Tag Archives: 2020 elections

Benicia – PAC influence here worse than in Big Cities

The One Way in Which Our Wonderful Benicia’s Politics Are Worse Than Those of Big Cities

By Stephen Golub, Benicia Resident, October 31, 2020
Stephen Golub, Benicia

When my wife and I moved to Benicia, one major reason we did so is the wonderful sense of community here. Even during these terrible Covid times, this town’s warmth has continued to shine through. And though my fantastic neighbors and I don’t always agree about politics, our chats about them have always been friendly and civil.

It’s against this backdrop that this year’s mayoral campaign, namely the negative attacks on Council Member Steve Young by the Valero-backed PAC, Working Families for a Strong Benicia, has been so appalling. The many lies and distortions have apparently included blasting him for his legitimately receiving a publicly funded pension. What’s next? Denigrating someone for getting social security?

To be clear, before for I go any further: I recognize that Valero and its local workers have legitimate interests and that it donates to Benicia’s well-being in many much-appreciated ways. But while individuals who work for Valero here may arrange such contributions with the best of intentions, the corporation’s Texas headquarters is not funding them out of the goodness of its heart. Rather, it’s to influence perceptions of the company and thus increase its influence on our city.

If Valero were simply out to help, think of how many meals for hungry families impacted by the Covid economy or services for school kids could have been purchased with the nearly $400,000 that Valero and its allies put into tainting our politics in 2018 and 2020.

Furthermore, I respect Vice Mayor Christina Strawbridge’s devotion to Benicia. But I’m nonetheless disappointed that her disavowal of the Valero PAC’s attacks on Mr. Young have been so weak and late, largely confined to a couple of recent online candidate forums, and that she has sought to equate its massive spending with negative but much less impactful social media insults against her.

I also give her kudos for responding quickly and thoughtfully when I emailed her campaign about the PAC’s attacks on Steve Young. But meek disavowals by her do not make for a convincing rejection of its attacks on Mr. Young. And in view of the PAC’s strenuous support for her, they do nothing to reassure us about how she will deal with Valero if she wins.

All this brings me to how the PAC’s actions have been even worse than what I’ve seen in some big cities – namely, what I witnessed years ago working in New York City politics and government and later living in Manila (in the Philippines) and, most recently, Oakland.

Here’s how: I’ve never seen so much money spent to try to sway the votes of so few people, particularly through the lies and distortions about Mr. Young that the PAC has circulated in support of Ms. Strawbridge. Between 2018 and 2020, Valero’s and its allies’ attacks on candidates it opposes have worked out to about $25 per voter here, based on the roughly 15,000 citizens who cast ballots in our elections.

Now, don’t get me wrong. Politics in those much bigger cities can get dirtier than here. But purely in terms of per person expenditure, my admittedly imperfect memory can’t recall such great levels of funding pouring into a campaign.

My concerns go beyond what’s being spent, however, to what’s being bought or at least influenced if Christina Strawbridge is elected. PACs exist to advance specific interests. This is particularly concerning in Benicia, which has seen very recent disputes, especially crude-by-rail, over Valero’s operations. Steve Young has been much stronger on such matters.

What’s more, our state is being ravaged by climate change-facilitated fires. Benicia itself is threatened by them – recall the Vallejo fire last year and the toxic skies in recent months. Other refineries are converting to biofuel processing. California’s and potentially federal policies (pending the presidential election results) are shifting away from petroleum. In light of all this, Valero should be exploring with Benicia a gradual transition that protects its interests and especially those of its workers, not adding fuel to the fire of this great town’s politics.

I’ll note that the one issue that I’ve discussed (online) with Mr. Young involved my challenging his proposal earlier this year for indirect city support for Covid-impacted Benicia businesses – an idea about which, in retrospect, he might have been right. He was civil, polite and thoughtful in his reply.

In contrast, Ms. Strawbridge could have done much better in backing away from Valero’s backing. So can we, come Election Day, by voting for Steve Young.

BENICIA ACTION ALERT: Protect Democracy, Count Every Vote!

By Roger Straw, October 30, 2020

PROTECT THE RESULTS rallies on November 4

Benicia residents have formed a temporary organization under the umbrella Choose Democracy Benicia, in anticipation of potential trouble on Election Day and after.

