Sacramento Bee: Benicia plans more study of crude-oil train impacts

Repost from The Sacramento Bee [Editor: The Bee presents a good summary of uprail critiques of Valero’s plan, quoting City staff, Valero and the CEO of the American Petroleum Institute.  Note that organized local opposition has also been strong and persistent.  – RS] Benicia plans more study of crude-oil train impacts By Tony Bizjak, 02/03/2015 A controversial proposal by … Continue reading Sacramento Bee: Benicia plans more study of crude-oil train impacts

Are California foie gras, oil train court cases on parallel tracks?

Repost from McClatchyDC News [Editor: Despite the curious analogy to foie gras, this is a SERIOUS discussion of Federal pre-emption and California’s attempt to regulate crude by rail.  Apologies for the auto-play video.  – RS] Are California foie gras, oil train court cases on parallel tracks? By Curtis Tate, January 15, 2015 WASHINGTON — Perhaps the only … Continue reading Are California foie gras, oil train court cases on parallel tracks?

The Fight to Stop a Boom in California’s Crude by Rail

Repost from The Huffington Post [Editor: Our friend here in Benicia, Ed Ruszel, has been featured in numerous online blogs and news outlets in this story by Tara Lohan.  This is an abbreviated version.  The article mistakenly gives a link to The Benicia Independent rather than Benicians for a Safe and Healthy Community.  BSHC can … Continue reading The Fight to Stop a Boom in California’s Crude by Rail

San Francisco Chronicle: How crude-by-rail — and other debates — are censored

Repost from SFGate, Opinion Shop How crude-by-rail — and other debates — are censored By Lois Kazakoff, January 2, 2015 When I wrote in November about how the mayor of Benicia was effectively muzzled from speaking about a pending city decision with nationwide importance, I thought the debate was over climate change. Now I learn … Continue reading San Francisco Chronicle: How crude-by-rail — and other debates — are censored