Benicia Community Forum & Update, January 18, 1-4pm, Benicia Library

ANNOUNCING . . . Community Forum & Update, Sunday, January 18, 1-4pm, Benicia Library Learn more about Valero’s crude by rail project and how it might affect Benicia residents at a Community Informational Forum on Sunday, January 18, 2015, from 1:00 to 4:00 pm at the Benicia Public Library, 150 East L Street, Doña Benicia … Continue reading Benicia Community Forum & Update, January 18, 1-4pm, Benicia Library

The Fight to Stop a Boom in California’s Crude by Rail

Repost from The Huffington Post [Editor: Our friend here in Benicia, Ed Ruszel, has been featured in numerous online blogs and news outlets in this story by Tara Lohan.  This is an abbreviated version.  The article mistakenly gives a link to The Benicia Independent rather than Benicians for a Safe and Healthy Community.  BSHC can … Continue reading The Fight to Stop a Boom in California’s Crude by Rail

La Crosse Emergency Management reflects on training exercise

Repost from WXOW News19, La Crosse, Wisconsin [Editor: At least the local officials in La Crosse didn’t issue the usual dum-de-dum-we-are-all-so-safe review like the ones following an event here in Benicia.  See  the Benicia Herald’s two part series on last October’s emergency training at Valero (click HERE and HERE), and my own view on our … Continue reading La Crosse Emergency Management reflects on training exercise

San Francisco Chronicle: How crude-by-rail — and other debates — are censored

Repost from SFGate, Opinion Shop How crude-by-rail — and other debates — are censored By Lois Kazakoff, January 2, 2015 When I wrote in November about how the mayor of Benicia was effectively muzzled from speaking about a pending city decision with nationwide importance, I thought the debate was over climate change. Now I learn … Continue reading San Francisco Chronicle: How crude-by-rail — and other debates — are censored