Wyoming Oil Spills in 2014 Already Double Amount Spilled In 2013

Repost from Associated Press on Huffington Post GREEN Wyoming Oil Spills Total 220,000 Gallons In 2014, Already Double Amount Spilled In 2013 By Mead Gruver, 09/19/2014  CHEYENNE, Wyo. (AP) — An oil boom in Wyoming has a filthy side effect: A string of accidents from a remote gulley in the Powder River Basin to a … Continue reading Wyoming Oil Spills in 2014 Already Double Amount Spilled In 2013

Seattle emergency planners: Oil train hazard in 100-year-old tunnel

Repost from The Columbian [Editor: An important local study, calling for better disaster preparedness.  Significant quote – “…oil trains travel through three significant zones in Seattle: passing within blocks of two stadiums, through the downtown tunnel, and along the north end, which has limited access because of high banks along the waterfront.”  – RS] Oil … Continue reading Seattle emergency planners: Oil train hazard in 100-year-old tunnel

Benicia Planning Commission & public weigh in on Valero CBR

The Benicia Planning Commission completed the third of its public hearing sessions on Valero’s Crude By Rail proposal last night, and closed the hearing at a decent hour, around 10:15pm.  Thanks to everyone who attended and contributed! In an unusual move, the Commission chose to hear from Commissioners first, then the public.  City staff refused … Continue reading Benicia Planning Commission & public weigh in on Valero CBR

New Jersey town council presses for moratorium on use of older tank cars

Repost from NORTHJERSEY.COM [Editor: Significant quote by Teaneck Town Councilman Mark Schwarz: “‘If we’re all going to sit here and wait for our [Legislative] District 37 leadership and Congress’ to act, ‘then we’re going to die of old age.’”  – RS] Teaneck Council presses for moratorium on use of older tank cars on oil trains … Continue reading New Jersey town council presses for moratorium on use of older tank cars