Kari Birdseye to announce 2022 run for Benicia City Council – Rally this Sunday!

Kari Birdseye Campaign Kickoff Rally This Sunday May 22, 2 pm, Benicia City Park Festive Gathering at the Gazebo to Announce Run for Benicia City Council Benicia Planning Commission chairperson Kari Birdseye will run for City Council in November’s election, and strong support for our friend is already building. Benicia enthusiasts have organized a Kickoff … Continue reading Kari Birdseye to announce 2022 run for Benicia City Council – Rally this Sunday!

Anti-Birdseye PAC gets another $15,000, adjusts total of fund to $207,500

By Roger Straw, November 6, 2018 The rich and intrusive Valero/Labor anti-Birdseye political action committee (PAC) filed new income reports with the City of Benicia on the last day before the election. The PAC disclosed $15,000 in new contributions on 11/2 from the Boilermakers PAC, raising the total of PAC funds to $210,000.  (Form 497-8) The PAC … Continue reading Anti-Birdseye PAC gets another $15,000, adjusts total of fund to $207,500

Final Word: No one likes the anti-Birdseye PAC’s dirty campaign

by Roger Straw, November 4, 2018 [Editor: See video of the Forum.  – R.S.] Winners: the Candidates – Losers: Valero & the anti-Birdseye PAC I think I know now, why the anti-Birdseye PAC was desperate to stop the Benicia Open Government’s “Final Word” forum.  Turns out the forum was an unqualified success for all four … Continue reading Final Word: No one likes the anti-Birdseye PAC’s dirty campaign

Anti-Birdseye PAC tries to stop forum, threatens to sue City

By Roger Straw, November 3, 2018 Deep pockets hire attorneys, send threatening letter Just hours before Benicia Open Government Commission was to convene its “Final Word” forum on Saturday Nov. 3 to give candidates a chance to counter dirty campaign tricks and last-minute smears, Valero’s anti-Birdseye PAC hired the attorney firm Nielsen Merksamer Parrinello Gross & … Continue reading Anti-Birdseye PAC tries to stop forum, threatens to sue City