Times-Herald coverage of COVID violation at Raley’s Benicia

Maskless holiday party at Benicia Raley’s draws concern Vallejo Times-Herald, by Katy St. Clair, December 31, 2020 It began with a social media post of various employees of a Raley’s store in Benicia, smiling for pictures around tables at a potluck holiday party on Christmas Eve — many not wearing masks. The usual comments began … Continue reading Times-Herald coverage of COVID violation at Raley’s Benicia

TONIGHT! Benicia City Council to honor our friend, Mayor Elizabeth Patterson

Benicia council to say goodbye to outgoing mayor by John Glidden | Nov. 30, 2020 BENICIA – Outgoing Benicia Mayor Elizabeth Patterson will be honored on Tuesday by elected officials after nearly 20 years of public service on the City Council. Patterson, who was first elected to the City Council in 2003, began her run as … Continue reading TONIGHT! Benicia City Council to honor our friend, Mayor Elizabeth Patterson

An encouraging word of congratulations from Benicia City Council candidate Terry Scott

By Terry Scott, November 18, 2020 Fellow Benicians, I’d  like to offer my sincerest congratulations to Trevor Macenski and Tom Campbell for your election wins to the Benicia City Council. I’d also like to again congratulate Steve Young for his decisive Mayoral race win. Benicia is such a wonderful town. I met some incredible folks … Continue reading An encouraging word of congratulations from Benicia City Council candidate Terry Scott

Valero PAC final 2020 campaign spending report: over $227,000 spent in failed bid

By Roger Straw, November 16, 2020 Valero PAC spends over $227,000 in failed bid to oppose Mayor-elect Steve Young, discloses $128,173 of that total in outstanding debt The anti-Young Valero PAC submitted two more campaign financial reports as required by law on November 6, 2020. Form_460_Pre_Election_4.pdf shows the following: During the period Oct. 26 – … Continue reading Valero PAC final 2020 campaign spending report: over $227,000 spent in failed bid