Category Archives: Vaccine

Benicia Author Stephen Golub – A Tale of Two Covids…

The pandemic news is both wonderful and horrible.

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.”
― Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities

By Stephen Golub, A Promised Land, June 21, 2021

The Moonshot and the Bubble

Late last year, in discussing with me the rapid, successful development of anti-Covid vaccines, my cousin the doctor (and medical school professor, and very bright guy) – described the feat as a “moonshot.” I’d imagine others have also applied the term to that effort. But I’ll gladly give credit where credit is due for the first time I heard it used that way.

Indeed, the massively life-saving achievement merits the moniker. Just recall how grim the prospects seemed barely a year ago. A skeptical April 30, 2020 New York Times analysis dismissed the most optimistic predictions, of at least 12 to 18 months, as masking “a grim truth behind this rosy forecast…” It noted the inevitable steps and frequent missteps that make vaccine development typically a matter of many years rather than months – if it pans out at all.

In fact, Pfizer’s and Moderna’s trailblazing mRNA vaccines built on years of prior research, much of it government-funded. But churning out these medicines so quickly remains the equivalent of humanity landing on the moon. That so many of us are socializing, hugging and breathing so much easier right now seems miraculous.

We’re in a kind of bubble, though certainly one we should relish after a long, hard slog and not one that I’m predicting will burst. We’re not quite back to normal. But I’ll take quasi-normal over the thoroughly bizarre world that was 2020.

On June 15, California “reopened,” which means many though not all Covid restrictions have been relaxed. Here in the small, waterside city of Benicia, where I live, a new brewpub now welcomes patrons; it replaces a venerable café that closed during Covid. Tourists are tentatively returning to check out the local arts and gallery scenes. The other day, my wife and I gathered with some neighbors for bocce-and-wine for the first time in an awfully long time.

The city’s annual July 4 parade and fireworks remain canceled. But Benicia’s first Juneteenth celebration was a blast. The weekly Farmers’ Market has resumed, albeit with masks still required for the time being, as is (wisely) the case for going inside many businesses. Some folks still stroll down the main street masked – whether because they’re immunocompromised or out of simple, understandable caution.

At the same time, Benicia is part of Solano County, which has witnessed a slight rise in cases in recent days. As the indefatigable, heroic “Benicia Independent” blogger reminds us, after daily chronicling the pandemic’s course in the city and county for over a year, “COVID is still out there – TAKE CARE!”

In sum, it’s still weird and worrisome. But also oh so wonderful.

Meanwhile, Back on Planet Earth

Our bubble nonetheless floats amidst a world awash with Covid. While official tallies of daily death rates and total fatalities in India are “only” 1,200 and 390,000 respectively, these figures are probably vast undercounts. An accurate conservative estimate would double those Indian numbers; the actual fatality total there could even be over four million and climbing. Meanwhile, Brazil’s official death count has now topped 500,000, second only to 600,000 in the United States. (We’re Number One.) But, as in India and other nations, both of those figures likely underestimate the true tolls. We actually could be pushing one million deaths in America alone.

The picture in many other parts of the globe is also daunting. With less than one percent of its population vaccinated, Africa is experiencing a surge of cases; 22 countries reported increases of 20 percent last week. Peru may have the worst per capita mortality rate in the world, while parts of East and Southeast Asia that dodged the Covid bullet earlier on are reeling now. Though they remain in better shape than many other countries, there have been troubling outbreaks in Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam and especially Malaysia.

Meanwhile, the prevalence of the Delta variant, originally identified in India and more transmissible and dangerous than the original virus strain, grows both abroad and at home. This comes even as the fully vaccinated rates remain below 35 percent in several, mainly southern states. While fully vaccinated folks thankfully are at very low risk from this mutation, the protection drops substantially for those who have only had their first jabs from the two-shot regimens.

Those of us living in relatively inoculated states and nations occupy not only geographically privileged places. We also may be living in temporal bubbles (admittedly a Star Trekkish term) as well. With the Delta and potentially other variants’ rates rising, and so many Americans remaining unvaccinated, we could see a spike in deaths as those mutations spread and when autumn and winter force more people indoors.