Democrats, Republicans and Independents agree that in a democracy, every vote should be counted, and the results should be carefully verified and universally accepted.  This will surely not take place ON ELECTION DAY.  Warning signs indicate that there is every possibility some will claim the election is over on November 4.

A national organization, Protect the Results has built a quick coalition of voters ready to mobilize if Trump undermines the results of the 2020 presidential election.  Choose Democracy Benicia urges you to attend a nearby peaceful rally on November 4.

November 4 – Protect the Vote Rallies in the Bay Area
More information: https://protecttheresults.com/?utm_source=Choose-Democracy

Nearby Rallies planned as of this time…


Count Every Vote in NAPA, CA

To get exact location, RSVP for details. RSVP

NOV 4 – NOV 25 (Wednesdays, 5pm, if needed)

Count Every Vote in Napa

To get exact location, RSVP for details. RSVP 


Count Every Vote in Richmond People Strike

To get exact location, RSVP for details. RSVP 


Count Every Vote Oakland

To get exact location, RSVP for details. RSVP 


Protect the Results in Sonoma

To get exact location, RSVP for details. RSVP 


Marin Protest to Protect the Results

To get exact location, RSVP for details. RSVP 


Protect the Results in San Francisco

To get exact location, RSVP for details. RSVP 

Valero PAC submits 3 new financial disclosures, expenditures now over $209,000

By Roger Straw, October 30, 2020

On October 28, The Valero PAC reported total income and expenditures for the period October 18-25.

According to the report, the PAC received no new income and made no new CASH payments, but took on new UNPAID bills amounting to $8,500 for ROBO calls and Live Calls [p. 3 and p. 8].

Note that the form seems to show much more than $8500 spent.  Detailed expenditures show another $30,688 spent during this period for ROBO calls, Live Calls, & Mailers [p. 4], and another $6,500 spent during this period for Professional Services [p. 9].  This would seem to contradict the $8500 claim.  To sort this out is beyond my expertise.  For details, see the Form_460_Pre_Election_3.pdf.)

TOTAL EXPENDITURES in 2020: $209,399 to buy Benicia’s next Mayor.

INCOME for the period October 18 to October 25
This period Year to date
Monetary Contributions (International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Ship Builders, Blacksmiths, forgers & Helpers Local 549) $0 $25,000
Total Contributions $0 $25,000
EXPENSES for the period October 18 to October 25
This period Year to date
Cash payments $0 $99,333
Accrued, unpaid bills $8,500 $110,067
TOTAL EXPENDITURES $8,500 $209,399
Current Cash Statement
Beginning Balance $173,779
Cash receipts $0
Cash payments $0
Ending Balance $173,779


Benicia group calls for vigilance over possible U.S. coup

October 29, 2020


These are tense times. COVID-19 affects us all, with concerns for health, jobs, and schools. We are anxious as wildfire season expands, threatening lives and homes, making air unbreathable. Long-standing injustices call for redress. And as we approach election day there is more going on than the expectable wrangling among opposing candidates. There is a growing apprehension that not all votes will be counted or that the results of the November 3rd national elections might not be honored.

In this time of uncertainty and discord it is essential that the fundamental basis of our democracy be supported. All Americans—Democrats, Republicans, and Independents—must be prepared to protect and defend the valid results of the Presidential election whether their preferred candidate wins or loses.

Karen Schlumpp, Benicia

Benicia resident Karen Schlumpp took part in a “Choose Democracy” webinar that looked at the signs of a potential coup—an illegal seizure of power—right here in the United States

“Democracy is fragile,” she notes, “and we have reason to worry. We’ve heard the election process discredited; we’ve seen the US Postal Service systematically undermined at a time when more and more voters rely on mail-in ballots; white supremacists militias have been encouraged to ‘watch the polls;’ and the President has repeatedly dodged the question of whether he would accept the results of an election if he loses.”

A Choose Democracy group has formed in Benicia to draw together people committed to the principles that in the national election

    • Every vote must be counted even if it takes days or weeks to get an accurate count from critical states, and
    • The losing candidate must concede, and Congress, the Electoral College, and state officials must honor the accurate, final vote count.

For more information, and to sign the “Choose Democracy” pledge, go to ChooseDemocracyBenicia.org.