City of Benicia to hold public meetings about industrial safety and oversight on March 26 (in person) and April 3 (virtual)

[Note from BenIndy: Please save the dates so you can share your ideas and opinions on the extremely important topic of industrial safety and oversight; you can visit the Benicia Industrial Health and Safety (BISHO) Working Group’s webpage at to learn more about the push for Benicia to adopt an industrial safety ordinance (ISO) … Continue reading City of Benicia to hold public meetings about industrial safety and oversight on March 26 (in person) and April 3 (virtual)

“Who’s Monitoring the Monitors?” Last Night’s City Council ISO Status Report In Review

Who’s monitoring our air monitors? Not Valero, apparently Opinion by BenIndy’s Editorial Board, March 6, 2024  Most Benicia residents will agree that when it comes to our health and safety, timely, clear disclosure of dangers to our community’s health is paramount to helping us make good decisions. In the context of keeping our families safe … Continue reading “Who’s Monitoring the Monitors?” Last Night’s City Council ISO Status Report In Review

“BISHO, Revenue Measures and Cabaldon: Three Steps We Can Take on March 5 for a Safer, Healthier, Better Benicia”

[Note from BenIndy: What luck! A second installment from Benicia Herald columnist (and author, blogger, and Benicia resident) Stephen Golub, just in time for Election Day and the March 5 Benicia City Council Meeting.] By Stephen Golub, first appearing in the Benicia Herald on March 3, 2024 As demonstrated by the February 24 Valero spill, … Continue reading “BISHO, Revenue Measures and Cabaldon: Three Steps We Can Take on March 5 for a Safer, Healthier, Better Benicia”

Benicia resident Steve Golub: Christopher Cabaldon Deserves Our Votes for State Senate

By Stephen Golub, first published in the Benicia Herald on February 18, 2024 Before I get into the main point of this column, PLEASE PUT MARCH 5 ON YOUR CALENDAR TO ATTEND OR ZOOM INTO THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING ON A BENICIA INDUSTRIAL SAFETY ORDINANCE (ISO). On December 19, the Council unanimously voted to back … Continue reading Benicia resident Steve Golub: Christopher Cabaldon Deserves Our Votes for State Senate