BAAQMD: Important comments on Final EIR, Valero Crude By Rail

By Roger Straw, February 9, 2016 The Benicia Independent is in receipt of a very important letter sent to the City of Benicia Planning Commission on February 8, 2016 by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD). Commissioner Steve Young read from the letter at Monday’s Planning Commission meeting. City staff posted this important letter online yesterday, … Continue reading BAAQMD: Important comments on Final EIR, Valero Crude By Rail

Reuters Exclusive: California getting more Bakken crude by barge than rail

Repost from Reuters [Editor:  At the 9/11/14 Benicia Planning Commission meeting, John Hill, vice president and general manager of the Valero Benicia Refinery, stated that Bakken crude has been refined at Valero.  Commissioner Steve Young asked Hill to confirm his statement, which he did.  Young then asked the means of transport, and Hill replied “by … Continue reading Reuters Exclusive: California getting more Bakken crude by barge than rail

Benicia Valero Crude-by-Rail comment period closes with a landslide of criticism

By Roger Straw The Benicia Independent makes it easier for you to read comments of INDIVIDUAL state and regional agencies and organizations. See our updated Project Review page (or just see below). Something UNUSUAL happened in Benicia on September 15, the final day of the public comment period on the Draft EIR on Valero’s Crude … Continue reading Benicia Valero Crude-by-Rail comment period closes with a landslide of criticism

Benicia Planning Commission & public weigh in on Valero CBR

The Benicia Planning Commission completed the third of its public hearing sessions on Valero’s Crude By Rail proposal last night, and closed the hearing at a decent hour, around 10:15pm.  Thanks to everyone who attended and contributed! In an unusual move, the Commission chose to hear from Commissioners first, then the public.  City staff refused … Continue reading Benicia Planning Commission & public weigh in on Valero CBR