week.  They will consider moving forward with “yellow” (medium risk) businesses next week Tuesday, May 12.

I am unable to locate documentation at this time as to the specifics of “green” or “yellow” business definitions and the pertinent guidelines and regulations that will govern their openings.  I have requested such documentation from Benicia’s Supervisor Monica Brown.

Coronavirus: Solano doc says curve flattening, more work to be done

Board of Supervisors to return to the table to talk state funding usage

Vallejo Times-Herald, by Kim Fu, April 7, 2020

Positive coronavirus figures in Solano County are expected to rise but there’s no cause for alarm, as the numbers merely reflect an increase in testing.

Dr. Bela Matyas, Solano County Health

So explained Dr. Bela Matyas with Solano Public Health Tuesday as he addressed the county’s Board of Supervisors.

In his update, Matyas talked about recently-released data that shows a breakdown of coronavirus cases by city. Those with 10 or more show exact figures, those with less do not. As of Tuesday, two related deaths have been reported.

“The coronavirus continues to spread but the impact on our hospitals have so far been substantial but not overwhelming,” he advised, adding that there are “lots of ICU beds, lots of ventilators.”

The stay at home order issued in March appears to be working, he continued, but more must be done.

“We have to stay the course if we want this approach to work. We have to do this for as long as necessary,” he said. “The most critical of all this is protecting the most vulnerable.”

The latter has been defined as the elderly and those with pre-existing medical conditions.

Matyas guesstimated the virus peaking around late April to mid May.

Though the worst is expected to be over at that time, risks will remain and the virus will still exist.

“It may be substantially longer before we can consider us through the outbreak and see it behind us,” he clarified.

Drive-through coronavirus testing is expected to begin today at the Solano County Fairgrounds in Vallejo. First responders and healthcare workers only will be eligible for the test. Any remaining kits will be made available at a later date to other essential workers.

In other matters, an emergency grant from the state slated to go towards aiding homeless clients regarding COVID-19 prevention and containment efforts caused tension amongst the board.

At issue was the COVID-19 Emergency Homeless grant award agreement, which offered $206,370 from the California Homeless Coordinating and Financing Council.

The board needed to approve receipt of the funding, which would then “be provided as a non-county contribution to Community Action Partnership (CAP) Solano Joint Powers Authority,” slated to coordinate emergency COVID-19 efforts (a 4/5 vote required). The board’s approval would also authorize the county administrator to execute the agreement and subsequent agreements/amendments with the grantor to facilitate acceptance of the award.

Supervisor Skip Thomson adamantly refused to support the funding being placed in the hands of CAP Solano.

“I don’t think they’ve done a good job, to be honest,” he said, adding that the money could be better spent on four portable wash/restroom stations at a cost of about $50,000 each.

It would address hygiene issues, he said, pointing out that, with restroom facilities at fast food eateries, coffee shops, parks and more now closed, homeless residents have made bushes their new lavatories. That, he said, will soon become a public health crisis.

The mobile units could be deployed to Vallejo, Fairfield, Vacaville and other locales on a rotating basis, Thomson said, and also be used in conjunction with the Office of Emergency Services in the case of a natural disaster or other emergency.

Supervisor Jim Spering said he needed more information before supporting the mobile stations, but agreed with Thomson regarding CAP Solano. What assurances are there that the money will be spent where it’s supposed to be, he asked.

Chairwoman Erin Hannigan said a delayed decision regarding the funding could hurt the homeless now, as help is needed now.

Following much discussion, a motion to go forward with Thomson’s mobile wash station failed 2-3, with Hannigan, Spering and John Vasques dissenting.

The original motion also failed, 1-4, with Monica Brown, Spering, Vasquez and Thomson all dissenting.

A third and final motion to, among other things, accept the agreement regarding the funding, have staff return with more information regarding the mobile wash stations and hold an emergency board meeting Tuesday passed unanimously.