It’s tempting to shrug our shoulders and leave willingly unvaccinated Americans to their self-selected fates, even as each illness and death is a tragedy. But exposure to unvaccinated Americans puts immunocompromised people, kids who can’t get shots and other populations in substantially greater danger, as well as slightly increasing risks for the inoculated.

Another Moonshot

Against this backdrop, late last month the leaders of the World Bank, the World Health Organization and other institutions called for a crash program to increase vaccine supply and distribution, so as to vaccinate the globe as fast as possible. The subsequent pledge of President Biden and other world leaders to donate a billion doses to poorer nations falls far short of satisfying that need. It’s been justifiably criticized by the WHO and other authorities.

The pledge is disappointing as a humanitarian, economic and even self-interested matter. The longer Covid rages around the world, the greater the chance that vaccine-resistant variants can arise, threatening us all. It’s true that one of the miracles of mRNA technology is that it can be adapted to neutralize new variants. But untold human and financial prices could be paid before that happens.

In other words, we need that crash program. We need another moonshot.

One closing thought for the unvaccinated (and the rest of us) in the United States: If there was ever a time for Americans to appreciate what we may take for granted and what people elsewhere would practically die for – and are literally dying without – this is it.

Stephen Golub, Benicia – A Promised Land: Politics. Policy. America as a Developing Country.

Benicia resident Stephen Golub offers excellent perspective on his blog, A Promised Land:  Politics. Policy. America as a Developing Country.

To access his other posts or subscribe, please go to his blog site, A Promised Land.

Solano adds 71 new COVID cases, increases percent positive test rate to 7.2%

By Roger Straw, Friday, July 02, 2021

Solano County reports 71 new COVID infections today, percent positive test rate steadily increasing, now up to 7.2%.

See: All about the DELTA VARIANT.  Also, People with mild COVID can have long-term health problems.  And: More than 70% of COVID-19 patients studied report having at least one “long haul” symptom that lasts for months.”  It’s not over yet!

Solano County COVID report on Friday, July 2.
[Source: see far below.  See also my ARCHIVE spreadsheet of daily Solano COVID updates.]
Solano County COVID-19 Dashboard – SUMMARY:

Solano County reported  71 new COVID cases since Wednesday’s report, an average of 35 per dayMonthly: Solano County saw 1,288 new cases in April, an average of 43 per day.  In May, Solano reported 920 new cases, an average of 30 per day.  In June, we saw 751 new cases in Solano, an average of 23 new infections each day.   Solano’s 218 active cases today is up from Wednesday’s 183 and Monday’s 144Our percent positivity rate rose significantly again today from 6.6% to 7.2%COVID is still out there – TAKE CARE!

Hospitalizations – a rare Solano County update

Solano County reported 18 previously undisclosed hospitalizations yesterday.  The County updates these important numbers only occasionally, and only then they must be independently discovered in the County’s demographic chart labeled “Hospitalizations by Age Group.”  That chart hasn’t been updated since May 25, when a total of 1,286 persons had been hospitalized.  Yesterday, the County added hospitalizations in the following age groups: 1 youth aged 0-17, 3 persons aged 18-49, 6 persons aged 50-64, and 8 of our elders aged 65+.  No further updates today, unchanged totals:

Age Group Hospitalizations % of Total
0-17 27 2%
18-49 326 25%
50-64 340 26%
65+ 611 47%
TOTAL 1,304 100%

Hospitalizations are also recorded on the County’s demographic chart labeled “Hospitalizations by Race / Ethnicity.”  Here are the current numbers.  Interestingly, the total doesn’t square with totals by age groups.  (My hunch is that the County has not updated this chart for a time.)

Race / Ethnicity Hospitalizations % of Total
Asians 184 15%
Black / African American 197 16%
Hispanic / Latinx 327 27%
White 405 34%
Multirace / Others 85 7%
TOTAL 1,198 99%

The one bit of good news is that Solano County reported no new deaths again today, and has not added a death since June 4.  The County total is 244 deaths since the pandemic began.

