Trains plus crude oil equals trouble down the track

Repost from McClatchy News [Editor: Once again Curtis Tate has produced an incredible wide-ranging and deep analysis of current issues and developments around crude by rail in the US.  This article can serve as a must-read primer on crude by rail.  Note that the presentation below is only a rough copy – much better viewing … Continue reading Trains plus crude oil equals trouble down the track

Albany NY: Year in review top news – crude by rail

Repost from The Times Union, Albany NY [Excellent month-by-month review of CBR developments in New York’s capital region, and an excellent group of 14 photos.  – RS] Albany’s Top 10 stories: Region a hub in oil train surge Converging lines drove growth in shipment By Brian Nearing, December 29, 2014 More oil trains kept a-rollin’ last … Continue reading Albany NY: Year in review top news – crude by rail

Latest derailment: Coal ash spill in Alberta near Banff National Park

Repost from Shale Plays Media [Editor: Significant quote: “In the last five years, 99 trains have derailed in Alberta alone, and Canada has collectively seen over 400 in the same period.”  See chart below with details for all Canadian provinces.  – RS] Train derailment near Banff spills coal ash into creek Marissa Hall | Shale … Continue reading Latest derailment: Coal ash spill in Alberta near Banff National Park

KCBS 740AM PART II: Safety Info For Alhambra Trestle In Martinez And Other Bridges Kept By The Railroads

Repost from CBS SF Bay Area 740AM (Part 2 of 3) [Editor: Important coverage of bridge and infrastructure safety issues by Bay Area radio station KCBS 740AM.  See and listen also to Part I, Aging Railway Infrastructure Raises Safety Concerns As Bay Area Readies To Receive Dramatic Increase Of Bakken Crude Oil AND Part III, Emergency Plans Stall … Continue reading KCBS 740AM PART II: Safety Info For Alhambra Trestle In Martinez And Other Bridges Kept By The Railroads