SACRAMENTO BEE: Tom Steyer & Steve Young – Benicia should block oil trains

Repost from the Sacramento Bee Benicia should block oil trains By Tom Steyer and Steve Young, Special to The Bee, March 14, 2016 9:30AM HIGHLIGHTS •  Valero wants to bring trains carrying crude through Sacramento region to Benicia refinery • Even without a catastrophe, oil trains pose a serious threat to public health and safety • With clean … Continue reading SACRAMENTO BEE: Tom Steyer & Steve Young – Benicia should block oil trains

Stephen Golub: Kudos to the Council on the Potential Transfer Tax

By Stephen Golub,  June 18, 2024 On June 11, the City Council took the first step in a multi-stage process to put on the November ballot a vote on whether Benicia should adopt a Real Property Transfer Tax (RPTT) for the sale of real estate, be it residential, commercial or industrial. Kudos to the Council … Continue reading Stephen Golub: Kudos to the Council on the Potential Transfer Tax

Vacaville mayor refuses to sign Pride Month declaration

[From BenIndy: For what it’s worth, Mayor Steve Young of the City of Benicia issued (and signed!) a proclamation for Pride Month at its May 21 City Council meeting – a proclamation that declares that Stonewall was a riot, references support for transgender individuals specifically, and cheerfully namedrops the LGBTQ+ community about six times (reasonably, … Continue reading Vacaville mayor refuses to sign Pride Month declaration

Reminder! Zoom in tonight at 7pm for an Air District panel on refinery violations and ‘community payback’

[Note from BenIndy: A quick reminder, shortened a bit from the first posting. This meeting is free and open to all, regardless of Party preference or city of residence. This should be a fascinating discussion.] From Progressive Dems of Benicia Meeting Notice, sent April 2, 2024: The Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD), or “the … Continue reading Reminder! Zoom in tonight at 7pm for an Air District panel on refinery violations and ‘community payback’