Cases by City on Friday, July 02:
  • Benicia added 1 new case today, a total of 1,030 cases since the outbreak began, 3.7% of its population of 27,570.
  • Dixon added 3 new cases today, total of 1,950 cases, 9.9% of its population of 19,794.
  • Fairfield added 18 new cases today, total of 9,225 cases, 7.9% of its population of 117,149.
  • Rio Vista added 1 new case today, total of 397 cases, 4.2% of its population of 9,416.
  • Suisun City added 5 new cases today, total of 2,339 cases, 7.9% of its population of 29,447.
  • Vacaville added 22 new cases today, a total of 8,963 cases, 9.1% its of population of 98,807.
  • Vallejo added 21 new cases today, a total of 10,037 cases, 8.4% of its population of 119,544.
  • Unincorporated areas remained steady for the 57th day in a row today (no increase since May 8!), total of 103 cases (population figures not available).
Solano Public Health

See latest info on California’s COVID web page.  See also the Solano County Public Health Coronavirus Resources and Updates page(Click on the image at right to go directly to the page, or click on various links below to access the 10 sections on the County’s page.)

Solano County Guidance (posted June 15, 2021)

COMPARE: From the most recent report on Solano County COVID Dashboard, Wednesday, June 30:

The data on this page is from today’s and the previous Solano County COVID-19 Dashboard.  The Dashboard is full of much more information and updated weekdays around 4 or 5pm.  On the County’s dashboard, you can hover a mouse or click on an item for more information.  Note the tabs at top for SummaryDemographics and Vaccines.  Click here to go to today’s Solano County Dashboard.


Solano COVID trends not looking good today (exception: no deaths)

By Roger Straw, Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Solano County reports 75 new COVID infections since Monday, adds 18 previously undisclosed hospitalizations.

People with mild COVID can have long-term health problems.  And: More than 70% of COVID-19 patients studied report having at least one “long haul” symptom that lasts for months.”  It’s not over yet!

Solano County COVID report on Wednesday, June 30.
[Source: see far below.  See also my ARCHIVE spreadsheet of daily Solano COVID updates.]
Solano County COVID-19 Dashboard – SUMMARY:

The trends don’t look so good today: Solano County reported  75 new COVID cases since Monday’s report, an average of 38 per dayMonthly: Solano County saw 1,288 new cases in April, an average of 43 per day.  In May, Solano reported 920 new cases, an average of 30 per day.  So far in June, 680 new cases in Solano, an average of 23 new infections each day.   Solano’s 183 active cases today is much higher than Monday’s 144.  Our percent positivity rate rose significantly today from 5.4% to 6.6%.  COVID is still out there – TAKE CARE!

Hospitalizations – a rare Solano County update

Solano County reported 18 previously undisclosed hospitalizations today.  The County updates these important numbers only occasionally, and only then they must be independently discovered in the County’s demographic chart labeled “Hospitalizations by Age Group.”  That chart hasn’t been updated since May 25, when a total of 1,286 persons had been hospitalized.  Today the County added hospitalizations in the following age groups: 1 youth aged 0-17, 3 persons aged 18-49, 6 persons aged 50-64, and 8 of our elders aged 65+.  New totals today:

Age Group Hospitalizations % of Total
0-17 27 2%
18-49 326 25%
50-64 340 26%
65+ 611 47%
TOTAL 1,304 100%

Apologies – I just realized that these hospitalizations are also recorded on the demographic chart labeled “Hospitalizations by Race / Ethnicity.”  Having not tracked this in the past, I can’t tell you about recent increases, but here are the current numbers.  Interestingly, the total doesn’t square with totals by age groups.  (My hunch is that the County has not updated this chart for a time.)

Race / Ethnicity Hospitalizations % of Total
Asians 184 15%
Black / African American 197 16%
Hispanic / Latinx 327 27%
White 405 34%
Multirace / Others 85 7%
TOTAL 1,198 99%

Solano County reported no new deaths today.  The County total is 244 deaths since the pandemic began.

