Benicia Mayor race: 2 more $Valero mailers smearing Steve Young

By Roger Straw, October 20, 2020 There are two sides to the latest Valero PAC mailers: nasty slams on Young and Diavatis, and big name sweet promos for their candidate. $Valero’s push to win the Benicia Mayor’s seat continues unabated, despite the requests by all candidates that they cease and desist. The claim against Diavatis … Continue reading Benicia Mayor race: 2 more $Valero mailers smearing Steve Young

Candidates for Benicia Mayor and Council – written answers to questions on key issues

[BenIndy editor: Many thanks to Benicia Herald editor Galen Kusic for gathering together in one place the following Benicia candidates’ written responses to questions on key issues.  I am hopeful that in future I can re-format this Q&A so that all candidate responses to each question appear side-by-side for an easier voter comparison.  Stay tuned … Continue reading Candidates for Benicia Mayor and Council – written answers to questions on key issues

Valero shells out its first $20,000 – for phone calls and polling data

By Roger Straw, September 15, 2020 Brace yourself – OIL INDUSTRY MONEY is about to phone you… LIVE from Washington, D.C.! A friend asked me, “Do you know whether Valero has yet spent its $250,000 and in what way?” So I took a look at the City of Benicia’s Campaign Finance Reports page, and the … Continue reading Valero shells out its first $20,000 – for phone calls and polling data