Cases by City on Wednesday, June 30:
  • Benicia remained steady today, a total of 1,029 cases since the outbreak began, 3.7% of its population of 27,570.
  • Dixon added 2 new cases today, total of 1,947 cases, 9.8% of its population of 19,794.
  • Fairfield added 23 new cases today, total of 9,207 cases, 7.8% of its population of 117,149.
  • Rio Vista remained steady today, total of 396 cases, 4.2% of its population of 9,416.
  • Suisun City added 4 new cases today, total of 2,334 cases, 7.9% of its population of 29,447.
  • Vacaville added 30 new cases today, a total of 8,941 cases, 9.0% its of population of 98,807.
  • Vallejo added 16 new cases today, a total of 10,016 cases, 8.4% of its population of 119,544.
  • Unincorporated areas remained steady for the 54th day in a row today (no increase since May 8!), total of 103 cases (population figures not available).
Solano Public Health

See latest info on California’s COVID web page.  See also the Solano County Public Health Coronavirus Resources and Updates page(Click on the image at right to go directly to the page, or click on various links below to access the 10 sections on the County’s page.)

Solano County Guidance (posted June 15, 2021)

COMPARE: From the most recent report on Solano County COVID Dashboard, Monday, June 28:

The data on this page is from today’s and the previous Solano County COVID-19 Dashboard.  The Dashboard is full of much more information and updated weekdays around 4 or 5pm.  On the County’s dashboard, you can hover a mouse or click on an item for more information.  Note the tabs at top for SummaryDemographics and Vaccines.  Click here to go to today’s Solano County Dashboard.


Vallejo tops 10,000 COVID cases, Solano County adds 52 new infections

By Roger Straw, Monday, June 28, 2021

Solano County reported 52 new COVID infections over the weekend. County updating COVID dashboard only 3 times per week, MWF.

People with mild COVID can have long-term health problems.  And: More than 70% of COVID-19 patients studied report having at least one “long haul” symptom that lasts for months.”  It’s not over yet!

Solano County COVID report on Monday, June 28.
[Source: see far below.  See also my ARCHIVE spreadsheet of daily Solano COVID updates.]
Solano County COVID-19 Dashboard – SUMMARY:

Solano County reported  52 new COVID cases over the weekend, an average of 17 per dayMonthly: Solano County saw 1,288 new cases in April, an average of 43 per day.  In May, Solano reported 920 new cases, an average of 30 per day.  So far in June, 605 new cases in Solano, an average of 22 new infections each day.  COVID is still out there – TAKE CARE!

Solano County reported no new deaths today.  The County total is 244 deaths since the pandemic began.

Solano’s 144 active cases today is down from Friday’s 162.  Our percent positivity rate fell today from 5.7% to 5.4%.

Cases by City on Monday, June 28:
  • Benicia added 4 new cases today, a total of 1,029 cases since the outbreak began, 3.7% of its population of 27,570.
  • Dixon added 3 new cases today, total of 1,945 cases, 9.8% of its population of 19,794.
  • Fairfield added 11 new cases today, total of 9,184 cases, 7.8% of its population of 117,149.
  • After 14 days at 384 cases, Rio Vista added 2 new cases today, total of 396 cases, 4.2% of its population of 9,416.
  • Suisun City added 7 new cases today, total of 2,330 cases, 7.9% of its population of 29,447.
  • Vacaville added 13 new cases today, a total of 8,911 cases, 9.0% its of population of 98,807.
  • Vallejo added 12 new cases today, milestone of 10,000 cases, 8.4% of its population of 119,544.
  • Unincorporated areas remained steady for the 52nd day in a row today (no increase since May 8!), total of 103 cases (population figures not available).
Solano Public Health

See latest info on California’s COVID web page.  See also the Solano County Public Health Coronavirus Resources and Updates page(Click on the image at right to go directly to the page, or click on various links below to access the 10 sections on the County’s page.)

Solano County Guidance (posted June 15, 2021)

COMPARE: From the most recent report on Solano County COVID Dashboard, Friday, June 25:

The data on this page is from today’s and the previous Solano County COVID-19 Dashboard.  The Dashboard is full of much more information and updated weekdays around 4 or 5pm.  On the County’s dashboard, you can hover a mouse or click on an item for more information.  Note the tabs at top for SummaryDemographics and Vaccines.  Click here to go to today’s Solano County Dashboard.
